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How to Install an N64 Emulator on Xbox One


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Hello CC,

This guide will be similar to installing PPSSPP(a PSP emulator) on your Xbox One If you have not tried this emulator and would like to check it out you can do so https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/xbox-apps/devkit-activation

In order to use this guide you will first need an Xbox one that has its developer mode activated. If you do not know how to do so then you can learn more about this here

  1. Download the emulator http://www.mediafire.com/file/zev35cxi6pdle03/Win64e10+PKG.rar |https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/...ff27d7c75f7ca3f0bb35ecd16870f1c7f3b/analysis/
  2. Extract the files to a location of your choosing using winrar or any other rar archive viewer
  3. Start your xbox one into developer mode
  4. Select the option that says "Enable Xbox Device Portal"
  5. Select the option that says "Require authentication to access Xbox Device Portal"
  6. Go back to the developer home and jot down the IP and PORT of your console in the bottom right hand corner. and enter it into your web browser in the following format
  7. Once you go to your address you will see a site that is similar to the following

  8. From this webpage you will need to scroll down until you see a section to upload and install an application(photo below) In this section you will need to click the button and choose the Win64e10_2.1.0.0_x64.appx file that you extracted back in step 2.

  9. Click Next and complete the installation procedure.
  10. ???
  11. Profit! You now have an N64 Emulator installed. Please note however that in order to play your backups you will need to transfer them to your OneDrive Account and download them from there
credit where credit is due of course. I did not make any of the files in this guide.

Posted by RealCFW.
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