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1) Join GTA V Online

2) Open your Phone

3) Go down to the internet and click it

4) Go to "Travel and Transport"

5) Go to Warstock

6) Click on any of the vehicles (Not the Tank)*You should now be on the screen where you could buy the vehicle

7) Go to the top next to the URL there should be a little house icon

8 ) Click on it*You should know see just the original website from when you first open the internet

9) Then go to the URL and hover your middle finger (Cursor) over it

10) press Circle(O) and then X really quickly*You should know be back to the vehicle from warstock but you should be able to edit to the URL now

11) There should be one to two numbers at the end of the URL (Example) 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10)

12)Replace whatever number that is at the end of the URL with a ONE(1)

13) Hit the enter button on the keyboard which is just an arrow

14) Should take you to the Tank Details15) Hit (Buy-Now)
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