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If There Is A Video, There Must Be A Download!


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So i came across this nice little site called "DagFs" of course its a porn site, what? I watch porn, deal with it.
Any way, seems there is no download button for the video im liking :okay: well if there is a video, there has to be a direct link to the video. Lets see how to locate it.

All images are gonna be censored! (User Account Name, Background Boarder Image, Cams Images!)

Step: 1) - Find a video you want...

Step: 2) - Inspect the page and go through the data, easy way to know when your getting closer on locating such link is when the certain area highlights like so...

Step: 3) - Now locate which video you would like, i prefer my videos to be 720p and up... (Choose which one you would like to download, click the link to be able to edit it and copy the full URL nothing more, nothing less.)

Step: 4) - Now you should end up on a page like such, if not thats alright aslong as it shows your video and allows you to right click on the video... Then "Save Video As...", pick a location to save it and enjoy!

(NOTE: This might not work with all sites, but hey, if you didnt know this... now you do! :fa:) Enjoy.

I hope this little tutorial helped you in figuring out how to locate certain things, if not then sorry. Keep looking ;)
Link to video? :bucktooth:
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