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(OutDated) How to keep your CID permanently unbanned (New method)

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CC Dev Team
Active Member
Hey ConsoleCrunchers, PwnAzz here again with another amazing tutorial!

There is a new method to keep your CID permanetly unbanned.

First off, you must be on DEX and have PSNinja.

Secondly, set your CID to 32 0's. Then go into PSNinja and enable the first 5 options. By doing so, you are hiding your identity from Sony.

Next, go into your settings, and find debug settings. Scroll down to "Fake Save Data Owner", turn it on if you don't already have it on. Then turn it off and on again. Doing so, will put your PS3 into developer mode and also fake your data.

Reboot your PS3.

After your PS3 boots up, head to debug settings again and find "Region Settings", what you want to do next is change your region to Korea. Then head down to "Fake Other Region" and enable this. Doing so, will set your region to North Korea. This will prevent sony from banning you because they will be too scared to get involved with North Korea again, due to their movie "The Interview", which angered the mighty North Korean leader. But you're not done yet.

After you have changed your region to North Korea, go back into PSNinja and enable the first 5 options again. This step is REQUIRED because once you are in North Korea, they can track you, so you want to go into ninja mode to hide from them.

Next, you want to set your CID to: 00000001008C000BSL00FL1RP4143952

Then, reboot your PS3 once again. This will make sure you are secured. The reason for setting the above CID is because that CID is special. It was leaked by George "Geohot" Hotz. He took the time to hack into Sony's encrypted CYGNSS data system and found the mother ID.

Finally, you have to enable OFW mode so that your PS3 is hidden from Sony once again. This will make your PS3 look like an official system rather than a jailbroken one.

The last step is to create a new profile, and name it after the first 16 characters of the CID above, so like the characters after the "B" and stop when you have the first 10 characters after the B. Meaning after the "4". Once you do that, create the new profile and at the bottom right of your screen, you should see something like "Console ID Set to:". It should have automatically set a new console ID for you that is unbannable.

Congratz, now you can mod as much as you want on the PS3 without getting banned!
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Hey ConsoleCrunchers, PwnAzz here again with another amazing tutorial!

There is a new method to keep your CID permanetly unbanned.

First off, you must be on DEX and have PSNinja.

Secondly, set your CID to 32 0's. Then go into PSNinja and enable the first 5 options. By doing so, you are hiding your identity from Sony.

Next, go into your settings, and find debug settings. Scroll down to "Fake Save Data Owner", turn it on if you don't already have it on. Then turn it off and on again. Doing so, will put your PS3 into developer mode and also fake your data.

Reboot your PS3.

After your PS3 boots up, head to debug settings again and find "Region Settings", what you want to do next is change your region to Korea. Then head down to "Fake Other Region" and enable this. Doing so, will set your region to North Korea. This will prevent sony from banning you because they will be too scared to get involved with North Korea again, due to their movie "The Interview", which angered the mighty North Korean leader. But you're not done yet.

After you have changed your region to North Korea, go back into PSNinja and enable the first 5 options again. This step is REQUIRED because once you are in North Korea, they can track you, so you want to go into ninja mode to hide from them.

Next, you want to set your CID to: 00000001008C000BSL00FL1RP4143952

Then, reboot your PS3 once again. This will make sure you are secured. The reason for setting the above CID is because that CID is special. It was leaked by George "Geohot" Hotz. He took the time to hack into Sony's encrypted CYGNSS data system and found the mother ID.

Finally, you have to enable OFW mode so that your PS3 is hidden from Sony once again. This will make your PS3 look like an official system rather than a jailbroken one.

The last step is to create a new profile, and name it after the first 16 characters of the CID above, so like the characters after the "B" and stop when you have the first 10 characters after the B. Meaning after the "4". Once you do that, create the new profile and at the bottom right of your screen, you should see something like "Console ID Set to:". It should have automatically set a new console ID for you that is unbannable.

Congratz, now you can mod as much as you want on the PS3 without getting banned!
I used it playing call of duty black cocks 3 with ya mom it works was playing nudetown with ya mom using non host mods while she was riding my care package no ban 0% guaranteed !!!
Hey ConsoleCrunchers, PwnAzz here again with another amazing tutorial!

There is a new method to keep your CID permanetly unbanned.

First off, you must be on DEX and have PSNinja.

Secondly, set your CID to 32 0's. Then go into PSNinja and enable the first 5 options. By doing so, you are hiding your identity from Sony.

Next, go into your settings, and find debug settings. Scroll down to "Fake Save Data Owner", turn it on if you don't already have it on. Then turn it off and on again. Doing so, will put your PS3 into developer mode and also fake your data.

Reboot your PS3.

After your PS3 boots up, head to debug settings again and find "Region Settings", what you want to do next is change your region to Korea. Then head down to "Fake Other Region" and enable this. Doing so, will set your region to North Korea. This will prevent sony from banning you because they will be too scared to get involved with North Korea again, due to their movie "The Interview", which angered the mighty North Korean leader. But you're not done yet.

After you have changed your region to North Korea, go back into PSNinja and enable the first 5 options again. This step is REQUIRED because once you are in North Korea, they can track you, so you want to go into ninja mode to hide from them.

Next, you want to set your CID to: 00000001008C000BSL00FL1RP4143952

Then, reboot your PS3 once again. This will make sure you are secured. The reason for setting the above CID is because that CID is special. It was leaked by George "Geohot" Hotz. He took the time to hack into Sony's encrypted CYGNSS data system and found the mother ID.

Finally, you have to enable OFW mode so that your PS3 is hidden from Sony once again. This will make your PS3 look like an official system rather than a jailbroken one.

The last step is to create a new profile, and name it after the first 16 characters of the CID above, so like the characters after the "B" and stop when you have the first 10 characters after the B. Meaning after the "4". Once you do that, create the new profile and at the bottom right of your screen, you should see something like "Console ID Set to:". It should have automatically set a new console ID for you that is unbannable.

Congratz, now you can mod as much as you want on the PS3 without getting banned!
noice am a try it out :)
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