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ICECOLDKILLAH Keeps your PS3 Cool With Temp Control 1.00


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When it comes to PS3 hacking, keeping your console cool is an obviously top priority. If the system gets too hot while performing demanding tasks, you could fall victim to the dreaded YLOD. That's why apps like ICECOLDKILLAH's Temp Control for PS3 are important. They make sure our boxes stay cool, and our hacking needs stay fulfilled. Unlike other options, this one works alongside CcApi to interface with your computer. You can see by degree how warm your machine is, and it will automatically shut it down if the digits happen to get too steamy. See more info in the release notes below!


First install XX0001-ENSTONEXX_00-00000000000CCAPIv2.00.pkg on your PS3, then start the CCAPI Installer from the XMB.
Type your PS3 IP into Temp Control and click connect.

CPU/GPU Temps between 0-69 C will be showed in green, between 70-74 C in yellow, and from 75 C and up in red.

PS3 Notifications will show CPU+GPU Temps on your PS3. Windows Notifications will show CPU+GPU Temps in the Windows Taskbar. You can setup the delay of the Notifications from 1sec up to 1min.

Emergency Shutdown will auto shutdown your PS3 if CPU/GPU Temps exceed 80C.

Temp Control - v1.00 (17/12/13) first release.

Temp Control is made by ICECOLDKILLAH.
Temp Control uses CCAPI made by Enstone, which uses PS3Lib made by iMCSx.
Temp Control requires .NET Framework 4.5: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30653

Download: Temp Control 1.00
Source: ******
Chuckie well done;)
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