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How to Softmod the Original Xbox with action replay (CHEAP METHOD)


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-=Action Replay Budget Method=-

You will need the following:
  • Xbox Memory Card
  • Windows 32-bit (Not Windows 10)
  • Action Replay Software Download
  • Action Replay (Xbox) or DYI edition
  • Splinter Cell listed here
  • Linux Installer for Splinter Cell
  • Original Xbox
Ok, let's start!

Download the Action replay software and Game save that's suited for your region. Plug your memory card into your Xbox controller to verify its working.

Software Installation:
You must have a 32-bit version of Windows. Windows XP or Windows 7 is highly recommended. Run the Setup as Admin and allow it to install. Once that has finished run the Update as Admin. (This will be really fast) Reboot your PC. Plugin you Action replay card into your PC and load Action Replay. Drag the Zip onto the memory card by simply dragging it.

Example: It will look different because I changed the files you use but its the same thing. (Image by vcft67)

Plug your memory card into your controller and copy the saves to your Xbox Hard Drive. Once that's Finished boot up Splinter Cell and load the Linux Profile (Click "A" 3 times) You should boot into a menu like this.

Example (by me :p)

You want to back up your Xbox so Click "Backup /Restore" and select "Create MS BackUp" Once that's done go back to the menu that's above and select "Install Single Boot softmod" --> "Standard" and select the dashboard of your choice. I recommend using UnleashedX. Once that's done you have softmodded your Xbox.

Go here to see how to play your backups
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