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How to set up, connect and use RTM tools with with ccapi. Tutorial by Marcus-gmlk1234


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ok crunchers so here's how to set up and use ccapi<3

1) first of all begin by downloading the package file that you put on your ps3: http://www.mediafire.com/download/25qraa77r9bcdio/XX0001-ENSTONEXX_00-00000000000CCAPIv2.50.pkg

2) now put that on a usb and download it from install package files on your ps3.

3) launch the program on your ps3 and follow on screen information and install it.

4) now install the ccapi application on your computer: http://www.mediafire.com/download/gtawbaj3h8577bb/CcApi_package_2.50+(2)+(1).rar

5) now open the folder and install the application.

6) open ccapi application and top left corner you see 'file' press on that and add new console, write your ps3's ip and then write the name you wan't for that console to be. could be any name doesn't matter!

7) connect it and you're done!

now you should be able to connect any tool with ccapi.

hope this helped you out and have the best time of your life modding <3

Credits: Marcus-gmlk1234 and FMT for the files
heres actual link those are good to but this is actually from creatior :)
Nice tutorial tho
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for the tools that you are going to use while being connected to CCAPI; where do the files go , do I need to move them or should they just stay where they are?
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