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PS3 COD 3 | CFG Mods | CFW Only


Since there's no COD 3 section, Ill just post it here.

I made a post a few days ago asking if anyone had COD 3 mods, seems noone did, I messed around with the game files and found out you could do this so uh yea, have fun!

DPAD UP = God Mode
DPAD LEFT = x2 Speed
DPAD DOWN = Normal Speed

There's probably quite a bit more you can do with this but I'm not gonna bother.


Go To GAMES/BLXXXXXX-Call-of-Duty-3 (or whatever yours is called)/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/config
Now the files you'll be focusing on are the mp_ps3_x.cfg files.
mp_ps3_a = Controller 1
mp_ps3_b = Controller 2
You want to backup the one your using (probably Controller 1)
Download the modded cfg (Click Here)
Rename the file to the CFG your using (In my case, mp_ps3_a.cfg)
Replace the file in your config folder via MultiMan or FileZilla
Load into MP
Spent along time changing this game.

Hi guys,

Is anyone able to post or share any other options they found that work in the button remaps?

Is there an aimbot feature any one has found?

I found giveall gives you a whole load of grenade and the flag....

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