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How to get free PSN store games on CFW PS3! pkg instead of torrents


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How to get free PSN store games on CFW PS3!
Hello, This is my first tutorial in a long time so if the mods want to edit it for the better please do so!

How to get free PSN store games on CFW PS3! The Requirements
CFW ps3
A memory stick over 4 GB(if you're going to download a full ps3 game)
The files below

Lets begin by downloading the files you will need to get the games .pkg (actual game) and the games .rap(license to start it)

ReactPSN v2.23(this works with rogero 4.31) Note* if this doesnt work on lower cfw versions use the v2.20 of reactpsn***

Download link-http://www.mediafire.com/download/b..._v2.23_CFW421.pkg.658.v2.23_brewology_com.pkg
Virus scan-https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/...651e2d474c89a7343eb75f25b48f538aca8/analysis/

PSNstuff v1.80

Download link-http://www.mediafire.com/download/n4m2w856bucggz1/psnstuff.exe
Virus scan-https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/...651e2d474c89a7343eb75f25b48f538aca8/analysis/

Now for the actual Tutorial!!

First off you are going to want to put the reactpsn.pkg file on your flash drive and install it on your ps3
Next,put psnstuff.exe in its own folder**, now go ahead and start up PSNstuff, look for the game or dlc you want (use the search bar)
Once you find it click save rap, and then click download

Once it finishes you will have two folders(located in the same folder as psnstuff.exe). The first will be called exdata and the second will be called pkg

Now, open up the pkg folder and drag the pkg to the root of your flash drive.( If the pkg file is over 4 GB you need to split it, there will be a section for you at the end of the tutorial!)******
Next you want to drag the exdata folder* to the root of the flash drive also.

Take your flash drive and put it in your ps3, now install the pkg from the *install package files* menu on the ps3.
Once that install, head over to users on your ps3 and create a new user named "aa"

On "aa" run Reactpsn v2.23, your ps3 should restart. Now get back on your regular account and play your new game!!
(NOTE* if you delete the user ( that was "aa" reactpsn renames it) the game will no longer have a license and wont work!

take your pkg and drag it into this tab on psnstuff-

Once it splits you will get 2 (or more) files that are called .pkg.66600 and pkg.66601, put them both on a flashdrive and put it in your ps3. Now you can either use multiman to install them both or you can use the folder above (install package files) it is called /app_home/PS3_GAME/ , click that and it should show your games .pkg now just hit queue, after it queues just install it.
something screwy is going with psnstuff it isnt working anymore refusing load database and it wont update some reason i ran it as administrator and it keeps giving me a netframework error but im on the latest one any ideas?
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