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My Way Of Not Getting InstaBan On BO2 (CEX/DEX)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rivaxx17
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Hello Crunchers I Want to share with you guys my way of how i do to not get instaban on Black Ops 2 and mod on Zombies and Multiplayer.

1. If you have CID Banned change it with what ever homebrew you're using to change you ID. Personally i use PS3ItaManager to change my CID.

2. Install Ps Ninja v4 pkg on your ps3 CEX or DEX and run it and select the first one (Wipe History) and the Fifth one Just in Case (Clear Web Browser History).

3. If you have an AntiBan Eboot for DEX BO2 you're OK But If Not Put The Debug Eboot With Antiban on the designated folder Do that before the steps above.

4. Install on your Computer Control Console By Enstone and connect it to your ps3 via CCcapi. You have to have the pkg Control Console 2.50 on your ps3.

5. Now go to the Game but do not sign in Yet.

6. Open the tool you are going to Use. For CEX or Even DEX users i would recommend to Use ScarzModz Bo2 1.18 RTM (CEX/DEX) tool or Black Ops 2 Project Ultimate V1.0 By DebugKiller RTM Tool 1.18 this tools have anti Ban On them that can help you not to get Banned. That's for Multiplayer and For Zombies I Would Recommend to Use BO2 Zombie - 1.18 By BoZeX this Tool Has AntiBan on it Too That will Help you a lot not to get Banned.
Connect it to Your Ps3 And turn the AntiBan Option that the Tool Has on It.

7. Sign In

8. With Control Console on your PC Change the Console ID To Zeros

9. Have Fun Modding

This Way i Never get Banned either Console Banned Or Psn Account Banned. Not even my Account gets Banned on Bo2

I hope this helps to the community.

Links if you want the tools i have:


Hope This Helps the Community Not to Get Banned.
Have Fun
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First of all this is the wrong section. Second of all spoofing doesn't work. Third of all you don't need ps ninja to not be instabanned. Last of all Use arabic guys tool rather than other shit tools plus it has a antiban.
Yes It Does. Maybe Soofing for you doesn't work 'cause you don't know anything on how to spoof well and not get banned. :shooting1:
Secondly This is a Suggestion to who ever wants to take it. If you don't want to try it Fine IDC that's not my problem I'm doing just fine by doing this.
Yes It Does. Maybe Soofing for you doesn't work 'cause you don't know anything on how to spoof well and not get banned. :shooting1:
Secondly This is a Suggestion to who ever wants to take it. If you don't want to try it Fine IDC that's not my problem I'm doing just fine by doing this.
Spoofing doesn't work because the console id is sent to Sony as you sign in. If you want to call them heres the number 800-345-SONY and btw the wait time is around 30 min
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