The widely used multiMAN Backup Manager by PS3 Developer Deank has received a new update. This new update now gives support for PS3 firmware version v4.53 CFW CEX following Sony's recent official firmware update. Deank have fixed cover/backgrounds for network PS3 games in JB/folder format and then for COBRA 7.0 CFW user's a new Selectable 4.53 Spoof has been added, accessible from multiMAN the Advance Settings.
multiMAN 04.53.01 is now available (online update within mM and in the WEB column):
multiMAN ver 04.53.01 BASE CEX (20131208).pkg (43.32MB)
(MD5: bfab78c61bd0749cdf36b2ca4734d720)
Download multiMAN ver 04.53.01 BASE CEX (20131208).pkg
I have no intention of installing 4.53 at the moment, so hopefully folks will post back if it works properly.Download:multiMAN ver 04.53.01 BASE CEX
Source:Deank via *************
multiMAN 04.53.01 is now available (online update within mM and in the WEB column):
multiMAN ver 04.53.01 BASE CEX (20131208).pkg (43.32MB)
(MD5: bfab78c61bd0749cdf36b2ca4734d720)
Download multiMAN ver 04.53.01 BASE CEX (20131208).pkg
- Added support for 4.53 CEX CFW (tested)
- Fixed covers/backgrounds for network PS3 games in JB/folder format
- Added spoof to version 4.53 (COBRA7 firmwares only)
On Cobra7 compatible firmwares - make sure to delete mM's USRDIR/cache folder (if you want to get PIC1.PNG covers for network JB/folder games).
Network (/net_host#/***PS3***/) games now show ICON0.PNG, PIC1.PNG and a cover if available.
multiMAN was updated to 04.53.00...
multiMAN ver 04.53.00 BASE CEX (20131207).pkg (43.32MB)
- Added support for 4.53CFW
I have no intention of installing 4.53 at the moment, so hopefully folks will post back if it works properly.Download:multiMAN ver 04.53.01 BASE CEX
Source:Deank via *************