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iOS 11 - 11.1.2 Electra Jailbreak


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Active Member
Recently Coolstar has released their Electra Jailbreak for iOS 11 - 11.1.2 which is compatable with any iPhone, iPod and iPads running the supported firmware. In its current state it is only a Semi-untethered jailbreak which means whenever your device gets rebooted you will have to re-jailbreak your device. (this doesn't include Restarting the SpringBoard though!) One of the best things with the Electra Jailbreak is that it brings Cydia to iOS 11.

The way the jailbreak is done is fairly simple all you need is a PC or Mac, the Cydia impactor and a brain. You can find the links to all downloads at the bottom of the article. I currently have this running on my own iPhone 6 and a iPhone 6+ both at iOS 11.1.2. To create a One-Use password, look at the bottom of the article. To install the Electra Jailbreak follow the tutorial down below;

  1. Open up Cydia Impactor and connect your device using its Lightning cable.
  2. Download the up-to-date .ipa of Electra (1.0.3).
  3. Drag and Drop the .ipa onto Cydia Impactor and Sign-in using a One-Use Password.
  4. Let Electra install on your device.
  5. When its finished go over to Settings/General/Device Management/*YourEmail* and trust the App.
  6. Now open up Electra and make sure you are running the correct iOS version and then press Jailbreak.
  7. When Electra is done your device will ReSpring and now your device will be Jailbroken!

Once the device has come back on you can now go over to Cydia and install tweaks however not all tweaks have been updated to iOS 11 yet so be patient. Some tweaks I recommend are LocalAPStore, Flex 3 and Zeppelin. Using the Cydia Impactor can also be used to install cracked .ipa's which contain mods or other things. To sign into Cydia Impactor to install Electra will require you to create a One-Use password, this can be done by going to this LINK, sign in using your normal iCloud login, scroll down to Security and then press One-Use passwords and proceed to create one. Thanks to CoolStar and the many others who have made this Jailbreak possible.

Thanks for taking the time to read and if I helped you out let me know in the comments!!

Electra IPA
Cydia Impactor


Ian Beer
Recently Coolstar has released their Electra Jailbreak for iOS 11 - 11.1.2 which is compatable with any iPhone, iPod and iPads running the supported firmware. In its current state it is only a Semi-untethered jailbreak which means whenever your device gets rebooted you will have to re-jailbreak your device. (this doesn't include Restarting the SpringBoard though!) One of the best things with the Electra Jailbreak is that it brings Cydia to iOS 11.

The way the jailbreak is done is fairly simple all you need is a PC or Mac, the Cydia impactor and a brain. You can find the links to all downloads at the bottom of the article. I currently have this running on my own iPhone 6 and a iPhone 6+ both at iOS 11.1.2. To create a One-Use password, look at the bottom of the article. To install the Electra Jailbreak follow the tutorial down below;

  1. Open up Cydia Impactor and connect your device using its Lightning cable.
    Download the up-to-date .ipa of Electra (1.0.3).
    Drag and Drop the .ipa onto Cydia Impactor and Sign-in using a One-Use Password.
    Let Electra install on your device.
    When its finished go over to Settings/General/Device Management/*YourEmail* and trust the App.
    Now open up Electra and make sure you are running the correct iOS version and then press Jailbreak.
    When Electra is done your device will ReSpring and now your device will be Jailbroken!

Once the device has come back on you can now go over to Cydia and install tweaks however not all tweaks have been updated to iOS 11 yet so be patient. Some tweaks I recommend are LocalAPStore, Flex 3 and Zeppelin. Using the Cydia Impactor can also be used to install cracked .ipa's which contain mods or other things. To sign into Cydia Impactor to install Electra will require you to create a One-Use password, this can be done by going to this LINK, sign in using your normal iCloud login, scroll down to Security and then press One-Use passwords and proceed to create one. Thanks to CoolStar and the many others who have made this Jailbreak possible.

Thanks for taking the time to read and if I helped you out let me know in the comments!!

Electra IPA
Cydia Impactor


Ian Beer
Great Post M8.
i ain't even know they was still jailbreaking
apples iOS's
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