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News:PS4 Multi Cod Tool - Ghosts/AW 1.76 Released.


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Hello CC,

So here are these tools a few months ago with help from XexSolutions but I was using a private PS4API which prevented me from releasing them.

I have ported it over to use the public PS4API released by black panther and combined them both into one tool.

How to Use:
- Open Web Kit Playground and start the code execution
- Open the mod tool and enter the IP of the PS4 then click send payload
- Wait about a minute to two minutes for it to execute then press the PS4 button to back out of the webkit and start Ghosts or AW
- Load into a multiplayer match and add bots
- Click Connect to PS4 once in game
- You can then fetch clients and start applying mods to the selected clients

My Tutorial Video:

Showcase By XexSolutions:

Here are some screenshots:




Download: PS4 Multi Cod Tool
Virus Scan

Posted by RealCFW.
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