PS3 How to make a MW3 RTE Tool C# {;1337Was here

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Active Poster
Active Member
Nov 27, 2013
United Kingdom
Right, lets get started

STEP 1: First open a new project in visual C# and add ps3tmapi_net.dll as a reference. it is located under "Project" at the top

STEP 2: You must declare these like this

public static uint ProcessID;
public static uint[] processIDs;
public static string snresult;
private static string usage;
public static string Info;
public static PS3TMAPI.ConnectStatus connectStatus;
public static string Status;
public static string MemStatus;

STEP 3: Now make a new button and add this function into the button by double clicking the button to open the function

PS3TMAPI.Connect(0, null);
PS3TMAPI.GetProcessList(0, out processIDs);
ulong uProcess = processIDs[0];
ProcessID = Convert.ToUInt32(uProcess);
PS3TMAPI.ProcessAttach(0, PS3TMAPI.UnitType.PPU, ProcessID);
PS3TMAPI.ProcessContinue(0, ProcessID);
MessageBox.Show("PS3 and Game Has been Attached");

What this function does is Connects the ps3 to pc then attaches the process and displays a message box when it is complete. It should look like this

STEP 4: Now we will add some mods. We will do UFO Mode. So create a new button and name it UFO Mode ON and add this function into it.

byte[] UFO = new byte[] { 0x02 };
PS3TMAPI.ProcessSetMemory(0, PS3TMAPI.UnitType.PPU, ProcessID, 0, 0x0110d87F, UFO);

It should look like this

Now if u want super jump u would get the super jump offset and replace it with 0x0110d87f and change the 0x02 to 0x44, 0x7A

So guys with this u should be able to make ur own rte tool. I will be doing more tutorials like this later on.

If u have any questions feel free to ask me u can pm me or add me on skype - kushmods1337
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