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PS3 Extortion v4

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So Extortion v4.1 info below


- Added Drive on Air
- Added Drive on Water
- Added Perverted Peds
- Added Resurrect Ped(Brings ped back to life)
- Added No Idle Kick
- Added Air Strike

- Added Animal Riding
- Added More Scenarios
- Added More Enemy Driver
- Fixed Drive on Air
- Fixed Drive on Water
- Added PSN name changer
- Added Outfits to Recovery Menu

- Added more Animations for self/peds
- Added more Models in Model Changer
- Added more Vehicles
- Added Rainbow Vehicle
- Fixed No Idle Kick
- Added more Attach Objects
- Added more perverted peds
- Added Square Bind for spawn vehicle (Allow max upgrade when spawned)

- Added Clone Protection (Main Mods 2)
- Added Show Host (Main Mods 2)
- Added Drop health/Armour (Player Mods 3)
- Added Steal Clothes (Player Mods 3)
- Added Clone Car (Player Mods 3)
- Added Forcefield (Player Mods 3)
- Add Explosion Timer (Player Mods 3)
- Locked Doors of "Send Enemy Driver"
- Added more objects to "Rain Money" (Use SQUARE button on Rain Money in Lobby Mods)
- Added Rain Weapons/Ammo (Lobby Mods 2)
- Added Forcefield Lobby (Lobby Mods 2)
- Added Drop Health/Armour Lobby (Lobby Mods 2)
- Added Air Strike Lobby (Lobby Mods 2)

- Modder Protection (Protects against APII intense objects and other popular ones including ones from Extortion Menu)
- Modder Protection also protects from any peds being attached to you
- Clone protection is now under Modder Protection and works more efficiently (Main Mods 2)
- NoRagdoll Improved - Not fall off bike (Main Mods)
- Spawned peds now do not run away anymore
- Scenario peds do not run away anymore
- No ragdoll added to spawned peds and animal riding
- Animals do not run away when being shot at
- Overall stability increased (Apartments don't glitch, Stores don't glitch)

v2.0.1 (1.26/1.27)
- Improved Delete Entity Gun, it will now delete any object
- Added hairsyles unlock to recovery
- Added remove money to Recovery
- Skip tutorial loop added (Use in Story just before recovery)
- Allow redesign character (recovery)
- Remove money (recovery)

v2.0.2 - v2.0.3
- Fixed Godmode so it turns off now
- Fixed Vehicle Cannon
- Player mod toggles are turned off when player leaves or changing sessions

- Improved Modder Protection (Removes Objects/Peds off self only)
- More Teleport Locations added (Including IPL) **Use square to remove IPL
- Component Changer (Miscellaneous menu)
- Added script bypass EBOOTs

- Added View Player's Cash (Player Mods)
- Added many more Exclusive Outfits (Recovery)
- Unlimited Ammo sticks now while changing sessions (Main Mods)
- One Shot Kill sticks now while changing sessions (Main Mods)
- Invisible keeps you invisible for whole session until turned off (Main Mods)
- Fixed Skip Tutorial (Recovery)
- Added Purchase All Clothing (Recovery)
- Added Fast Run (Recovery)
- Added Steady Aim (Recovery)
- Added Unlock DLC cars (Recovery)
- Unlock Valentines/Independence DLC (Recovery)
- Unlock All trophies work in single player only (Prevent freeze)

- Added Taxi Freeze Protection (Main Mods 1)
- Added Super Run (Main Mods 1)
- Added Rapid Fire (Main Mods 1)
- Added Object/Ramp Editor in Spawn Objects (Use Square inside "Spawn Objects" menu after spawning an object)
- Added Fix Vehicle Loop (Vehicle Mods 1)
- Added RPM multiplier (Vehicle Mods 1)
- Added Default Male and Female character models (Model Changer)
- Added display for Rank and K/D when inside Player's Menu
- Added Draw ESP for Player's and Lobby
- Added Money Gun (Player Mods 3 & Lobby Mods)
- Added Gravity Gun (Miscellaneous) **Aim at entity and shoot
- Moved "Component Changer" into Recovery Menu

- Fixed Modder Protection with Vehicle Attach Protection
- Forge Gun is improved to Pick up Vehicles as first priority

- Added "Super Punch" (Main Mods 1)
- Added "Off the Radar" (Main Mods 2)
- Added "Reveal Hidden Players" (Main Mods 2)
- Improved "Taxi Freeze Protection" (Main Mods 1)
- Added visible Particle Effects (PTFX) (Player Mods 3)
- Added "Particle Man" in PTFX sub-menu (Player Mods 3)
- Added Michael and Trevor to Spawn Peds
- Added "Attach Object" to Spawn Peds section
- Added "Change Appearance" to Spawn Peds section
- Added "Clock Editor" to Weather Options (Use Dpad Left/Right to change time)
- Added "Nearby Peds" to Lobby Mods 2
- Added "Nearby Vehicles" to Lobby Mods 2
- Added Dpad Left/Right toggle in "Animations Menu" to allow 2 different animations at the same time
- Added "Spam text Messages" for Player Mods and Lobby Mods
- Added "Buff Dude" to Models and Spawn Peds
- Added More "Modder Protection"
- Block remove weapons
- Block clear ped tasks
- Block explosions
- Block projectiles
- Block particle effects
- Block kick vote

- Fixed all CEX issues

- Added "Force Control" to Players and Lobby menu (Player Mods 3 & Lobby Mods 2)
- Added teleport to me ( on foot)
- Added teleport to location (on foot)
- Added play animation on player/lobby
- Added "Rape Player" (Player mods 3)
- Fixed "Vehicle Cannon"
- Added "Particle Gun" (Player Mods 3 & Lobby Mods)
- Added "Block Force Control" in Modder Protection

- Fixed Force Control Bugs

- Added Hints on mods that use the SQUARE button (Bottom Right Corner)
- Fixed Random Force Control Bugs
- Added "Clear Area/Cops Loop" (Lobby Mods 1)
- Improved "Talking Players" *Now shows everyone with headset (Main Mods 2)
- Advanced "Animal Riding" *Left Analog UP to make Ped run, Use Camera to point direction (Right Analog)
- Animal Speed Control as well
- Added Square Bind for Lobby Mods & Player Mods to "Telport to Location" with them or not (The asterisk will tell you if on)
- Added 12 Different Attach Locations for self and spawned peds
- Added two more mods to Nearby Ped and Vehicle Control each (Lobby Mods 2)
- Kill all and Light on fire (Nearby Peds)
- Fix vehicle and Stack Vehicles (Nearby Vehicles)
- Added "Block Kick Votes" to Modder Protection (Main Mods 2)
- Added "Local Objects Remover" to Modder Protection (Main Mods 2)
- Added more protection to Modder Protection (Main Mods 2)
- Added more Animations
- Added more teleport locations
- Added more Particle Effects (PTFX)
- Added "Spawn Vehicle" to Player Mods 2

- Fixed small bug with Teleporting with player

- Moved "Spawn Vehicle" to be placed under "Vehicle" for easy access
- Added vehicle categories with many more vehicles "Spawn Vehicle" menu
- Added "Vehicle Attachment" menu inside "Spawn Vehicles" (Use SQUARE to access)
- Added more objects in "Spawn Objects" menu
- Fixed "Show Host" in Main Mods 2 (Now shows correct host in public sessions)
- Added "Suspension" adjustment in Vehicle Mods 1
- Added "Wheel Size" adjustment in Vehicle Mods 1 (Make sure wheels are upgraded)
- Added "Object Editor" option "Attach to Yourself" to Attach objects any way you want to yourself. Then attach the end result to a player or whole lobby
- Added "Object Editor" option "Attach to Vehicle" to Attach objects any way you want to your vehicle. Then attach the end result to a player's vehicle or lobby vehicles
- Added "Bounty Modifier" in "Miscellaneous" menu
- Fixed problem with animations causing player's to slide accross the screen

**Object Editor is found inside Spawn Objects menu using the "SQUARE" button

- Fixed "Teleport" locations page 1 (Some people were having issues)
- Lobby spam text message fixed
- Reorganized "Spawn Vehicle" section

- Added "No Clip" in Main Mods 1
- Added "Kill Modder" to Player Mods
- Added "Spectate Player" to Player Mods
- Added "Destroy Cellphone" in Miscellaneous (Disables cellphone until you reset GTA)
- Added preset bounty values/improved "Bounty Modifier"
- Added "Fake Lobby Leave" to Miscellaneous. (Network glitches are unavoidable. Change sessions to fix)
- Added "Teleport Gun" to Player Mods/Lobby Mods
- Added more teleportation options/Improved teleport function/Reorganized
- Added Race and Mission cheater by "Teleport to Mission Objective"
- Reorganized Player Menu. (Added categories. A R* symbol will appear for those who are on your friends list/A Vehicle will appear if they're in a car)
- Added "Exclude Lobby Mods" to player (Selected player no longer affected by lobby explosions, etc)
- More menu improvements. (New scroller color/Improved "Talking Players"/New arrow on highlighted players/Improved object/vehicle attachment)
- Added Object Bypass to spawn any object in game
- Small bug fixes and optimizations

- Improved Functionality (Smaller file size than previous update)
- Added Ip Address and port number display to Player Information
- Reorganized "ParticleFX" menu and added more ParticleFX
- Reorganized "Animation" menu
- Added "Kick Player (Non-Host)" **Square bind under Kick Player (Host)
- Added "Make it Rain" in Player Mods (Friendly Options)
- Added "Rain Weapons/Ammo" in Player Mods (Friendly Options)
- Added "Give Wanted Level" (Player Naughty Options and Lobby Mods)
- Added "Remove Wanted Level" (Player Friendly Options and Lobby Mods)
- Added "Fake Leave Session" (Player Cool/Funny Options and Lobby Mods)
- Added "Reset Cam" (Player Cool/Funny Options and Lobby Mods)
- Added "Ivite to Apartment" (Player Cool/Funny Options and Lobby Mods)
- Added "Forge Ivite to Apartment" (Player Cool/Funny Options and Lobby Mods)
- Added "Spam Bounty" (Player Cool/Funny Options and Lobby Mods)
- Added "Forge Bounty" (Player Cool/Funny Options and Lobby Mods)
- Completely Reorganized "Lobby Mods" to make room for more functions
- Fixed "Modder Protection"
- Added "Extortion Protect" to Modder Protection
- Disables money drops pickups
- Disables non-host kick
- Disables changing wanted level
- Disables reset cam
- Disables fake leave session
- Disables Mugger, Mercenaries, and Bounties etc

- Added Geo Info to Player Information which includes the following
- City
- State
- Zip
- Country
- Timezone
- Added "Bypass Chat" to Talking Players (Main Mods **Enabled (Use Square bind))
- Other enhancements...

- Optimized functions to free additional space (Smaller File Size)
- Improved GroLocation grabber (Instant grabber)
- Added new protection from freezing Peds ("Remove Freeze Peds" inside Modder Protection)
- Added "Froce/Enter Own Apartment" (Cool/Funny Options Player and Lobby)
- Added "Froce/Enter My Apartment" (Cool/Funny Options Player and Lobby)
- Added Titan to "Remove Freeze Vehicles" (Modder Protection)
- "Vehicle Cannon" now shoots last spawned vehicle (Miscellaneous)
- Added new "Spam Text Message" (Player and Lobby Mods)
- Fixed other small issues reported by users

- Reorganized/Added "Apartment Mods" Sub-menu (Player and Lobby Mods)
- Added Force Self into Their Apartment
- Added Force Them into Their Apartment
- Added Force Them into My Apartment
- Added Choose Apartment 1-3
- Added "Merry Weather/Mugger" Sub-menu (Player and Lobby Mods)
- Added Give Air Strike
- Added Give Pick-up Heli
- Added Give Back-up Heli
- Added Send Mercenaries
- Added Send Mugger
- Added "Force Jobs and World Events" Sub-menu (Player and Lobby Mods)
- Added Force into Darts Game
- Added Force into Golf Game
- Added Force into Flight School
- Added Send Smuggler Plane
- Added Send Ammo Drop
- Added "Send Fake Notifications" in Cool/Funny options (Player and Lobby Mods) *Try on yourself and see
- Added new category for Animations plus 20+ Animations
- Added 3 new ParticleFX in Flash category
- Added New Money Drop **Use Square on this option to revert to old method (Player and Lobby Mods)
- Added 3D-Box ESP (Player and Lobby Mods)
- Added 2 new bones to "Vehicle Bone" in attachment menu (Attach to helicopter propeller)
- Disabled screen effects and auto focus when menu is open

- Added "Give Rank RP" (Player and Lobby Mods)

- Fixed/Patched Rp
- Added "Set Their Rank" (Player Mods/Lobby Mods)
- Added "Send to Deathmatch" (Player Mods/Lobby Mods)
- Added "Open Interaction Menu" (Player Mods/Lobby Mods)
- Added "Force into MP Intro" (Player Mods/Lobby Mods)
- Added "Vehicle Kick Bypass" *Prevents from being kicked from vehicles (Vehicle Mods 2)
- Changed "Set Rank RP" to "Set Rank 1-8000" (Recovery)

- Added Modder Detection *Will tell you if player is a modder (Player Info Area)
- Improved Modder Protection
- It will tell you player who is clearing your tasks
- It will tell you player who is removing weapons
- It will tell you player who is trying to kick you
- It will tell you player who is forcing you into apt
- It will tell you player who is sending mugger/mercenaries
- It will tell you player who is giving RP/Money
- It will tell you player who is resetting your view
- It will tell you player who is forcing you into jobs
- Fixed other bugs and increased stability (Higher FPS)

- Added Toggle for displaying ip/geo info (Use SQUARE button in Player's Menu) *Request from Youtubers
- Added "Entity Blocker" (Modder Protection)
- Added "Direct Deposit" Square bind to money toggle (Players and Lobby)
- Added "Dev Mode" (Miscelleneous)
- Added "Honk for Boost" (Cool/Funny Options Players and Lobby)
- Added "Remove Bank Money" (Naughty Options Players and Lobby)
- Added Protection from Remove Bank Money (Extortion Protect)
- Added "Patriot Smoke" (Vehicle *Use Square on Tire Smoke Colour)
- Fixed issues with Clear Wanted Level for Players and Lobby
- Fixed issues with Give Rp for Players and Lobby
- Added various other protections
- Optimized functions
- Removed UpdateIp check for Premium Users

- Fixed Force in MP Intro
- Fixed Open Interation Menu
- Fixed Force in to TDM
- Weather changes are visible to entire lobby
- Improved All Modder Protection (Removes all Objects/peds/vehs/clone instantly with no FPS drop)
- Added "Block Vehicle Control" (Modder Protection)
- Added "Sound Protection" (Modder Protection)
- Added more Freeze Protection (Practically unfreezable)
- Added "Remove Attached Obj" for other players (Player/Lobby Friendly Options)
- Added All Client Stats (Player Options Recovery)

- Fixed Entity Blocker (Won't be able to see spawned vehicles, objects, and peds spawned by others)
- Improved chat bypass (Can hear and talk to players who have chat on friends only/crew... Use SQUARE button)
- Added GodMode detection in Modder Detection (Will display YES if they have godmode enabled)
- Ip will display correctly even with PSN name changer and jobs
- Added various script protections and protection from other paid menus
- Removed Heli Protect and replaced with "Fast Health Regen" (Main Mods 2)
- Fixed Heist Vehicles unlock and Fast run (Player Recovery)
- Added 2nd Page of Recovery options (Player Recovery)
- Added "Real Name", "Wanted Level", and "Muted Me" to Players info
- Added "Remove Sea/Water" (Miscellaneous)
- Added New ESP to Cool/Funny Options (Use SQUARE to cycle)
- Optimized functions (Smaller sprx size)

- Added Auto Updater. Menu will automatically update when an update is available! *sprx file permissions set to 777
- Increased Player List size to accomodate SCTV slots
- Added ability to join SCTV slots (On by Default)
- Added Change Weather Protection (Will tell you who is changing weather)
- Changing time is now visible to entire lobby (Weather Menu)
- Added Protection against Rockstar Broadcast mods (eg. Admin Kick, Kill Modder, etc)
- Improved Entity Blocker (No way to freeze)
- Added Advanced Spam Text Messaging Options
- Choose font, size, and number of messages
- Text message sender Spoofer (Send messages as other players) *Use SQUARE in Spam Text Messages
- Added Improved GodMode (Undetectable and cannot be killed by anything)
- Added Anti-Timeout when joining online sessions (Open Mod Menu once in story mode to activate)
- Added Honk to Jump (Cool/Funny Options)
- Added Send to Jail *Blocks their interaction menu as well (Cool/Funny Options)
- Added Fix Disabled Account *Activate in story mode and Press R3 in Choose Character Section(Recovery 2)
- Other improvements and things I forgot to mention

- Added SCTV slot toggle (Lobby Mods)
- Fixed set their rank (now deranks correctly)
- Block kick votes fixed
- Fixed godmode issue where unable to join missions
- Fixed Suicide Self
- Other fixes and minor improvements

- Improved Fix Disable Account (Recovery 2)

- Added website toggle mods for enabling options when game is started (My Purchases>My Applications>Manage>Menu Settings)
- Removed update ip
- Added CPU and RSX temperature display
- Added "Freeze Protection" (Will tell you player name and method when someone tries to freeze you)
- Anybody who attempts to freeze you will be auto-kicked from lobby
- Added more protections from script events (eg. Fake leave, Bounty, Freeze Console etc)
- Added "Remove All Peds" (Removes all spawnable peds to avoid texture freeze)
- Added New Freeze Console (SQUARE on old Freeze Console)
- Improved "Clone Protection" (Will tell who is trying to clone you)
- Improved "Kill Modder" (Takes a few seconds to apply)
- Added "Disable Account" (Replaced with Give Badsport Recovery)
- Added "Admin Kick" (SQUARE on Kick Player)
- Added notifications when someone tries to use SCADMIN mods on you (eg. Admin kick, Kill modder, Rockstar message etc)
- Added "Rockstar Admin Messages" to Spam Text Messaging options (Toggle on and messages will be sent as Rockstar Messages)
- Added Preview of text message before sending
- Updated "Fake Leave"
- Improved Main Recovery (Should not freeze but unlocks may take slightly longer)
- Added "Exclude Friends" in Lobby mods (Players who are friends are automatically Excluded from Lobby mods)
- Fixed "XMAS" in Weather Options
- Fixed "Clock Editor" in Weather Options (Will work host and non-host)
- Changing "Weather" will only be visible to lobby by using SQUARE button
- Added "Particle Vehicle" to ParticleFX Menu
- Improved Vehicle Godmode (No visible damage)
- Fixed issue with job invitations not coming in
- Other things I forgot to mention. Suggestions are welcome!

- Added toggle for RSX/CPU display (Only through website Menu Settings)
- Fixed issue with Remote Recovery getting stuck when you have Exclude Friends On
- Fixed issue with license plate if less than 8 characters

- Added Custom Menu Open Binds to "Menu Settings" inside Manage application
- Removed admin kick and kill modder(Patched by R*)
- Added "Attempt PS3 Shutdown" (Replaced old Kill Modder function. Webman Exploit)
- Improved Modder Detection
- Added Change Model Protection to "Freeze Protection"
- Improved Modder Protection and Redirection of harmful mods
- Improved "Godmode" (Added SQUARE toggle for Detected and Undetected Godmode)
- Added protection against HOST kick
- Added over 120+ "Funny Vehciles" (Menu supports 150 max)
- Other things I forgot to mention
- Created Anti-ban EBOOTS (Download)

The following has been removed to acquire space
- Animal Riding
- Entity Gun
Last edited:
So Extortion v4.1 info below


- Added Drive on Air
- Added Drive on Water
- Added Perverted Peds
- Added Resurrect Ped(Brings ped back to life)
- Added No Idle Kick
- Added Air Strike

- Added Animal Riding
- Added More Scenarios
- Added More Enemy Driver
- Fixed Drive on Air
- Fixed Drive on Water
- Added PSN name changer
- Added Outfits to Recovery Menu

- Added more Animations for self/peds
- Added more Models in Model Changer
- Added more Vehicles
- Added Rainbow Vehicle
- Fixed No Idle Kick
- Added more Attach Objects
- Added more perverted peds
- Added Square Bind for spawn vehicle (Allow max upgrade when spawned)

- Added Clone Protection (Main Mods 2)
- Added Show Host (Main Mods 2)
- Added Drop health/Armour (Player Mods 3)
- Added Steal Clothes (Player Mods 3)
- Added Clone Car (Player Mods 3)
- Added Forcefield (Player Mods 3)
- Add Explosion Timer (Player Mods 3)
- Locked Doors of "Send Enemy Driver"
- Added more objects to "Rain Money" (Use SQUARE button on Rain Money in Lobby Mods)
- Added Rain Weapons/Ammo (Lobby Mods 2)
- Added Forcefield Lobby (Lobby Mods 2)
- Added Drop Health/Armour Lobby (Lobby Mods 2)
- Added Air Strike Lobby (Lobby Mods 2)

- Modder Protection (Protects against APII intense objects and other popular ones including ones from Extortion Menu)
- Modder Protection also protects from any peds being attached to you
- Clone protection is now under Modder Protection and works more efficiently (Main Mods 2)
- NoRagdoll Improved - Not fall off bike (Main Mods)
- Spawned peds now do not run away anymore
- Scenario peds do not run away anymore
- No ragdoll added to spawned peds and animal riding
- Animals do not run away when being shot at
- Overall stability increased (Apartments don't glitch, Stores don't glitch)

v2.0.1 (1.26/1.27)
- Improved Delete Entity Gun, it will now delete any object
- Added hairsyles unlock to recovery
- Added remove money to Recovery
- Skip tutorial loop added (Use in Story just before recovery)
- Allow redesign character (recovery)
- Remove money (recovery)

v2.0.2 - v2.0.3
- Fixed Godmode so it turns off now
- Fixed Vehicle Cannon
- Player mod toggles are turned off when player leaves or changing sessions

- Improved Modder Protection (Removes Objects/Peds off self only)
- More Teleport Locations added (Including IPL) **Use square to remove IPL
- Component Changer (Miscellaneous menu)
- Added script bypass EBOOTs

- Added View Player's Cash (Player Mods)
- Added many more Exclusive Outfits (Recovery)
- Unlimited Ammo sticks now while changing sessions (Main Mods)
- One Shot Kill sticks now while changing sessions (Main Mods)
- Invisible keeps you invisible for whole session until turned off (Main Mods)
- Fixed Skip Tutorial (Recovery)
- Added Purchase All Clothing (Recovery)
- Added Fast Run (Recovery)
- Added Steady Aim (Recovery)
- Added Unlock DLC cars (Recovery)
- Unlock Valentines/Independence DLC (Recovery)
- Unlock All trophies work in single player only (Prevent freeze)

- Added Taxi Freeze Protection (Main Mods 1)
- Added Super Run (Main Mods 1)
- Added Rapid Fire (Main Mods 1)
- Added Object/Ramp Editor in Spawn Objects (Use Square inside "Spawn Objects" menu after spawning an object)
- Added Fix Vehicle Loop (Vehicle Mods 1)
- Added RPM multiplier (Vehicle Mods 1)
- Added Default Male and Female character models (Model Changer)
- Added display for Rank and K/D when inside Player's Menu
- Added Draw ESP for Player's and Lobby
- Added Money Gun (Player Mods 3 & Lobby Mods)
- Added Gravity Gun (Miscellaneous) **Aim at entity and shoot
- Moved "Component Changer" into Recovery Menu

- Fixed Modder Protection with Vehicle Attach Protection
- Forge Gun is improved to Pick up Vehicles as first priority

- Added "Super Punch" (Main Mods 1)
- Added "Off the Radar" (Main Mods 2)
- Added "Reveal Hidden Players" (Main Mods 2)
- Improved "Taxi Freeze Protection" (Main Mods 1)
- Added visible Particle Effects (PTFX) (Player Mods 3)
- Added "Particle Man" in PTFX sub-menu (Player Mods 3)
- Added Michael and Trevor to Spawn Peds
- Added "Attach Object" to Spawn Peds section
- Added "Change Appearance" to Spawn Peds section
- Added "Clock Editor" to Weather Options (Use Dpad Left/Right to change time)
- Added "Nearby Peds" to Lobby Mods 2
- Added "Nearby Vehicles" to Lobby Mods 2
- Added Dpad Left/Right toggle in "Animations Menu" to allow 2 different animations at the same time
- Added "Spam text Messages" for Player Mods and Lobby Mods
- Added "Buff Dude" to Models and Spawn Peds
- Added More "Modder Protection"
- Block remove weapons
- Block clear ped tasks
- Block explosions
- Block projectiles
- Block particle effects
- Block kick vote

- Fixed all CEX issues

- Added "Force Control" to Players and Lobby menu (Player Mods 3 & Lobby Mods 2)
- Added teleport to me ( on foot)
- Added teleport to location (on foot)
- Added play animation on player/lobby
- Added "Rape Player" (Player mods 3)
- Fixed "Vehicle Cannon"
- Added "Particle Gun" (Player Mods 3 & Lobby Mods)
- Added "Block Force Control" in Modder Protection

- Fixed Force Control Bugs

- Added Hints on mods that use the SQUARE button (Bottom Right Corner)
- Fixed Random Force Control Bugs
- Added "Clear Area/Cops Loop" (Lobby Mods 1)
- Improved "Talking Players" *Now shows everyone with headset (Main Mods 2)
- Advanced "Animal Riding" *Left Analog UP to make Ped run, Use Camera to point direction (Right Analog)
- Animal Speed Control as well
- Added Square Bind for Lobby Mods & Player Mods to "Telport to Location" with them or not (The asterisk will tell you if on)
- Added 12 Different Attach Locations for self and spawned peds
- Added two more mods to Nearby Ped and Vehicle Control each (Lobby Mods 2)
- Kill all and Light on fire (Nearby Peds)
- Fix vehicle and Stack Vehicles (Nearby Vehicles)
- Added "Block Kick Votes" to Modder Protection (Main Mods 2)
- Added "Local Objects Remover" to Modder Protection (Main Mods 2)
- Added more protection to Modder Protection (Main Mods 2)
- Added more Animations
- Added more teleport locations
- Added more Particle Effects (PTFX)
- Added "Spawn Vehicle" to Player Mods 2

- Fixed small bug with Teleporting with player

- Moved "Spawn Vehicle" to be placed under "Vehicle" for easy access
- Added vehicle categories with many more vehicles "Spawn Vehicle" menu
- Added "Vehicle Attachment" menu inside "Spawn Vehicles" (Use SQUARE to access)
- Added more objects in "Spawn Objects" menu
- Fixed "Show Host" in Main Mods 2 (Now shows correct host in public sessions)
- Added "Suspension" adjustment in Vehicle Mods 1
- Added "Wheel Size" adjustment in Vehicle Mods 1 (Make sure wheels are upgraded)
- Added "Object Editor" option "Attach to Yourself" to Attach objects any way you want to yourself. Then attach the end result to a player or whole lobby
- Added "Object Editor" option "Attach to Vehicle" to Attach objects any way you want to your vehicle. Then attach the end result to a player's vehicle or lobby vehicles
- Added "Bounty Modifier" in "Miscellaneous" menu
- Fixed problem with animations causing player's to slide accross the screen

**Object Editor is found inside Spawn Objects menu using the "SQUARE" button

- Fixed "Teleport" locations page 1 (Some people were having issues)
- Lobby spam text message fixed
- Reorganized "Spawn Vehicle" section

- Added "No Clip" in Main Mods 1
- Added "Kill Modder" to Player Mods
- Added "Spectate Player" to Player Mods
- Added "Destroy Cellphone" in Miscellaneous (Disables cellphone until you reset GTA)
- Added preset bounty values/improved "Bounty Modifier"
- Added "Fake Lobby Leave" to Miscellaneous. (Network glitches are unavoidable. Change sessions to fix)
- Added "Teleport Gun" to Player Mods/Lobby Mods
- Added more teleportation options/Improved teleport function/Reorganized
- Added Race and Mission cheater by "Teleport to Mission Objective"
- Reorganized Player Menu. (Added categories. A R* symbol will appear for those who are on your friends list/A Vehicle will appear if they're in a car)
- Added "Exclude Lobby Mods" to player (Selected player no longer affected by lobby explosions, etc)
- More menu improvements. (New scroller color/Improved "Talking Players"/New arrow on highlighted players/Improved object/vehicle attachment)
- Added Object Bypass to spawn any object in game
- Small bug fixes and optimizations

- Improved Functionality (Smaller file size than previous update)
- Added Ip Address and port number display to Player Information
- Reorganized "ParticleFX" menu and added more ParticleFX
- Reorganized "Animation" menu
- Added "Kick Player (Non-Host)" **Square bind under Kick Player (Host)
- Added "Make it Rain" in Player Mods (Friendly Options)
- Added "Rain Weapons/Ammo" in Player Mods (Friendly Options)
- Added "Give Wanted Level" (Player Naughty Options and Lobby Mods)
- Added "Remove Wanted Level" (Player Friendly Options and Lobby Mods)
- Added "Fake Leave Session" (Player Cool/Funny Options and Lobby Mods)
- Added "Reset Cam" (Player Cool/Funny Options and Lobby Mods)
- Added "Ivite to Apartment" (Player Cool/Funny Options and Lobby Mods)
- Added "Forge Ivite to Apartment" (Player Cool/Funny Options and Lobby Mods)
- Added "Spam Bounty" (Player Cool/Funny Options and Lobby Mods)
- Added "Forge Bounty" (Player Cool/Funny Options and Lobby Mods)
- Completely Reorganized "Lobby Mods" to make room for more functions
- Fixed "Modder Protection"
- Added "Extortion Protect" to Modder Protection
- Disables money drops pickups
- Disables non-host kick
- Disables changing wanted level
- Disables reset cam
- Disables fake leave session
- Disables Mugger, Mercenaries, and Bounties etc

- Added Geo Info to Player Information which includes the following
- City
- State
- Zip
- Country
- Timezone
- Added "Bypass Chat" to Talking Players (Main Mods **Enabled (Use Square bind))
- Other enhancements...

- Optimized functions to free additional space (Smaller File Size)
- Improved GroLocation grabber (Instant grabber)
- Added new protection from freezing Peds ("Remove Freeze Peds" inside Modder Protection)
- Added "Froce/Enter Own Apartment" (Cool/Funny Options Player and Lobby)
- Added "Froce/Enter My Apartment" (Cool/Funny Options Player and Lobby)
- Added Titan to "Remove Freeze Vehicles" (Modder Protection)
- "Vehicle Cannon" now shoots last spawned vehicle (Miscellaneous)
- Added new "Spam Text Message" (Player and Lobby Mods)
- Fixed other small issues reported by users

- Reorganized/Added "Apartment Mods" Sub-menu (Player and Lobby Mods)
- Added Force Self into Their Apartment
- Added Force Them into Their Apartment
- Added Force Them into My Apartment
- Added Choose Apartment 1-3
- Added "Merry Weather/Mugger" Sub-menu (Player and Lobby Mods)
- Added Give Air Strike
- Added Give Pick-up Heli
- Added Give Back-up Heli
- Added Send Mercenaries
- Added Send Mugger
- Added "Force Jobs and World Events" Sub-menu (Player and Lobby Mods)
- Added Force into Darts Game
- Added Force into Golf Game
- Added Force into Flight School
- Added Send Smuggler Plane
- Added Send Ammo Drop
- Added "Send Fake Notifications" in Cool/Funny options (Player and Lobby Mods) *Try on yourself and see
- Added new category for Animations plus 20+ Animations
- Added 3 new ParticleFX in Flash category
- Added New Money Drop **Use Square on this option to revert to old method (Player and Lobby Mods)
- Added 3D-Box ESP (Player and Lobby Mods)
- Added 2 new bones to "Vehicle Bone" in attachment menu (Attach to helicopter propeller)
- Disabled screen effects and auto focus when menu is open

- Added "Give Rank RP" (Player and Lobby Mods)

- Fixed/Patched Rp
- Added "Set Their Rank" (Player Mods/Lobby Mods)
- Added "Send to Deathmatch" (Player Mods/Lobby Mods)
- Added "Open Interaction Menu" (Player Mods/Lobby Mods)
- Added "Force into MP Intro" (Player Mods/Lobby Mods)
- Added "Vehicle Kick Bypass" *Prevents from being kicked from vehicles (Vehicle Mods 2)
- Changed "Set Rank RP" to "Set Rank 1-8000" (Recovery)

- Added Modder Detection *Will tell you if player is a modder (Player Info Area)
- Improved Modder Protection
- It will tell you player who is clearing your tasks
- It will tell you player who is removing weapons
- It will tell you player who is trying to kick you
- It will tell you player who is forcing you into apt
- It will tell you player who is sending mugger/mercenaries
- It will tell you player who is giving RP/Money
- It will tell you player who is resetting your view
- It will tell you player who is forcing you into jobs
- Fixed other bugs and increased stability (Higher FPS)

- Added Toggle for displaying ip/geo info (Use SQUARE button in Player's Menu) *Request from Youtubers
- Added "Entity Blocker" (Modder Protection)
- Added "Direct Deposit" Square bind to money toggle (Players and Lobby)
- Added "Dev Mode" (Miscelleneous)
- Added "Honk for Boost" (Cool/Funny Options Players and Lobby)
- Added "Remove Bank Money" (Naughty Options Players and Lobby)
- Added Protection from Remove Bank Money (Extortion Protect)
- Added "Patriot Smoke" (Vehicle *Use Square on Tire Smoke Colour)
- Fixed issues with Clear Wanted Level for Players and Lobby
- Fixed issues with Give Rp for Players and Lobby
- Added various other protections
- Optimized functions
- Removed UpdateIp check for Premium Users

- Fixed Force in MP Intro
- Fixed Open Interation Menu
- Fixed Force in to TDM
- Weather changes are visible to entire lobby
- Improved All Modder Protection (Removes all Objects/peds/vehs/clone instantly with no FPS drop)
- Added "Block Vehicle Control" (Modder Protection)
- Added "Sound Protection" (Modder Protection)
- Added more Freeze Protection (Practically unfreezable)
- Added "Remove Attached Obj" for other players (Player/Lobby Friendly Options)
- Added All Client Stats (Player Options Recovery)

- Fixed Entity Blocker (Won't be able to see spawned vehicles, objects, and peds spawned by others)
- Improved chat bypass (Can hear and talk to players who have chat on friends only/crew... Use SQUARE button)
- Added GodMode detection in Modder Detection (Will display YES if they have godmode enabled)
- Ip will display correctly even with PSN name changer and jobs
- Added various script protections and protection from other paid menus
- Removed Heli Protect and replaced with "Fast Health Regen" (Main Mods 2)
- Fixed Heist Vehicles unlock and Fast run (Player Recovery)
- Added 2nd Page of Recovery options (Player Recovery)
- Added "Real Name", "Wanted Level", and "Muted Me" to Players info
- Added "Remove Sea/Water" (Miscellaneous)
- Added New ESP to Cool/Funny Options (Use SQUARE to cycle)
- Optimized functions (Smaller sprx size)

- Added Auto Updater. Menu will automatically update when an update is available! *sprx file permissions set to 777
- Increased Player List size to accomodate SCTV slots
- Added ability to join SCTV slots (On by Default)
- Added Change Weather Protection (Will tell you who is changing weather)
- Changing time is now visible to entire lobby (Weather Menu)
- Added Protection against Rockstar Broadcast mods (eg. Admin Kick, Kill Modder, etc)
- Improved Entity Blocker (No way to freeze)
- Added Advanced Spam Text Messaging Options
- Choose font, size, and number of messages
- Text message sender Spoofer (Send messages as other players) *Use SQUARE in Spam Text Messages
- Added Improved GodMode (Undetectable and cannot be killed by anything)
- Added Anti-Timeout when joining online sessions (Open Mod Menu once in story mode to activate)
- Added Honk to Jump (Cool/Funny Options)
- Added Send to Jail *Blocks their interaction menu as well (Cool/Funny Options)
- Added Fix Disabled Account *Activate in story mode and Press R3 in Choose Character Section(Recovery 2)
- Other improvements and things I forgot to mention

- Added SCTV slot toggle (Lobby Mods)
- Fixed set their rank (now deranks correctly)
- Block kick votes fixed
- Fixed godmode issue where unable to join missions
- Fixed Suicide Self
- Other fixes and minor improvements

- Improved Fix Disable Account (Recovery 2)

- Added website toggle mods for enabling options when game is started (My Purchases>My Applications>Manage>Menu Settings)
- Removed update ip
- Added CPU and RSX temperature display
- Added "Freeze Protection" (Will tell you player name and method when someone tries to freeze you)
- Anybody who attempts to freeze you will be auto-kicked from lobby
- Added more protections from script events (eg. Fake leave, Bounty, Freeze Console etc)
- Added "Remove All Peds" (Removes all spawnable peds to avoid texture freeze)
- Added New Freeze Console (SQUARE on old Freeze Console)
- Improved "Clone Protection" (Will tell who is trying to clone you)
- Improved "Kill Modder" (Takes a few seconds to apply)
- Added "Disable Account" (Replaced with Give Badsport Recovery)
- Added "Admin Kick" (SQUARE on Kick Player)
- Added notifications when someone tries to use SCADMIN mods on you (eg. Admin kick, Kill modder, Rockstar message etc)
- Added "Rockstar Admin Messages" to Spam Text Messaging options (Toggle on and messages will be sent as Rockstar Messages)
- Added Preview of text message before sending
- Updated "Fake Leave"
- Improved Main Recovery (Should not freeze but unlocks may take slightly longer)
- Added "Exclude Friends" in Lobby mods (Players who are friends are automatically Excluded from Lobby mods)
- Fixed "XMAS" in Weather Options
- Fixed "Clock Editor" in Weather Options (Will work host and non-host)
- Changing "Weather" will only be visible to lobby by using SQUARE button
- Added "Particle Vehicle" to ParticleFX Menu
- Improved Vehicle Godmode (No visible damage)
- Fixed issue with job invitations not coming in
- Other things I forgot to mention. Suggestions are welcome!

- Added toggle for RSX/CPU display (Only through website Menu Settings)
- Fixed issue with Remote Recovery getting stuck when you have Exclude Friends On
- Fixed issue with license plate if less than 8 characters

- Added Custom Menu Open Binds to "Menu Settings" inside Manage application
- Removed admin kick and kill modder(Patched by R*)
- Added "Attempt PS3 Shutdown" (Replaced old Kill Modder function. Webman Exploit)
- Improved Modder Detection
- Added Change Model Protection to "Freeze Protection"
- Improved Modder Protection and Redirection of harmful mods
- Improved "Godmode" (Added SQUARE toggle for Detected and Undetected Godmode)
- Added protection against HOST kick
- Added over 120+ "Funny Vehciles" (Menu supports 150 max)
- Other things I forgot to mention
- Created Anti-ban EBOOTS (Download)

The following has been removed to acquire space
- Animal Riding
- Entity Gun
Old Changelog!
So Extortion v4.1 info below


- Added Drive on Air
- Added Drive on Water
- Added Perverted Peds
- Added Resurrect Ped(Brings ped back to life)
- Added No Idle Kick
- Added Air Strike

- Added Animal Riding
- Added More Scenarios
- Added More Enemy Driver
- Fixed Drive on Air
- Fixed Drive on Water
- Added PSN name changer
- Added Outfits to Recovery Menu

- Added more Animations for self/peds
- Added more Models in Model Changer
- Added more Vehicles
- Added Rainbow Vehicle
- Fixed No Idle Kick
- Added more Attach Objects
- Added more perverted peds
- Added Square Bind for spawn vehicle (Allow max upgrade when spawned)

- Added Clone Protection (Main Mods 2)
- Added Show Host (Main Mods 2)
- Added Drop health/Armour (Player Mods 3)
- Added Steal Clothes (Player Mods 3)
- Added Clone Car (Player Mods 3)
- Added Forcefield (Player Mods 3)
- Add Explosion Timer (Player Mods 3)
- Locked Doors of "Send Enemy Driver"
- Added more objects to "Rain Money" (Use SQUARE button on Rain Money in Lobby Mods)
- Added Rain Weapons/Ammo (Lobby Mods 2)
- Added Forcefield Lobby (Lobby Mods 2)
- Added Drop Health/Armour Lobby (Lobby Mods 2)
- Added Air Strike Lobby (Lobby Mods 2)

- Modder Protection (Protects against APII intense objects and other popular ones including ones from Extortion Menu)
- Modder Protection also protects from any peds being attached to you
- Clone protection is now under Modder Protection and works more efficiently (Main Mods 2)
- NoRagdoll Improved - Not fall off bike (Main Mods)
- Spawned peds now do not run away anymore
- Scenario peds do not run away anymore
- No ragdoll added to spawned peds and animal riding
- Animals do not run away when being shot at
- Overall stability increased (Apartments don't glitch, Stores don't glitch)

v2.0.1 (1.26/1.27)
- Improved Delete Entity Gun, it will now delete any object
- Added hairsyles unlock to recovery
- Added remove money to Recovery
- Skip tutorial loop added (Use in Story just before recovery)
- Allow redesign character (recovery)
- Remove money (recovery)

v2.0.2 - v2.0.3
- Fixed Godmode so it turns off now
- Fixed Vehicle Cannon
- Player mod toggles are turned off when player leaves or changing sessions

- Improved Modder Protection (Removes Objects/Peds off self only)
- More Teleport Locations added (Including IPL) **Use square to remove IPL
- Component Changer (Miscellaneous menu)
- Added script bypass EBOOTs

- Added View Player's Cash (Player Mods)
- Added many more Exclusive Outfits (Recovery)
- Unlimited Ammo sticks now while changing sessions (Main Mods)
- One Shot Kill sticks now while changing sessions (Main Mods)
- Invisible keeps you invisible for whole session until turned off (Main Mods)
- Fixed Skip Tutorial (Recovery)
- Added Purchase All Clothing (Recovery)
- Added Fast Run (Recovery)
- Added Steady Aim (Recovery)
- Added Unlock DLC cars (Recovery)
- Unlock Valentines/Independence DLC (Recovery)
- Unlock All trophies work in single player only (Prevent freeze)

- Added Taxi Freeze Protection (Main Mods 1)
- Added Super Run (Main Mods 1)
- Added Rapid Fire (Main Mods 1)
- Added Object/Ramp Editor in Spawn Objects (Use Square inside "Spawn Objects" menu after spawning an object)
- Added Fix Vehicle Loop (Vehicle Mods 1)
- Added RPM multiplier (Vehicle Mods 1)
- Added Default Male and Female character models (Model Changer)
- Added display for Rank and K/D when inside Player's Menu
- Added Draw ESP for Player's and Lobby
- Added Money Gun (Player Mods 3 & Lobby Mods)
- Added Gravity Gun (Miscellaneous) **Aim at entity and shoot
- Moved "Component Changer" into Recovery Menu

- Fixed Modder Protection with Vehicle Attach Protection
- Forge Gun is improved to Pick up Vehicles as first priority

- Added "Super Punch" (Main Mods 1)
- Added "Off the Radar" (Main Mods 2)
- Added "Reveal Hidden Players" (Main Mods 2)
- Improved "Taxi Freeze Protection" (Main Mods 1)
- Added visible Particle Effects (PTFX) (Player Mods 3)
- Added "Particle Man" in PTFX sub-menu (Player Mods 3)
- Added Michael and Trevor to Spawn Peds
- Added "Attach Object" to Spawn Peds section
- Added "Change Appearance" to Spawn Peds section
- Added "Clock Editor" to Weather Options (Use Dpad Left/Right to change time)
- Added "Nearby Peds" to Lobby Mods 2
- Added "Nearby Vehicles" to Lobby Mods 2
- Added Dpad Left/Right toggle in "Animations Menu" to allow 2 different animations at the same time
- Added "Spam text Messages" for Player Mods and Lobby Mods
- Added "Buff Dude" to Models and Spawn Peds
- Added More "Modder Protection"
- Block remove weapons
- Block clear ped tasks
- Block explosions
- Block projectiles
- Block particle effects
- Block kick vote

- Fixed all CEX issues

- Added "Force Control" to Players and Lobby menu (Player Mods 3 & Lobby Mods 2)
- Added teleport to me ( on foot)
- Added teleport to location (on foot)
- Added play animation on player/lobby
- Added "Rape Player" (Player mods 3)
- Fixed "Vehicle Cannon"
- Added "Particle Gun" (Player Mods 3 & Lobby Mods)
- Added "Block Force Control" in Modder Protection

- Fixed Force Control Bugs

- Added Hints on mods that use the SQUARE button (Bottom Right Corner)
- Fixed Random Force Control Bugs
- Added "Clear Area/Cops Loop" (Lobby Mods 1)
- Improved "Talking Players" *Now shows everyone with headset (Main Mods 2)
- Advanced "Animal Riding" *Left Analog UP to make Ped run, Use Camera to point direction (Right Analog)
- Animal Speed Control as well
- Added Square Bind for Lobby Mods & Player Mods to "Telport to Location" with them or not (The asterisk will tell you if on)
- Added 12 Different Attach Locations for self and spawned peds
- Added two more mods to Nearby Ped and Vehicle Control each (Lobby Mods 2)
- Kill all and Light on fire (Nearby Peds)
- Fix vehicle and Stack Vehicles (Nearby Vehicles)
- Added "Block Kick Votes" to Modder Protection (Main Mods 2)
- Added "Local Objects Remover" to Modder Protection (Main Mods 2)
- Added more protection to Modder Protection (Main Mods 2)
- Added more Animations
- Added more teleport locations
- Added more Particle Effects (PTFX)
- Added "Spawn Vehicle" to Player Mods 2

- Fixed small bug with Teleporting with player

- Moved "Spawn Vehicle" to be placed under "Vehicle" for easy access
- Added vehicle categories with many more vehicles "Spawn Vehicle" menu
- Added "Vehicle Attachment" menu inside "Spawn Vehicles" (Use SQUARE to access)
- Added more objects in "Spawn Objects" menu
- Fixed "Show Host" in Main Mods 2 (Now shows correct host in public sessions)
- Added "Suspension" adjustment in Vehicle Mods 1
- Added "Wheel Size" adjustment in Vehicle Mods 1 (Make sure wheels are upgraded)
- Added "Object Editor" option "Attach to Yourself" to Attach objects any way you want to yourself. Then attach the end result to a player or whole lobby
- Added "Object Editor" option "Attach to Vehicle" to Attach objects any way you want to your vehicle. Then attach the end result to a player's vehicle or lobby vehicles
- Added "Bounty Modifier" in "Miscellaneous" menu
- Fixed problem with animations causing player's to slide accross the screen

**Object Editor is found inside Spawn Objects menu using the "SQUARE" button

- Fixed "Teleport" locations page 1 (Some people were having issues)
- Lobby spam text message fixed
- Reorganized "Spawn Vehicle" section

- Added "No Clip" in Main Mods 1
- Added "Kill Modder" to Player Mods
- Added "Spectate Player" to Player Mods
- Added "Destroy Cellphone" in Miscellaneous (Disables cellphone until you reset GTA)
- Added preset bounty values/improved "Bounty Modifier"
- Added "Fake Lobby Leave" to Miscellaneous. (Network glitches are unavoidable. Change sessions to fix)
- Added "Teleport Gun" to Player Mods/Lobby Mods
- Added more teleportation options/Improved teleport function/Reorganized
- Added Race and Mission cheater by "Teleport to Mission Objective"
- Reorganized Player Menu. (Added categories. A R* symbol will appear for those who are on your friends list/A Vehicle will appear if they're in a car)
- Added "Exclude Lobby Mods" to player (Selected player no longer affected by lobby explosions, etc)
- More menu improvements. (New scroller color/Improved "Talking Players"/New arrow on highlighted players/Improved object/vehicle attachment)
- Added Object Bypass to spawn any object in game
- Small bug fixes and optimizations

- Improved Functionality (Smaller file size than previous update)
- Added Ip Address and port number display to Player Information
- Reorganized "ParticleFX" menu and added more ParticleFX
- Reorganized "Animation" menu
- Added "Kick Player (Non-Host)" **Square bind under Kick Player (Host)
- Added "Make it Rain" in Player Mods (Friendly Options)
- Added "Rain Weapons/Ammo" in Player Mods (Friendly Options)
- Added "Give Wanted Level" (Player Naughty Options and Lobby Mods)
- Added "Remove Wanted Level" (Player Friendly Options and Lobby Mods)
- Added "Fake Leave Session" (Player Cool/Funny Options and Lobby Mods)
- Added "Reset Cam" (Player Cool/Funny Options and Lobby Mods)
- Added "Ivite to Apartment" (Player Cool/Funny Options and Lobby Mods)
- Added "Forge Ivite to Apartment" (Player Cool/Funny Options and Lobby Mods)
- Added "Spam Bounty" (Player Cool/Funny Options and Lobby Mods)
- Added "Forge Bounty" (Player Cool/Funny Options and Lobby Mods)
- Completely Reorganized "Lobby Mods" to make room for more functions
- Fixed "Modder Protection"
- Added "Extortion Protect" to Modder Protection
- Disables money drops pickups
- Disables non-host kick
- Disables changing wanted level
- Disables reset cam
- Disables fake leave session
- Disables Mugger, Mercenaries, and Bounties etc

- Added Geo Info to Player Information which includes the following
- City
- State
- Zip
- Country
- Timezone
- Added "Bypass Chat" to Talking Players (Main Mods **Enabled (Use Square bind))
- Other enhancements...

- Optimized functions to free additional space (Smaller File Size)
- Improved GroLocation grabber (Instant grabber)
- Added new protection from freezing Peds ("Remove Freeze Peds" inside Modder Protection)
- Added "Froce/Enter Own Apartment" (Cool/Funny Options Player and Lobby)
- Added "Froce/Enter My Apartment" (Cool/Funny Options Player and Lobby)
- Added Titan to "Remove Freeze Vehicles" (Modder Protection)
- "Vehicle Cannon" now shoots last spawned vehicle (Miscellaneous)
- Added new "Spam Text Message" (Player and Lobby Mods)
- Fixed other small issues reported by users

- Reorganized/Added "Apartment Mods" Sub-menu (Player and Lobby Mods)
- Added Force Self into Their Apartment
- Added Force Them into Their Apartment
- Added Force Them into My Apartment
- Added Choose Apartment 1-3
- Added "Merry Weather/Mugger" Sub-menu (Player and Lobby Mods)
- Added Give Air Strike
- Added Give Pick-up Heli
- Added Give Back-up Heli
- Added Send Mercenaries
- Added Send Mugger
- Added "Force Jobs and World Events" Sub-menu (Player and Lobby Mods)
- Added Force into Darts Game
- Added Force into Golf Game
- Added Force into Flight School
- Added Send Smuggler Plane
- Added Send Ammo Drop
- Added "Send Fake Notifications" in Cool/Funny options (Player and Lobby Mods) *Try on yourself and see
- Added new category for Animations plus 20+ Animations
- Added 3 new ParticleFX in Flash category
- Added New Money Drop **Use Square on this option to revert to old method (Player and Lobby Mods)
- Added 3D-Box ESP (Player and Lobby Mods)
- Added 2 new bones to "Vehicle Bone" in attachment menu (Attach to helicopter propeller)
- Disabled screen effects and auto focus when menu is open

- Added "Give Rank RP" (Player and Lobby Mods)

- Fixed/Patched Rp
- Added "Set Their Rank" (Player Mods/Lobby Mods)
- Added "Send to Deathmatch" (Player Mods/Lobby Mods)
- Added "Open Interaction Menu" (Player Mods/Lobby Mods)
- Added "Force into MP Intro" (Player Mods/Lobby Mods)
- Added "Vehicle Kick Bypass" *Prevents from being kicked from vehicles (Vehicle Mods 2)
- Changed "Set Rank RP" to "Set Rank 1-8000" (Recovery)

- Added Modder Detection *Will tell you if player is a modder (Player Info Area)
- Improved Modder Protection
- It will tell you player who is clearing your tasks
- It will tell you player who is removing weapons
- It will tell you player who is trying to kick you
- It will tell you player who is forcing you into apt
- It will tell you player who is sending mugger/mercenaries
- It will tell you player who is giving RP/Money
- It will tell you player who is resetting your view
- It will tell you player who is forcing you into jobs
- Fixed other bugs and increased stability (Higher FPS)

- Added Toggle for displaying ip/geo info (Use SQUARE button in Player's Menu) *Request from Youtubers
- Added "Entity Blocker" (Modder Protection)
- Added "Direct Deposit" Square bind to money toggle (Players and Lobby)
- Added "Dev Mode" (Miscelleneous)
- Added "Honk for Boost" (Cool/Funny Options Players and Lobby)
- Added "Remove Bank Money" (Naughty Options Players and Lobby)
- Added Protection from Remove Bank Money (Extortion Protect)
- Added "Patriot Smoke" (Vehicle *Use Square on Tire Smoke Colour)
- Fixed issues with Clear Wanted Level for Players and Lobby
- Fixed issues with Give Rp for Players and Lobby
- Added various other protections
- Optimized functions
- Removed UpdateIp check for Premium Users

- Fixed Force in MP Intro
- Fixed Open Interation Menu
- Fixed Force in to TDM
- Weather changes are visible to entire lobby
- Improved All Modder Protection (Removes all Objects/peds/vehs/clone instantly with no FPS drop)
- Added "Block Vehicle Control" (Modder Protection)
- Added "Sound Protection" (Modder Protection)
- Added more Freeze Protection (Practically unfreezable)
- Added "Remove Attached Obj" for other players (Player/Lobby Friendly Options)
- Added All Client Stats (Player Options Recovery)

- Fixed Entity Blocker (Won't be able to see spawned vehicles, objects, and peds spawned by others)
- Improved chat bypass (Can hear and talk to players who have chat on friends only/crew... Use SQUARE button)
- Added GodMode detection in Modder Detection (Will display YES if they have godmode enabled)
- Ip will display correctly even with PSN name changer and jobs
- Added various script protections and protection from other paid menus
- Removed Heli Protect and replaced with "Fast Health Regen" (Main Mods 2)
- Fixed Heist Vehicles unlock and Fast run (Player Recovery)
- Added 2nd Page of Recovery options (Player Recovery)
- Added "Real Name", "Wanted Level", and "Muted Me" to Players info
- Added "Remove Sea/Water" (Miscellaneous)
- Added New ESP to Cool/Funny Options (Use SQUARE to cycle)
- Optimized functions (Smaller sprx size)

- Added Auto Updater. Menu will automatically update when an update is available! *sprx file permissions set to 777
- Increased Player List size to accomodate SCTV slots
- Added ability to join SCTV slots (On by Default)
- Added Change Weather Protection (Will tell you who is changing weather)
- Changing time is now visible to entire lobby (Weather Menu)
- Added Protection against Rockstar Broadcast mods (eg. Admin Kick, Kill Modder, etc)
- Improved Entity Blocker (No way to freeze)
- Added Advanced Spam Text Messaging Options
- Choose font, size, and number of messages
- Text message sender Spoofer (Send messages as other players) *Use SQUARE in Spam Text Messages
- Added Improved GodMode (Undetectable and cannot be killed by anything)
- Added Anti-Timeout when joining online sessions (Open Mod Menu once in story mode to activate)
- Added Honk to Jump (Cool/Funny Options)
- Added Send to Jail *Blocks their interaction menu as well (Cool/Funny Options)
- Added Fix Disabled Account *Activate in story mode and Press R3 in Choose Character Section(Recovery 2)
- Other improvements and things I forgot to mention

- Added SCTV slot toggle (Lobby Mods)
- Fixed set their rank (now deranks correctly)
- Block kick votes fixed
- Fixed godmode issue where unable to join missions
- Fixed Suicide Self
- Other fixes and minor improvements

- Improved Fix Disable Account (Recovery 2)

- Added website toggle mods for enabling options when game is started (My Purchases>My Applications>Manage>Menu Settings)
- Removed update ip
- Added CPU and RSX temperature display
- Added "Freeze Protection" (Will tell you player name and method when someone tries to freeze you)
- Anybody who attempts to freeze you will be auto-kicked from lobby
- Added more protections from script events (eg. Fake leave, Bounty, Freeze Console etc)
- Added "Remove All Peds" (Removes all spawnable peds to avoid texture freeze)
- Added New Freeze Console (SQUARE on old Freeze Console)
- Improved "Clone Protection" (Will tell who is trying to clone you)
- Improved "Kill Modder" (Takes a few seconds to apply)
- Added "Disable Account" (Replaced with Give Badsport Recovery)
- Added "Admin Kick" (SQUARE on Kick Player)
- Added notifications when someone tries to use SCADMIN mods on you (eg. Admin kick, Kill modder, Rockstar message etc)
- Added "Rockstar Admin Messages" to Spam Text Messaging options (Toggle on and messages will be sent as Rockstar Messages)
- Added Preview of text message before sending
- Updated "Fake Leave"
- Improved Main Recovery (Should not freeze but unlocks may take slightly longer)
- Added "Exclude Friends" in Lobby mods (Players who are friends are automatically Excluded from Lobby mods)
- Fixed "XMAS" in Weather Options
- Fixed "Clock Editor" in Weather Options (Will work host and non-host)
- Changing "Weather" will only be visible to lobby by using SQUARE button
- Added "Particle Vehicle" to ParticleFX Menu
- Improved Vehicle Godmode (No visible damage)
- Fixed issue with job invitations not coming in
- Other things I forgot to mention. Suggestions are welcome!

- Added toggle for RSX/CPU display (Only through website Menu Settings)
- Fixed issue with Remote Recovery getting stuck when you have Exclude Friends On
- Fixed issue with license plate if less than 8 characters

- Added Custom Menu Open Binds to "Menu Settings" inside Manage application
- Removed admin kick and kill modder(Patched by R*)
- Added "Attempt PS3 Shutdown" (Replaced old Kill Modder function. Webman Exploit)
- Improved Modder Detection
- Added Change Model Protection to "Freeze Protection"
- Improved Modder Protection and Redirection of harmful mods
- Improved "Godmode" (Added SQUARE toggle for Detected and Undetected Godmode)
- Added protection against HOST kick
- Added over 120+ "Funny Vehciles" (Menu supports 150 max)
- Other things I forgot to mention
- Created Anti-ban EBOOTS (Download)

The following has been removed to acquire space
- Animal Riding
- Entity Gun
So Extortion v4.1 info below


- Added Drive on Air
- Added Drive on Water
- Added Perverted Peds
- Added Resurrect Ped(Brings ped back to life)
- Added No Idle Kick
- Added Air Strike

- Added Animal Riding
- Added More Scenarios
- Added More Enemy Driver
- Fixed Drive on Air
- Fixed Drive on Water
- Added PSN name changer
- Added Outfits to Recovery Menu

- Added more Animations for self/peds
- Added more Models in Model Changer
- Added more Vehicles
- Added Rainbow Vehicle
- Fixed No Idle Kick
- Added more Attach Objects
- Added more perverted peds
- Added Square Bind for spawn vehicle (Allow max upgrade when spawned)

- Added Clone Protection (Main Mods 2)
- Added Show Host (Main Mods 2)
- Added Drop health/Armour (Player Mods 3)
- Added Steal Clothes (Player Mods 3)
- Added Clone Car (Player Mods 3)
- Added Forcefield (Player Mods 3)
- Add Explosion Timer (Player Mods 3)
- Locked Doors of "Send Enemy Driver"
- Added more objects to "Rain Money" (Use SQUARE button on Rain Money in Lobby Mods)
- Added Rain Weapons/Ammo (Lobby Mods 2)
- Added Forcefield Lobby (Lobby Mods 2)
- Added Drop Health/Armour Lobby (Lobby Mods 2)
- Added Air Strike Lobby (Lobby Mods 2)

- Modder Protection (Protects against APII intense objects and other popular ones including ones from Extortion Menu)
- Modder Protection also protects from any peds being attached to you
- Clone protection is now under Modder Protection and works more efficiently (Main Mods 2)
- NoRagdoll Improved - Not fall off bike (Main Mods)
- Spawned peds now do not run away anymore
- Scenario peds do not run away anymore
- No ragdoll added to spawned peds and animal riding
- Animals do not run away when being shot at
- Overall stability increased (Apartments don't glitch, Stores don't glitch)

v2.0.1 (1.26/1.27)
- Improved Delete Entity Gun, it will now delete any object
- Added hairsyles unlock to recovery
- Added remove money to Recovery
- Skip tutorial loop added (Use in Story just before recovery)
- Allow redesign character (recovery)
- Remove money (recovery)

v2.0.2 - v2.0.3
- Fixed Godmode so it turns off now
- Fixed Vehicle Cannon
- Player mod toggles are turned off when player leaves or changing sessions

- Improved Modder Protection (Removes Objects/Peds off self only)
- More Teleport Locations added (Including IPL) **Use square to remove IPL
- Component Changer (Miscellaneous menu)
- Added script bypass EBOOTs

- Added View Player's Cash (Player Mods)
- Added many more Exclusive Outfits (Recovery)
- Unlimited Ammo sticks now while changing sessions (Main Mods)
- One Shot Kill sticks now while changing sessions (Main Mods)
- Invisible keeps you invisible for whole session until turned off (Main Mods)
- Fixed Skip Tutorial (Recovery)
- Added Purchase All Clothing (Recovery)
- Added Fast Run (Recovery)
- Added Steady Aim (Recovery)
- Added Unlock DLC cars (Recovery)
- Unlock Valentines/Independence DLC (Recovery)
- Unlock All trophies work in single player only (Prevent freeze)

- Added Taxi Freeze Protection (Main Mods 1)
- Added Super Run (Main Mods 1)
- Added Rapid Fire (Main Mods 1)
- Added Object/Ramp Editor in Spawn Objects (Use Square inside "Spawn Objects" menu after spawning an object)
- Added Fix Vehicle Loop (Vehicle Mods 1)
- Added RPM multiplier (Vehicle Mods 1)
- Added Default Male and Female character models (Model Changer)
- Added display for Rank and K/D when inside Player's Menu
- Added Draw ESP for Player's and Lobby
- Added Money Gun (Player Mods 3 & Lobby Mods)
- Added Gravity Gun (Miscellaneous) **Aim at entity and shoot
- Moved "Component Changer" into Recovery Menu

- Fixed Modder Protection with Vehicle Attach Protection
- Forge Gun is improved to Pick up Vehicles as first priority

- Added "Super Punch" (Main Mods 1)
- Added "Off the Radar" (Main Mods 2)
- Added "Reveal Hidden Players" (Main Mods 2)
- Improved "Taxi Freeze Protection" (Main Mods 1)
- Added visible Particle Effects (PTFX) (Player Mods 3)
- Added "Particle Man" in PTFX sub-menu (Player Mods 3)
- Added Michael and Trevor to Spawn Peds
- Added "Attach Object" to Spawn Peds section
- Added "Change Appearance" to Spawn Peds section
- Added "Clock Editor" to Weather Options (Use Dpad Left/Right to change time)
- Added "Nearby Peds" to Lobby Mods 2
- Added "Nearby Vehicles" to Lobby Mods 2
- Added Dpad Left/Right toggle in "Animations Menu" to allow 2 different animations at the same time
- Added "Spam text Messages" for Player Mods and Lobby Mods
- Added "Buff Dude" to Models and Spawn Peds
- Added More "Modder Protection"
- Block remove weapons
- Block clear ped tasks
- Block explosions
- Block projectiles
- Block particle effects
- Block kick vote

- Fixed all CEX issues

- Added "Force Control" to Players and Lobby menu (Player Mods 3 & Lobby Mods 2)
- Added teleport to me ( on foot)
- Added teleport to location (on foot)
- Added play animation on player/lobby
- Added "Rape Player" (Player mods 3)
- Fixed "Vehicle Cannon"
- Added "Particle Gun" (Player Mods 3 & Lobby Mods)
- Added "Block Force Control" in Modder Protection

- Fixed Force Control Bugs

- Added Hints on mods that use the SQUARE button (Bottom Right Corner)
- Fixed Random Force Control Bugs
- Added "Clear Area/Cops Loop" (Lobby Mods 1)
- Improved "Talking Players" *Now shows everyone with headset (Main Mods 2)
- Advanced "Animal Riding" *Left Analog UP to make Ped run, Use Camera to point direction (Right Analog)
- Animal Speed Control as well
- Added Square Bind for Lobby Mods & Player Mods to "Telport to Location" with them or not (The asterisk will tell you if on)
- Added 12 Different Attach Locations for self and spawned peds
- Added two more mods to Nearby Ped and Vehicle Control each (Lobby Mods 2)
- Kill all and Light on fire (Nearby Peds)
- Fix vehicle and Stack Vehicles (Nearby Vehicles)
- Added "Block Kick Votes" to Modder Protection (Main Mods 2)
- Added "Local Objects Remover" to Modder Protection (Main Mods 2)
- Added more protection to Modder Protection (Main Mods 2)
- Added more Animations
- Added more teleport locations
- Added more Particle Effects (PTFX)
- Added "Spawn Vehicle" to Player Mods 2

- Fixed small bug with Teleporting with player

- Moved "Spawn Vehicle" to be placed under "Vehicle" for easy access
- Added vehicle categories with many more vehicles "Spawn Vehicle" menu
- Added "Vehicle Attachment" menu inside "Spawn Vehicles" (Use SQUARE to access)
- Added more objects in "Spawn Objects" menu
- Fixed "Show Host" in Main Mods 2 (Now shows correct host in public sessions)
- Added "Suspension" adjustment in Vehicle Mods 1
- Added "Wheel Size" adjustment in Vehicle Mods 1 (Make sure wheels are upgraded)
- Added "Object Editor" option "Attach to Yourself" to Attach objects any way you want to yourself. Then attach the end result to a player or whole lobby
- Added "Object Editor" option "Attach to Vehicle" to Attach objects any way you want to your vehicle. Then attach the end result to a player's vehicle or lobby vehicles
- Added "Bounty Modifier" in "Miscellaneous" menu
- Fixed problem with animations causing player's to slide accross the screen

**Object Editor is found inside Spawn Objects menu using the "SQUARE" button

- Fixed "Teleport" locations page 1 (Some people were having issues)
- Lobby spam text message fixed
- Reorganized "Spawn Vehicle" section

- Added "No Clip" in Main Mods 1
- Added "Kill Modder" to Player Mods
- Added "Spectate Player" to Player Mods
- Added "Destroy Cellphone" in Miscellaneous (Disables cellphone until you reset GTA)
- Added preset bounty values/improved "Bounty Modifier"
- Added "Fake Lobby Leave" to Miscellaneous. (Network glitches are unavoidable. Change sessions to fix)
- Added "Teleport Gun" to Player Mods/Lobby Mods
- Added more teleportation options/Improved teleport function/Reorganized
- Added Race and Mission cheater by "Teleport to Mission Objective"
- Reorganized Player Menu. (Added categories. A R* symbol will appear for those who are on your friends list/A Vehicle will appear if they're in a car)
- Added "Exclude Lobby Mods" to player (Selected player no longer affected by lobby explosions, etc)
- More menu improvements. (New scroller color/Improved "Talking Players"/New arrow on highlighted players/Improved object/vehicle attachment)
- Added Object Bypass to spawn any object in game
- Small bug fixes and optimizations

- Improved Functionality (Smaller file size than previous update)
- Added Ip Address and port number display to Player Information
- Reorganized "ParticleFX" menu and added more ParticleFX
- Reorganized "Animation" menu
- Added "Kick Player (Non-Host)" **Square bind under Kick Player (Host)
- Added "Make it Rain" in Player Mods (Friendly Options)
- Added "Rain Weapons/Ammo" in Player Mods (Friendly Options)
- Added "Give Wanted Level" (Player Naughty Options and Lobby Mods)
- Added "Remove Wanted Level" (Player Friendly Options and Lobby Mods)
- Added "Fake Leave Session" (Player Cool/Funny Options and Lobby Mods)
- Added "Reset Cam" (Player Cool/Funny Options and Lobby Mods)
- Added "Ivite to Apartment" (Player Cool/Funny Options and Lobby Mods)
- Added "Forge Ivite to Apartment" (Player Cool/Funny Options and Lobby Mods)
- Added "Spam Bounty" (Player Cool/Funny Options and Lobby Mods)
- Added "Forge Bounty" (Player Cool/Funny Options and Lobby Mods)
- Completely Reorganized "Lobby Mods" to make room for more functions
- Fixed "Modder Protection"
- Added "Extortion Protect" to Modder Protection
- Disables money drops pickups
- Disables non-host kick
- Disables changing wanted level
- Disables reset cam
- Disables fake leave session
- Disables Mugger, Mercenaries, and Bounties etc

- Added Geo Info to Player Information which includes the following
- City
- State
- Zip
- Country
- Timezone
- Added "Bypass Chat" to Talking Players (Main Mods **Enabled (Use Square bind))
- Other enhancements...

- Optimized functions to free additional space (Smaller File Size)
- Improved GroLocation grabber (Instant grabber)
- Added new protection from freezing Peds ("Remove Freeze Peds" inside Modder Protection)
- Added "Froce/Enter Own Apartment" (Cool/Funny Options Player and Lobby)
- Added "Froce/Enter My Apartment" (Cool/Funny Options Player and Lobby)
- Added Titan to "Remove Freeze Vehicles" (Modder Protection)
- "Vehicle Cannon" now shoots last spawned vehicle (Miscellaneous)
- Added new "Spam Text Message" (Player and Lobby Mods)
- Fixed other small issues reported by users

- Reorganized/Added "Apartment Mods" Sub-menu (Player and Lobby Mods)
- Added Force Self into Their Apartment
- Added Force Them into Their Apartment
- Added Force Them into My Apartment
- Added Choose Apartment 1-3
- Added "Merry Weather/Mugger" Sub-menu (Player and Lobby Mods)
- Added Give Air Strike
- Added Give Pick-up Heli
- Added Give Back-up Heli
- Added Send Mercenaries
- Added Send Mugger
- Added "Force Jobs and World Events" Sub-menu (Player and Lobby Mods)
- Added Force into Darts Game
- Added Force into Golf Game
- Added Force into Flight School
- Added Send Smuggler Plane
- Added Send Ammo Drop
- Added "Send Fake Notifications" in Cool/Funny options (Player and Lobby Mods) *Try on yourself and see
- Added new category for Animations plus 20+ Animations
- Added 3 new ParticleFX in Flash category
- Added New Money Drop **Use Square on this option to revert to old method (Player and Lobby Mods)
- Added 3D-Box ESP (Player and Lobby Mods)
- Added 2 new bones to "Vehicle Bone" in attachment menu (Attach to helicopter propeller)
- Disabled screen effects and auto focus when menu is open

- Added "Give Rank RP" (Player and Lobby Mods)

- Fixed/Patched Rp
- Added "Set Their Rank" (Player Mods/Lobby Mods)
- Added "Send to Deathmatch" (Player Mods/Lobby Mods)
- Added "Open Interaction Menu" (Player Mods/Lobby Mods)
- Added "Force into MP Intro" (Player Mods/Lobby Mods)
- Added "Vehicle Kick Bypass" *Prevents from being kicked from vehicles (Vehicle Mods 2)
- Changed "Set Rank RP" to "Set Rank 1-8000" (Recovery)

- Added Modder Detection *Will tell you if player is a modder (Player Info Area)
- Improved Modder Protection
- It will tell you player who is clearing your tasks
- It will tell you player who is removing weapons
- It will tell you player who is trying to kick you
- It will tell you player who is forcing you into apt
- It will tell you player who is sending mugger/mercenaries
- It will tell you player who is giving RP/Money
- It will tell you player who is resetting your view
- It will tell you player who is forcing you into jobs
- Fixed other bugs and increased stability (Higher FPS)

- Added Toggle for displaying ip/geo info (Use SQUARE button in Player's Menu) *Request from Youtubers
- Added "Entity Blocker" (Modder Protection)
- Added "Direct Deposit" Square bind to money toggle (Players and Lobby)
- Added "Dev Mode" (Miscelleneous)
- Added "Honk for Boost" (Cool/Funny Options Players and Lobby)
- Added "Remove Bank Money" (Naughty Options Players and Lobby)
- Added Protection from Remove Bank Money (Extortion Protect)
- Added "Patriot Smoke" (Vehicle *Use Square on Tire Smoke Colour)
- Fixed issues with Clear Wanted Level for Players and Lobby
- Fixed issues with Give Rp for Players and Lobby
- Added various other protections
- Optimized functions
- Removed UpdateIp check for Premium Users

- Fixed Force in MP Intro
- Fixed Open Interation Menu
- Fixed Force in to TDM
- Weather changes are visible to entire lobby
- Improved All Modder Protection (Removes all Objects/peds/vehs/clone instantly with no FPS drop)
- Added "Block Vehicle Control" (Modder Protection)
- Added "Sound Protection" (Modder Protection)
- Added more Freeze Protection (Practically unfreezable)
- Added "Remove Attached Obj" for other players (Player/Lobby Friendly Options)
- Added All Client Stats (Player Options Recovery)

- Fixed Entity Blocker (Won't be able to see spawned vehicles, objects, and peds spawned by others)
- Improved chat bypass (Can hear and talk to players who have chat on friends only/crew... Use SQUARE button)
- Added GodMode detection in Modder Detection (Will display YES if they have godmode enabled)
- Ip will display correctly even with PSN name changer and jobs
- Added various script protections and protection from other paid menus
- Removed Heli Protect and replaced with "Fast Health Regen" (Main Mods 2)
- Fixed Heist Vehicles unlock and Fast run (Player Recovery)
- Added 2nd Page of Recovery options (Player Recovery)
- Added "Real Name", "Wanted Level", and "Muted Me" to Players info
- Added "Remove Sea/Water" (Miscellaneous)
- Added New ESP to Cool/Funny Options (Use SQUARE to cycle)
- Optimized functions (Smaller sprx size)

- Added Auto Updater. Menu will automatically update when an update is available! *sprx file permissions set to 777
- Increased Player List size to accomodate SCTV slots
- Added ability to join SCTV slots (On by Default)
- Added Change Weather Protection (Will tell you who is changing weather)
- Changing time is now visible to entire lobby (Weather Menu)
- Added Protection against Rockstar Broadcast mods (eg. Admin Kick, Kill Modder, etc)
- Improved Entity Blocker (No way to freeze)
- Added Advanced Spam Text Messaging Options
- Choose font, size, and number of messages
- Text message sender Spoofer (Send messages as other players) *Use SQUARE in Spam Text Messages
- Added Improved GodMode (Undetectable and cannot be killed by anything)
- Added Anti-Timeout when joining online sessions (Open Mod Menu once in story mode to activate)
- Added Honk to Jump (Cool/Funny Options)
- Added Send to Jail *Blocks their interaction menu as well (Cool/Funny Options)
- Added Fix Disabled Account *Activate in story mode and Press R3 in Choose Character Section(Recovery 2)
- Other improvements and things I forgot to mention

- Added SCTV slot toggle (Lobby Mods)
- Fixed set their rank (now deranks correctly)
- Block kick votes fixed
- Fixed godmode issue where unable to join missions
- Fixed Suicide Self
- Other fixes and minor improvements

- Improved Fix Disable Account (Recovery 2)

- Added website toggle mods for enabling options when game is started (My Purchases>My Applications>Manage>Menu Settings)
- Removed update ip
- Added CPU and RSX temperature display
- Added "Freeze Protection" (Will tell you player name and method when someone tries to freeze you)
- Anybody who attempts to freeze you will be auto-kicked from lobby
- Added more protections from script events (eg. Fake leave, Bounty, Freeze Console etc)
- Added "Remove All Peds" (Removes all spawnable peds to avoid texture freeze)
- Added New Freeze Console (SQUARE on old Freeze Console)
- Improved "Clone Protection" (Will tell who is trying to clone you)
- Improved "Kill Modder" (Takes a few seconds to apply)
- Added "Disable Account" (Replaced with Give Badsport Recovery)
- Added "Admin Kick" (SQUARE on Kick Player)
- Added notifications when someone tries to use SCADMIN mods on you (eg. Admin kick, Kill modder, Rockstar message etc)
- Added "Rockstar Admin Messages" to Spam Text Messaging options (Toggle on and messages will be sent as Rockstar Messages)
- Added Preview of text message before sending
- Updated "Fake Leave"
- Improved Main Recovery (Should not freeze but unlocks may take slightly longer)
- Added "Exclude Friends" in Lobby mods (Players who are friends are automatically Excluded from Lobby mods)
- Fixed "XMAS" in Weather Options
- Fixed "Clock Editor" in Weather Options (Will work host and non-host)
- Changing "Weather" will only be visible to lobby by using SQUARE button
- Added "Particle Vehicle" to ParticleFX Menu
- Improved Vehicle Godmode (No visible damage)
- Fixed issue with job invitations not coming in
- Other things I forgot to mention. Suggestions are welcome!

- Added toggle for RSX/CPU display (Only through website Menu Settings)
- Fixed issue with Remote Recovery getting stuck when you have Exclude Friends On
- Fixed issue with license plate if less than 8 characters

- Added Custom Menu Open Binds to "Menu Settings" inside Manage application
- Removed admin kick and kill modder(Patched by R*)
- Added "Attempt PS3 Shutdown" (Replaced old Kill Modder function. Webman Exploit)
- Improved Modder Detection
- Added Change Model Protection to "Freeze Protection"
- Improved Modder Protection and Redirection of harmful mods
- Improved "Godmode" (Added SQUARE toggle for Detected and Undetected Godmode)
- Added protection against HOST kick
- Added over 120+ "Funny Vehciles" (Menu supports 150 max)
- Other things I forgot to mention
- Created Anti-ban EBOOTS (Download)

The following has been removed to acquire space
- Animal Riding
- Entity Gun
General chit-chat
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