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New Jurassic World trailer released + my thoughts


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So the new Jurassic World trailer was just released on machinmas channel and only one word can describe it, wow. The trailer starts off with a happy feeling and ends with a scared, real, serious one.The all around conflict seems to be a genetically modified dinosaurs who's highly dangerous and intelligent escaping it's cage and reaking havoc on the park goers. From what it looks like in the trailer it seems to me to be a tyrannosaurus Rex with longer arms, but it also has a smaller build, can swim under water, and is extremely athletic. The story also seems to center around 2 children, a scientist (may not be an important character but we'll see), and a park worked who is trying to track down the beast. If the movie is anything like the trailer than it is sure to be a hit!

Original post - www.icarusmodding.com
So the new Jurassic World trailer was just released on machinmas channel and only one word can describe it, wow. The trailer starts off with a happy feeling and ends with a scared, real, serious one.The all around conflict seems to be a genetically modified dinosaurs who's highly dangerous and intelligent escaping it's cage and reaking havoc on the park goers. From what it looks like in the trailer it seems to me to be a tyrannosaurus Rex with longer arms, but it also has a smaller build, can swim under water, and is extremely athletic. The story also seems to center around 2 children, a scientist (may not be an important character but we'll see), and a park worked who is trying to track down the beast. If the movie is anything like the trailer than it is sure to be a hit!

Original post - www.icarusmodding.com
i love the theme song
I remember the first one way back it was a let down, with the tech these day i expect a better one
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