Creating Receipts For Amazon Legit !

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Apr 20, 2015
[HIDE] I mostly use Amazon due to the privacy policies.
If you create an Amazon receipt with a real order number, the company cannot verify the details.
They may call Amazon, and ask if it's real.
Amazon will say the receipt is real, and in some occurences say the date of purchase.
Though they will never say what the item is or the seller, etc etc due to privacy policies.
I know this because I've tried.

So how to get a real order number? Go buy a 10 cent sim card tray.

Wait till it ships.
Use the order number, ship date date of purchase, and then fill in all the other details in inspect element on your fake receipt.

1 last important detail is to make the seller Amazon LLC or any of the other distributers by Amazon, as Amazon is usually an Authorized Reseller.

Right click on the html page and hit print. You'll get a paper looking version of it.
Use Gyazo to screenshot to remove metadata tags if you need to or a site like

Now you have a receipt that cannot be verified by the company, though will be told as legitimate by Amazon.

Villainpid is a nice program to gen amazon, and other receipts. I will not post it though.

Aside from amazon, you can modify physical receipts through photoshop, or online generators.
Edit the phone number on the receipt to your burner, and answer the phone when called.
Act like the store and verify the details for the company.[/HIDE]
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