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How to find g_client offset (noobs)


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Sup, so many people ask how to update client mod offsets this is most likely the easiest way.

This tutorial will be PS3 based but shouldnt be much different from xbox.

Now, once you have done that you want to go to View : Open Subviews : Strings, now it will generate the list of strings from the .elf. from here you can find many things, but i show you how to find g_client.

From here, you want to search for numPlayers, after it finds it double click it, then you will be brought to the ida view, from here you should see this :

You want to double click on the DATA XREF right there (where the function is called in the game)
Now you want to scroll down just a tiny bit until you see 0x5808 (for ps3) not sure for xbox, now right below this is
right there below 0x5808 you see unk 177B828 this is your g_client offset.

Ok, now that you know how to find g_client you can do many things with this for ps3 or xbox, like for me i use this to update offsets and this is how

(1.14 g_client) - 0x177B828 - (subtract) (1.13 g_client) 0x0177BD30 = -0x508 so you would do either 1.13 VSAT ON Offset + OR - 0x508 and you will get the new VSAT ON address for 1.14, now the reason i did 1.14 - 1.13 is for ps3 1.15 and 1.14 have the same g_client address..

Now, i hope some of you like this and helped some of you, as i was lucky and had some help learning this stuff.

Feel free to comment if you need any help with anything up here ;)
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