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I, this is a gta 5 online mods tutorial, car mods and gun mods, check it out!

shoot weapons in apartment / garage
cops have baseball bats
shoot rpg, grenade launcher, minigun, advanced rifle, tommy gun + others while driving
almost all cars fast + invincible
futo has drift, muscle car does wheelies
fast submarine, jetmax, marquis, luxor, tank
khamelion, hotknife and others give stun gun, fire extinguisher, molotovs, melee weapons
water hydrants and steam lift you up high in the air
blimp and chrome vehicles spawn in certain locations at certain times (search for WhiteMexican422's map for more details)
super punch
+ maybe more stuff i can't think of

sns pistol - tank shells
tommy gun - tank shells
bottle - rapid fire sniper rifle
advanced rifle - fire
heavy sniper - fire
bullpup shotgun - fire
ap pistol - water hydrant
combat mg - molotov
microsmg - molotov
grenade launcher - gas

BLES: Tested (Working)
BLUS: Tested (Working)pump shotgun - steam
stungun - rapid fire

Be cool!
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