Hello dear crunchers, today I bring you more exciting PS4 news!
So the SIEE Team anounced last week the Introduction to their new controllers aspect.
They said that the purpose of the new controller aspect, dynamics and feel was for the PRO players and for those players who complained that the PS4 Standard size or Default controller was not comfortable on their hands.
These new controllers are called PRO GAMING CONTROLLERS according to what was said last week.
These controllers are only going to be available on Europe at the moment (Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe), but if it gets to be a success, maybe we will get to see them in the SIEA (America).
The company who designed them are bellow their respective image!
Thread by, juampa21
So the SIEE Team anounced last week the Introduction to their new controllers aspect.
They said that the purpose of the new controller aspect, dynamics and feel was for the PRO players and for those players who complained that the PS4 Standard size or Default controller was not comfortable on their hands.
These new controllers are called PRO GAMING CONTROLLERS according to what was said last week.
These controllers are only going to be available on Europe at the moment (Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe), but if it gets to be a success, maybe we will get to see them in the SIEA (America).
The company who designed them are bellow their respective image!
Thread by, juampa21
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