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PS3 Destiny v1.04 update fix bles01857


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well.... it doesn't work. I've installed the package, delete all game data ... installed the compatibility pack... still no joy! i get error "Problem reading content".
Games is working ..untill level 17 or when you try to get to crucible PvP games... then error pops up.
well.... it doesn't work. I've installed the package, delete all game data ... installed the compatibility pack... still no joy! i get error "Problem reading content".
Games is working ..untill level 17 or when you try to get to crucible PvP games... then error pops up.

How to fix:
Use ftp client or multiMAN filemanager.
Go to /DEV_HDD0/game
Copy folder "bles01857" (is european Destiny)
dev_usb000/GAMEI or dev_usb006/GAMEI (belongs to which usbport u use for external hdd)
Then go to the gameslist in multiMAN, press square on destiny, go to game settings and activate "EXT GAME DATA"
Now start Destiny with multiMAN and you are free to go.

NOTE: You have to mount Destiny with multiMAN, because only multiMAN support external Gamedata. When you mount with webMAN game will load Gamedata from internal drive!

No "Problem reading Game content" anymore.
You have a bit longer loading times but game works.

If you get error 80010006 or something wont work do this:
Stealth in PSN "PSN Patch"
a) If you have webMAN go to its settings and "Disable firmware version spoofing", then SAVE and PS3 2x restart.
b) Deactiviate in multiMAN-Settings (bottom of settings) the Firmware-Spoofing -> PS3 2x restart (if it was activated)
c) Check in Systemsetting, if your FW is actual one
d) Start PSNPatch -> [Select] -> [TRIANGLE] -> [START] That will "spoof" your PS3 permanent from actual to 4.60.
e) IMPORTANT: Check in Systemsettings, if Spoofing worked. It should has changed to 4.60
f) Mount Destiny via "multiMAN" after you activated "EXT GAME DATA" and moved Gamedata to external HDD.
g) Press in XMB [L3] + [R3] + [R2]. You will hear 3 Beeps, then everything should be fine and CFW-Syscalls are disabled (until you shutdown and restart ps3), and all History-Files should get deleted.
h) Connect to PSN and start game or Start game and connect ingame.
Sorry for bad english, i translated from german

Have fun and enjoy =)
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