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Outcast sprx not working need help. Game freezes

i have the eboot and sprx files in the right location but no menu comes up in game can anyone help?
in rebug toolbox you got cobra mode enabled?
sprx=tmp unless it belongs in a folder for example semjases is tmp/Semjases/all files (sprx, key, and all the needed sources)
eboot=Blusxxx or blessxxx/ gaames/ your game region (bluss or bless) / usrdir (user directory) over write the eboot check if the eboot is cex or dex
how to check if your on dex/cex open rebug tool box and the top should be system info and it will give your system ip your software update and if you still need help hit me up at ig og_moddingcrev4_2nd_account or kick OG_ModdingCrewxV4
if your game freezes when using the beta version of 'The Outcast'. Open WebMAN Setup and go to IDPS & MEM Settings. Change Plugin Memory Usage to Max PSX+ fixed the problem for me.
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