gta5,bo2 and xmb collection! downloads!

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Sep 12, 2016

Hello CC, Here a collection off stuff thats useful for you.

Video one : How to edit XMB font / logo / coldboot / waves via a CFW on a PKG / game

Video two : GTA V: KM.Z ULTRA Version! Mod Loaders, Sprx menus, KMZ GTA Tool, CEX/DEX

Video Three : UPDATE v3.0 - BO2 (1.19) KMZ ULTRA Loader 42 mod menus + 19 game modes + 4 sprx

These programs allow you too never have to change menu on GTA or Bo2. You can load via an SPRX / GSC / RPF loader, meaning you don't have too mess about loading games via Filezilla / FTP

no need to change eboots and menus in tmp/folder anymore threw multi man just click the menu load game and your modding.same with the xmb collection has pre made cold boots,logos,background waves you name it this will do it there is also ways to add more menus yourself but what it has you will be please the tools for cex and dex,the tools will change blus to bles in a matter of one click!
Watch videos and enjoy i have tested this on cex,rex,dex works on everything!


xmb collection link

Download link :[XMB+Extras+Mod+Collection].zip
Too install the above :
1) download and extract too your desktop
2) connect FTP
3) Navigate too HDD0 / GAMES
4) Drop it in there
5) Once transferred, go on Multiman, and refresh
6) Load game via Multiman / Webman
7) Run it off XMB, an choose the font / coldboot / logo / waves that you want

Gta 5 collection link

Change your plain jane GTA V to KM.Z Ultra Version! For BLES GTA. Works for CEX/DEX. Install either one or try out one at a time!

GUYS!! watch the WHOLE video! I know its long but trust me , lots of info there. After installing eboot with the GTA Tool, if you ever want to use your own sprx just rename it GTA.sprx and put it in the
dev_hdd0/tmp folder

V1.3 is now whats downloadable. the content of V1.3 may differ from what is displayed in this tutorial vid.


GTA V KMZ ULTRA Version with TEXTURES 1.3 (1.92GB)

GTA V KMZ ULTRA Version Standard 1.3 (534MB)

MEGA:!p1QjVK4J!Z2GcRNB-MeQPUZXxHvxcc5fZSHy3xK8vCae3zQkfjEMB02 collection multi/zombies/gsc/non host

CEX/DEX. Update to the Black Ops II 2 XMB Loader for PS3 version. This is for bles01717 v1.19 not for blus. 32 multiplayer mod menus, 10 zombie menus plus 19 game modes and 4 sprx non host menus (beta)

here is the tutorial for the Loader: it from here (MEGA):!Q4h0WIoA!eg6J7fw6C5CGqOw7LVoFgUEJ8IiW8ek2PUqOXB6PJvU

Trouble shooting video:

install just delete older version from the xmb, reboot install new version.

For a COMPLETELY fresh install, delete from xmb, then go to dev_hdd0/tmp folder and that start with "BO2_GSC" , there should be 3 (one folder and a .cfg and .sprx file) if you see a "menuBO2.sprx" file you can delete that too. now do a full reboot.
then install this new version, as normal , start up the loader go straight to option #5 and install (this only needs to be done one time) then start from option #1 and pick something and go from there.

make sure to watch tutorial vid or read instructions before use!!!!

Steps too install :
Step one : connect FTP

1. start KMZ Ultra loader, the very first time you use this, install option #5 it only has to be installed once.

A) TO play multiplayer or Zombies (No Recoil options means ALL weapons will NOT have recoil regarless of if you use menus or not:

A1. choose option #1 Now pick Multiplayer or Zombies and then "exit to xmb"

A2. Now load the game, it may be wise to clear your history and cfw syscalls files (watch vid if you want tips on this) if you're playing offline there is no need.

A3. Now BEFORE you launch the game sign in to psn via the xmb if you plan to play online. You must do this step or menus will NOT work.

A4. You will be at either the multiplayer screen or Zombie screen. Multiplayers go straight into "local"
Zombies players, at the zombie screen wait 10 seconds, a facebook message may pop up (you may not get the message if you don't good!) just close it the go to "local"

A4-M. Multiplayers: in the local screen wait about 20secs for the gsc to load, then select L2+Dpad down to open. this can take Many many tries (not me who developed it lol) Select any menu by choosing "yes" go to next menu with "NO" . when you select a menu, at the "do you want to close the injector prompt" always always pick NO! To play online, select Bossam V6 menu, then start game, open menu , go to "LOBBY" and select FORCE HOST, when it turns on , press start and end game. now get out of local lobby go to online play and open the gsc injector again and pick any menu! You must have a decent connection for this to work!! go back out to the multiplayer lobby and pick any other menu and start again, you don't have to don't the force host thing, just once.

A4-Z. Zombies: do all the same steps as A4-M except when at local bring up the gsc injector and pick Hells Vengeance menu. start the match, open menu and select the HOST options, now pick FORCE HOST. press start and end match. now go to play online and follow all the same steps as A4-M

zombie menus DON'T work on MP and vice versa. Dont try it!

B) Play GameModes:
some modes are for specific areas and levels! make sure to find out where to use what!!

B1. go to #2 pick the only option

B2. Everyone will be at multiplayer. If you want to play zombies, just hit circle and choose zombies and vice versa, Then go to either online play or local. L2+dpad down opens the injector and it works the same way as above.

Note, that I don’t have much experience with gamemodes, I was very pressed for time so I just put a bunch on here and on most I didn’t have enough info nor how to launch them, make them work etc. But its the same as before if you ever used them. You can always google the name of the game mode and you will find vids and TUTS on how to use them. On the next update hopefully I can add more info to the onscreen display. the ones with ”??” means I have zero clue as to anything about them...again , google is your friend!

C. How to play your own SPRX non host menus

C1. Find any sprx non host menu and rename it “menuBO2.sprx” without the quotes. place it in the “tmp” folder located here- “ps3\dev_hdd0\tmp” eithe via ftp or file manager like in multiman. You will NOT need the eboot of that sprx menu or any other files

C2. Open KMZ Ultra Loader and choose option #3 then pick whether the non host menu is for zombies or multiplayer and then exit to xmb and luanch the game. You may want to follow the steps in the “A” section to stay safer online. follow the instructions of the sprx menu to open it. Note: many non host menus do not work! or they work only for dex or cex. if it doesn’t open the problem is NOT this loader its the sprx!

OPTION #4 - comes with 3 pre installed sprx menus that are non host. They did not work in cex maybe in dex they will I couldn’t test. To play , pick any one of the 3 here then choose option #3 from the KMZ loader main menu and pick either multiplayer or zombie, exit to xmb and launch the game as usual.

Posted by RealCFW.
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