Developer simogh is back with his latest release to droidMAN (Android Interface for webMAN). In the latest update of v0.51 the developer has with the help from deank fixed the "&" character problem that would crash the app. You can now choose the location of where to backup SaveData. Plus various other changes you can view below in the official changelog for version 0.51.
Update #1: droidMAN has been updated to version v0.60
Update #1: droidMAN v0.60
For this version, I started implementing the suggestions of @aldostools(Thank you!!):
In addition to this, I tried to correct other bugs. Does net games listing work for anybody? What about ISO games
droidMAN 0.51 release!
Update #1: droidMAN has been updated to version v0.60
Update #1: droidMAN v0.60
For this version, I started implementing the suggestions of @aldostools(Thank you!!):
- 1- As the Insert & Unmount buttons are not frequently used, they could be moved to the left side menu. Done
- 2- Rename 'Load' to 'Refresh'. IMO it a more logical name. (I added the icon next the setting icon) Done
- 3- Could you auto-refresh at least once if there is nothing displayed and the connection is "Online"? The first time I used the application it was online, but not showing the games until I discovered that "Load" was to refresh the list. Done
- 4- The temperature display is replaced by the "Online" text too soon. My suggestion is that the temperature be displayed for 10 seconds, then show online status for 2 seconds and show again the temperature. Done
- 5-If you remove Insert & Unmount from the main screen, you would have enough space for a "Status" button. That could show the /cpursx.ps3 or use a wrapped display with fancy display. Done (I'll customize the display in a coming version)
- 6- The webMAN option on on the left side menu should call /setup.ps3 instead of index.ps3 (/index.ps3 is redundant)Done
- 7-Restart, Shutdown and Files options would be very useful on the left side menu too. Not Yet
- 8-When you mount a game you can have 3 buttons (instead of 2): [Unmount] [Backup Saves] [Update]. The "Backup Saves" would be helpful to allow backup of individual games. Done
- 9- In the same screen 2 additional links would be useful: metacritics and wikipedia. Not Yet
- 10-There is a bug in the Edit IP and Save Data Folder fields accept "Enter" as a character. It cause issues. Do you mean that I should check the input?
- 11- If group is turned ON, the application crashes.Corrected
In addition to this, I tried to correct other bugs. Does net games listing work for anybody? What about ISO games
droidMAN 0.51 release!
- Games with the "&" will no longer crash the app, (thanks @deank ), droidMAN will now parse the mygames.droid generated with the latest webMAN
- You can now chose the folder where you want to backup SAVEDATA
- New XML parser far more optimised and performant (but loading it takes some more time)
- Refresh option will now also refresh mygames.xml and mygames.droid (refresh button in webMAN) before downloading it to the phone