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Cobra CFW Tools - webMAN XMB Mod / webMAN v1.24 Added


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PSX-Scene's own moderator and developer bitsbubba has released the latest update to his Cobra CFW Tools. New in this version comes support for the recently releasedwebMAN v1.24. With this set of Tools and mods you can easily install webMAN, with a mod of "My Games" from bitsbubba called "webMAN XMB" . webMAN XMB now contains PSP Launcher (and Remasters) along with PrepNTFS links These are just some of new additions in this version and what is included in this very useful set of mods and tools, view all additonal info below in the official release quote from the developer.


Cobra CFW Tools
With this app you can install "webMAN XMB" based on XMBM+ (aldostools' webMAN links) and concept from multiMAN XMB Integrated) with ★Install Package Files, REBUG's ★Package Manager or XMBM+ support, 4.53 certs (for ?safer? PSN), Ingame ScreenShots and custom coldboots by atreyu187 that I helped design. It's been tested on both Rogero (Cobra 7- Unofficial) and HABIB Cobra edition (any version). Choose what suits you

Update Dec /10/2013 - Features v1.24:
Cobra CFW Tools v1.24.pkgAdded in v1.24:

  • webMAN 1.24 (thanks @deank )
  • PSP Launcher (and Remasters)/PrepNTFS links in webMAN XMB
  • Remote Play patch
  • new icons for PSP Launcher (Remasters)

Coming Soon

  • Cinavia patch
  • REBUG me

Note: I recommend you uninstall any previous version before installing this (to avoid confusion) as I changed a few folders in the app, thanks

Cobra CFW Tools v1.24.pkg

Source: PSX-Scene (via bitsbubba)
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