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IRISMAN MANAGER 2.72-1 & Now 2.72-2


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This is an "unofficial" version of Iris Manager 2.72 by Estwald/D-Skywalk. This version includes all the new Cobra/Mamba payload and ISO features added by Estwald in 2.72. The changes that I made are mainly related to the user interface (buttons layout are more XMB-like, quick access to File Manager, progress bar when game list is scanned or file permissions are applied, colors, 4 gui modes, etc.). It also includes the Payloads for 4.41DEX/4.46DEX/4.50DEX and the grids 8x6 and 6x4 from Rancid-O's PS3ITA Manager and Payload for 4.53 CEX from HABIB. The most notable feature is that unlike the official version, it scans GAMES/GAMEZ/GAMES_DUP/GAMES_BAD on the external drives.

Source Code 2.72-2 here

Changes in 2.72-2: Added option to auto-spoof Console ID. Changed default to Disc-less payload. Changed order of options in global and tools menus.

Improved selection of GUI mode option in Global menu.

Changes in 2.72-1: Added all the features, bug fixes (and new bugs?) from official Iris Manager 2.72 (The splash screen and holidays greetings were omitted).

Major features:
- Almost all the features from Iris Manager 2.72 (including ISO features for Cobra CFW and Mamba payload for 4.53 HABIB and 4.46 non-cobra)
- Added scanning of games on /GAMES, /GAMEZ, /GAMES_DUP, /GAMES_BAD, /PSXISO folders.
- Also added the option to scan /host_root and /dev_hdd0/video (spoofed games folder used by m@tsumoto's stealth version of multiMAN)
- Added new GUI mode: grid 6x4 and 8x6 from PS3ITA Manager (for a total of 4 GUI modes with/without covers)
- Added payloads for 4.41DEX, 4.46DEX, 4.50DEX from PS3ITA Manager and 4.53CEX from HABIB
- New buttons layout to resemble multiMAN / XMB buttons layout
- Hold R2 or L2 while the program is starting to enter directly into File Manager mode without scan games
- Added progress bar while games are being scanned and when file permissions are applied
- Prevents re-scan of games when exiting from File Manager
- Added option to disable the loading of the Fan Control Utility payload
- Added auto-preview and full screen preview of images (.jpg/.png)
- Changed colors, default temperature table, some labels, etc.
- Auto-boot PSX ISO placed in USRDIR/ps1_iso/ (useful to create PS1 pkgs). Hold L1/R1 for memory card configuration.
- Launch PS3, PS2 & PSX ISOS on 4.46/4.53 (Cobra & non-cobra).
- Auto-spoof of Console ID.
New Button mapping:
In game list:
- CROSS: Select/Mount game
- CIRCLE: Cancel / Exit to XMB
- START: Global config
- SELECT+START: File Manager
- SELECT+CIRCLE: Prompt for reboot the PS3
- L2+START: Change GUI mode
- L1/R1: Scroll game list by page
- R3: Re-scan the games
In File Manager:
- CROSS: View in Hex Editor / Launch file
- SQUARE: Select file/folder
- SELECT+SQUARE: Select/Unselect all files/folder
- SELECT+START: Exit File Manager
- SELECT+CROSS: View in Hex Editor (PKG, .self) / on .. go to root
- L1/R1: Scroll up/down by page
- LEFT / RIGHT: Switch panel
- L2/R2: Switch vertical/horizontal screen layout
- L3/R3: Quick jump to paths (root, self path, other panel path)
Download: IRISMAN 2.72-2 (Mod)
will thi work on rogeto 4.46 cex????
Give it a try bro cant see why not working fine on 4.41DEX/4.46DEX/4.50DEX and the grids 8x6 and 6x4 from Rancid-O's PS3ITA Manager and Payload for 4.53 CEX from HABIB and 4.50.1 rogero.;)
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