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Need tester for Chibi


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Gonna need testers on the journey that is chibi. Chibis a GIANT project I wanna finish in a month or two and with your help it can be done.

What is chibi?

A fun all cods and other games as well as rtm menu that is VOICE RECOGNIZED. I made an engine and am now coding basic functions (attach connect labels etc etc). I might make it into a huge tool that even goes into other things such as cloud flare and skype resolvers with always up Apis (idk we'll see).

Is it open source?
Probably. I might just encrypt it to get rid of skids, but at the same time I believe people can make some great tools with the speech engine source :).


windows 8. (Preferably) or windows 7

A DEX PS3 (not coding ccapi **** that) or a jtaged xbox

Time and in depth reports of the problems (cause there will probably be a lot of em)

What's in it for me?
A tool that is personalized to the modding consumer :) (meaning your ideas and thoughts will go into account)

Wanna help with the coding?
Pm me or post below, helps always appreciated.

Seez ya ;)
A voice recognized menu would not work well.

But the other stuff is nice ;)
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