GET 100% PLAT ALL GAMES (Text+Video TUT)
Today i show you how to hack your trophys very easy. Works for all games with and without dlcs. This tool is not made by me. I only help with some fixes and found a bedder way to use it. All credits goes to my Chinese friend DarkAutism. Visit his blogspot here darkautism.blogspot
- Cfw 3.55 or higher (im using PS3ITA 4.50 DEX)
- This Trophy tool for pc/laptop PS3TrophyIsGood
- Latest games.conf datas from here games.conf
- Any ftp server to connect ps3 with pc/laptop (im using FileZilla)
- Your consoleid (real consoleid) move on multiman to "system information"
- Your ps3 userid (000000XX) from "dev_hdd0 > home >"
- Netframework 3.5 or higher must be installed on your pc/laptop. (works for me on W7 64)
- And a little working brain
- Start the game you want to unlock the trophys till main menu, then end the game
- Connect your ps3 with pc/laptop via ftp
- Go to dev_hdd0 > home > 00000XX > trophy > and copy the game trophy folder you want hack to desktop
- Move to PS3TrophyIsGood > pfdtool folder from the download file
- Open games.conf with notpad and delete everything. visit games.conf for the latest games.conf datas, select all withCTRL+A and past with CTRL+V to games.conf file and save
- Open global.conf with notepad
- Put your ps3 userid behind user_id= (like this > user_id=00000012)
- Put your consoleid behind console_id= (like this > console_id=00000001008500012345678912345678)
- Save notepad and exit
- Start PS3TropyIsGood.exe
- Drag and drop the trophy folder over the tool (MAKE BACKUP OF YOUR ORIGINAL FILE)
- Click Refresh > Advanced > Set random start time and set any start time you want. (dont set a time before the game release date. Give it a legit start time) and click Confirm
- Then Click Refresh > Advanced > Instant Platinum (now you have a platin trophy folder)
- Click refresh > file > save > close file > close
- Place your hacked trophy folder back to dev_hdd0 > home > 00000XX > trophy >
- Start the game again, let it load till main menu and exit the game. go to trophy section on xmb. at this time its only shows 100% but its locked and no pictures
- SOLUTION & DO IT WITH YOUR OWN RISK: this is the dangerous part because you need to sign in on psn to sync the trophys from your cfw ps3 with the psn server
- After you sync your trophys online then its full unlocked and the trophy pictures will showed. first sync maybe not work, but second one yes
P.s: My real consoleid is already banned long time ago. useless for pplz they want try to use it
P.s.s: Fresh trophy folders works bedder then trophys that already synced or unlocked. if you want hack trophys that are synced or unlocked delete them.
P.s.s.s: Sorry for my english. its not my main languages. i try my best
P.s.s.s.s: New version is updated.
- Fix timezone bug UTC.
- Add random setting.
- Fix timezone bug.
- Fixed timezone issue.
- Add lanuage combox .
- Change gobal.conf settings.
- Add random Timestamp feature.
- Instant Platinum random Timestamp too.
- Change time bug fixed.
- Big bug fixed.
- New icons.
- Multi-lingual.
- Instant Platinum will automatically be the last to be synchronized (synchronization time will be +1 second of other trophies).
- Eliminate unnecessary Debug Code, making it faster to open trophy files.
- Platinum must be unlocked last from now on.
(But you still have to enter the time on your own. Please set the time of Platinum last, or you won't be able to synchronize it)
Credits: SonyBlack
Today i show you how to hack your trophys very easy. Works for all games with and without dlcs. This tool is not made by me. I only help with some fixes and found a bedder way to use it. All credits goes to my Chinese friend DarkAutism. Visit his blogspot here darkautism.blogspot
- Cfw 3.55 or higher (im using PS3ITA 4.50 DEX)
- This Trophy tool for pc/laptop PS3TrophyIsGood
- Latest games.conf datas from here games.conf
- Any ftp server to connect ps3 with pc/laptop (im using FileZilla)
- Your consoleid (real consoleid) move on multiman to "system information"
- Your ps3 userid (000000XX) from "dev_hdd0 > home >"
- Netframework 3.5 or higher must be installed on your pc/laptop. (works for me on W7 64)
- And a little working brain
- Start the game you want to unlock the trophys till main menu, then end the game
- Connect your ps3 with pc/laptop via ftp
- Go to dev_hdd0 > home > 00000XX > trophy > and copy the game trophy folder you want hack to desktop
- Move to PS3TrophyIsGood > pfdtool folder from the download file
- Open games.conf with notpad and delete everything. visit games.conf for the latest games.conf datas, select all withCTRL+A and past with CTRL+V to games.conf file and save
- Open global.conf with notepad
- Put your ps3 userid behind user_id= (like this > user_id=00000012)
- Put your consoleid behind console_id= (like this > console_id=00000001008500012345678912345678)
- Save notepad and exit
- Start PS3TropyIsGood.exe
- Drag and drop the trophy folder over the tool (MAKE BACKUP OF YOUR ORIGINAL FILE)
- Click Refresh > Advanced > Set random start time and set any start time you want. (dont set a time before the game release date. Give it a legit start time) and click Confirm
- Then Click Refresh > Advanced > Instant Platinum (now you have a platin trophy folder)
- Click refresh > file > save > close file > close
- Place your hacked trophy folder back to dev_hdd0 > home > 00000XX > trophy >
- Start the game again, let it load till main menu and exit the game. go to trophy section on xmb. at this time its only shows 100% but its locked and no pictures
- SOLUTION & DO IT WITH YOUR OWN RISK: this is the dangerous part because you need to sign in on psn to sync the trophys from your cfw ps3 with the psn server
- After you sync your trophys online then its full unlocked and the trophy pictures will showed. first sync maybe not work, but second one yes
P.s: My real consoleid is already banned long time ago. useless for pplz they want try to use it
P.s.s: Fresh trophy folders works bedder then trophys that already synced or unlocked. if you want hack trophys that are synced or unlocked delete them.
P.s.s.s: Sorry for my english. its not my main languages. i try my best
P.s.s.s.s: New version is updated.
- Fix timezone bug UTC.
- Add random setting.
- Fix timezone bug.
- Fixed timezone issue.
- Add lanuage combox .
- Change gobal.conf settings.
- Add random Timestamp feature.
- Instant Platinum random Timestamp too.
- Change time bug fixed.
- Big bug fixed.
- New icons.
- Multi-lingual.
- Instant Platinum will automatically be the last to be synchronized (synchronization time will be +1 second of other trophies).
- Eliminate unnecessary Debug Code, making it faster to open trophy files.
- Platinum must be unlocked last from now on.
(But you still have to enter the time on your own. Please set the time of Platinum last, or you won't be able to synchronize it)
Credits: SonyBlack