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Today developer @MrSmithyx has updated his PS4 management app for Android which now allows you to access FTP through the app.
Changelog (1.0.0 Official):
- Multiple Payloads Support
- Server Management so it's not always running in background
- Fix renaming file
- Restart server under different port now possible without restarting
Stability and package refactoring
- Open App
- Clear PS4 cache, and all that jazz, Enter: http://{android_ip_here}:8080/ (on PS4)
- Click that only hyperlink at the bottom (on PS4 ofc)
- exploit will do exploity things, just wait as the app loads the payload (may take a while depending on connection)
- Profit (on PS4)
- Once you jailbreak, and goldenhen is loaded, turn on ftp in goldenhen and click the target
- sleirsgoevy JB Host Server + mi.js helper, loads goldenhen 2.0b2
- Ability to send payload to goldenhen binloader port 9090
- FTP Features coming soon
- Setting Features, undecided
- mi.js, just an extension for the android app to help send status updates to the android app
- Alpha Roadmap
- Create Android JB Server in the background
- Load bin when jb finished
- Load Bin Payloads From Phone using Goldhen 2.0+ 9090
- Add 6.72, 7.02 7.5X, 9.00 jb hosts (thanks to sleirsgoevy repos)
- Beta Roadmap
- FTP Manager
- [] FTP Settings / Configurations
- Automatically Includes
- GoldHEN - PS4 Homebrew Enabler
- Features
- Homebrew Enabler
- Debug Settings
- VR Support
- Remote Package Install
- Rest Mode Support
- External HDD Support
- Official External HDD Format Support
- Debug Trophies Support
- sys_dynlib_dlsym Patch
- UART Enabler
- Never Disable Screenshot
- Remote Play Enabler
- FW Update Block
- FTP Server on 2121 port
- BinLoader Server on 9090 port
- CE-30391-6 Error CMOS Fix
Download: Mi - PS4 Tool v1.0.0
Source: github
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