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how to downgrade/update to any firmware if you're stuck on a firmware


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Ok crunchers<3

i've recently been having this issue and just thought id make a tutorial in case anyone else has that problem or will ever get that problem.

When you gonna install any of these updates/downgraders, you'll need a USB, make a folder on your USB stick and rename it to PS3 inside that folder make a new folder called UPDATE now move the rogero's downgrader into this folder and rename it to ''PS3UPDAT.PUP'' and here make sure it's not an E after UPDAT! like the image



if you're stuck on a DEX firmware and wan't back to CEX so you can go on any CEX firmware! for this you will need your CEX-FLASH.EID0.NORBIN and DEX-FLASH.EID0.NORBIN!

ok so now first install this DEX downgrader: Download
Transfer this file to USB - /PS3/UPDATE/PS3UPDAT.PUP now put the USB in your ps3 and go to system update and install it!

when that's done you're gonna install the REBUG 4.30.2 D-REX PS3UPDAT.PUP: Download
Transfer this file to USB - /PS3/UPDATE/PS3UPDAT.PUP now put the USB in your ps3 and go to system update and install it!

now when that's done you're gonna go to your PS3 and open rebug toolbox: Download toolbox

put this pkg on a usb and install from install package files from the XMB now have your USB with the CEX and DEX-FLASH.EID0.NORBIN in it and plug it in the PS3 and now inside Rebug toolbox you're gonna want go to the DEX/CEX tab and rewrite target id in flash! then swap lv2 kernel, make sure it says cex and now go to selector tab and switch your debug menu type to CEX QA! and make sure the system mode is on normal! all those last changes is in the rebug toolbox!

now you should be able to change to any CEX firmware!



if everytime you try to install a firmware lower than the on your own gives you an error saying your data is corrupt, then follow this guide!

first make sure you're fully back on cex then download rogero's 3.55 999 downgrader: Download

Transfer this file to USB - /PS3/UPDATE/PS3UPDAT.PUP now put the USB in your ps3 and go to system update and install it!
now when that's done you must install the ROGERO 3.55 V3.7 rename it to PS3UPDAT.PUP Download >
now put the USB in your ps3 and go to system update and install it!
now you are on a cfw 3.xx or 4.xx i don't remember exactly but now you should be able to downgrade or update to any firmware you want!

hopes this helps anyone with any of this problems out<33
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@marcus-gmlk1234 I edited your post made it more presentable, fixed spelling added the color to the text images and the last part was confusing regarding v3.7 never less it was worth the time Sticky! :)
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