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How to increase the download speed of your PlayStation 4

Miss @ Security

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After buying my PS4, I noticed that my connection speed was extremely slow compared to my connection on my PC and other devices. I have 50down / 4up on my PC, and around 8down / 2up on my PS4. This led to slow downloads. A 2GB file takes about 40 minutes, which is unacceptable, especially considering that digital downloads are gaining popularity.


Steps :

Go to settings ".
Go to "Network".
Go to "Configure the Internet connection"
Select Wifi / LAN depending on what you use to connect.
Select "Custom".
IP address settings = Automatic
DHCP host name = do not specify
DNS settings = Manual
Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS:
MTU settings: Automatic
Proxy server: do not use and are a Google DNS server from what I understand, and the use of these has helped a ton of people with their speed.

If that does not work, I recommend you download https://code.google.com/archive/p/namebench/ which is a program that checks the best DNS server for your connection. It takes between 5 and 10 minutes to tell you the best DNS servers to use.

Basically, changing your primary and secondary DNS servers will usually give you a
big increase in speed.

After doing this setup, turn off your PS4, wait 5-10 minutes, and recheck your connection speed on your PS4. After doing that, I saw my speeds increase to double, at around 23down / 4up.


After buying my PS4, I noticed that my connection speed was extremely slow compared to my connection on my PC and other devices. I have 50down / 4up on my PC, and around 8down / 2up on my PS4. This led to slow downloads. A 2GB file takes about 40 minutes, which is unacceptable, especially considering that digital downloads are gaining popularity.


Steps :

Go to settings ".
Go to "Network".
Go to "Configure the Internet connection"
Select Wifi / LAN depending on what you use to connect.
Select "Custom".
IP address settings = Automatic
DHCP host name = do not specify
DNS settings = Manual
Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS:
MTU settings: Automatic
Proxy server: do not use and are a Google DNS server from what I understand, and the use of these has helped a ton of people with their speed.

If that does not work, I recommend you download https://code.google.com/archive/p/namebench/ which is a program that checks the best DNS server for your connection. It takes between 5 and 10 minutes to tell you the best DNS servers to use.

Basically, changing your primary and secondary DNS servers will usually give you a
big increase in speed.

After doing this setup, turn off your PS4, wait 5-10 minutes, and recheck your connection speed on your PS4. After doing that, I saw my speeds increase to double, at around 23down / 4up.


Or sell your PS4 for a PC
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