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PS3 Noob modding guide


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Active Member

I am so lost, Where do I start? Can I brick my PS3? Can I host lobbies anymore on 3.70? Are MW2 lobbies still possible? Can you play backups? Blah Blah blah etc. Lost? Scared? Don't wanna f*** up bad? Well let us begin.
I have gotten a few PM asking what are the basics of PS3 modding and figure instead of individually messaging all of you back searching for the download link(s) you need, I am gonna make a huge starter thread. This thread will contain all the info I know and all downloads for everything because to tell you the truth, I hate PM's.

Q: What is the latest Jailbreak able firmware on PS3?
A: The 3.55 OFW is the newest firmware that the devs have released. The most common is most likely either Geohots or Kmeas. Geohots is largely basic but you can run basic homebrew such as File manager and other apps but NO BACKUPS. Now Kmeas on the other hand is able to run backups hence why it is the second most popular.

Q: Can I host lobbies for COD4, W@W and MW2?
A: COD4 yes, W@W yes, MW2 yes.

Q: Is it possible to brick my PS3? In reality how do you brick a PS3?
A: Yes. One way that most people don't know is say your on 3.55 and you are looking for a 3.55 CFW. So you go and find a CFW that is 3.41 but you say f*** it and try to install it. Your PS3 will most like;y have a seizure and give you a never ending black screen. Looks like your investing in a new one.

Q: How can I tell if my PS3 is bricked?
A:One -
It Gets Black Screen On Start Up.

Two -
It Freezes When On The XMB

Three -
It Auto Turns Off Once Turned On.

Q: How do I jailbreak my 3.55 PS3 with Geohots CFW?
STEP 1: Plug a USB stick into your computer
STEP 2: Create a folder in the root of the USB stick called PS3
STEP 3: Create a folder inside the PS3 folder called UPDATE
STEP 4: Download jailbreak.zip
STEP 5: Unzip Jailbreak.zip to PS3UPDAT.PUP
STEP 6: Move PS3UPDAT.PUP to the directory UPDATE that you just created on the USB stick
STEP 7: Plug the USB stick into your PS3
STEP 8: Navigate to Settings Tab
STEP 9: Choose System Update
STEP 10: Choose Update via Storage Media
STEP 11: It will say it found Version 3.55-jb
STEP 12: Choose OK
STEP 13: Accept Conditions and Install Update
STEP 14: After less than a minute, your PS3 will update, beep 4 times then shut down.
STEP 15: Power up your PS3 (You will have to do it on the console and not by the controller)
STEP 16: Your PS3 is now jailbroken!
This is a TuT for any CFW!

Q: Can I jailbreak my PS3 on 3.56, 3.6x or 3.70?
A: Yes, you will need to buy an E3 Flasher though.

Q: Can I downgrade my PS3 to 3.55?
A: Yes but the downgrade method is hard unless you have soldering experience.

Q: How do I host a MW2 lobby?
1. Install File Manager
2. Find a 1.12 patch you want to use
3. Put the patch on a USB
4. Load up File Manager on your PS3
5. Navigate to "hdd0/game/BLUS30377/USRDIR/" and look for patch_mp.ff
6. Go to your USB while in File manager
7. Copy the Modified patch to the USRDIR directory
8. Load up MW2, If the mods work Continue to 9, If they don't retry steps.
9. Remove all homebrew from your PS3.
10. Update to 3.70
11. You can now host online.

Common Facts about PS3 Modding:
- The PS3 can do more then host Modded lobbies so don't jailbreak just for that.
- You can only run backups while on a CFW.
- 3.70 and 3.6x Exploits have not been released yet.
- You can jailbreak 3.55 and below
- You can host Lobbies on COD4, W@W and limited lobbies in MW2
- You can downgrade 3.70 but it is VERY COMPLICATED
- You can run offline lobbies in MW2 if you haven't updated to 1.12.
- Bricking your PS3 is equivalent to throwing it in the river.
- All OFW's can be found on Sony's website(I think).
- CFW stands for Custom Firmware.

Files you will need:
Gehots 3.55 jb http://www.mediafire.com/download/rxl6iplv799d88s/Geohot+JB-++OhDingus.rar
Credits To: se7en sins

I am so lost, Where do I start? Can I brick my PS3? Can I host lobbies anymore on 3.70? Are MW2 lobbies still possible? Can you play backups? Blah Blah blah etc. Lost? Scared? Don't wanna f*** up bad? Well let us begin.
I have gotten a few PM asking what are the basics of PS3 modding and figure instead of individually messaging all of you back searching for the download link(s) you need, I am gonna make a huge starter thread. This thread will contain all the info I know and all downloads for everything because to tell you the truth, I hate PM's.

Q: What is the latest Jailbreak able firmware on PS3?
A: The 3.55 OFW is the newest firmware that the devs have released. The most common is most likely either Geohots or Kmeas. Geohots is largely basic but you can run basic homebrew such as File manager and other apps but NO BACKUPS. Now Kmeas on the other hand is able to run backups hence why it is the second most popular.

Q: Can I host lobbies for COD4, W@W and MW2?
A: COD4 yes, W@W yes, MW2 yes.

Q: Is it possible to brick my PS3? In reality how do you brick a PS3?
A: Yes. One way that most people don't know is say your on 3.55 and you are looking for a 3.55 CFW. So you go and find a CFW that is 3.41 but you say f*** it and try to install it. Your PS3 will most like;y have a seizure and give you a never ending black screen. Looks like your investing in a new one.

Q: How can I tell if my PS3 is bricked?
A:One -
It Gets Black Screen On Start Up.

Two -
It Freezes When On The XMB

Three -
It Auto Turns Off Once Turned On.

Q: How do I jailbreak my 3.55 PS3 with Geohots CFW?
STEP 1: Plug a USB stick into your computer
STEP 2: Create a folder in the root of the USB stick called PS3
STEP 3: Create a folder inside the PS3 folder called UPDATE
STEP 4: Download jailbreak.zip
STEP 5: Unzip Jailbreak.zip to PS3UPDAT.PUP
STEP 6: Move PS3UPDAT.PUP to the directory UPDATE that you just created on the USB stick
STEP 7: Plug the USB stick into your PS3
STEP 8: Navigate to Settings Tab
STEP 9: Choose System Update
STEP 10: Choose Update via Storage Media
STEP 11: It will say it found Version 3.55-jb
STEP 12: Choose OK
STEP 13: Accept Conditions and Install Update
STEP 14: After less than a minute, your PS3 will update, beep 4 times then shut down.
STEP 15: Power up your PS3 (You will have to do it on the console and not by the controller)
STEP 16: Your PS3 is now jailbroken!
This is a TuT for any CFW!

Q: Can I jailbreak my PS3 on 3.56, 3.6x or 3.70?
A: Yes, you will need to buy an E3 Flasher though.

Q: Can I downgrade my PS3 to 3.55?
A: Yes but the downgrade method is hard unless you have soldering experience.

Q: How do I host a MW2 lobby?
1. Install File Manager
2. Find a 1.12 patch you want to use
3. Put the patch on a USB
4. Load up File Manager on your PS3
5. Navigate to "hdd0/game/BLUS30377/USRDIR/" and look for patch_mp.ff
6. Go to your USB while in File manager
7. Copy the Modified patch to the USRDIR directory
8. Load up MW2, If the mods work Continue to 9, If they don't retry steps.
9. Remove all homebrew from your PS3.
10. Update to 3.70
11. You can now host online.

Common Facts about PS3 Modding:
- The PS3 can do more then host Modded lobbies so don't jailbreak just for that.
- You can only run backups while on a CFW.
- 3.70 and 3.6x Exploits have not been released yet.
- You can jailbreak 3.55 and below
- You can host Lobbies on COD4, W@W and limited lobbies in MW2
- You can downgrade 3.70 but it is VERY COMPLICATED
- You can run offline lobbies in MW2 if you haven't updated to 1.12.
- Bricking your PS3 is equivalent to throwing it in the river.
- All OFW's can be found on Sony's website(I think).
- CFW stands for Custom Firmware.

Files you will need:
Gehots 3.55 jb http://www.mediafire.com/download/rxl6iplv799d88s/Geohot JB- OhDingus.rar
Credits To: se7en sins
Can someone help i got a CECH C03 ON OFW 3.60 what should i do to downgrade to 3.55 any help would be great full thx i have a dex cfw 4.50 from day one i did not downgrade my dex i downgraded cex tree of them i got this ps3 ylod but its ok now i fixed it should i update to 3.70 ofw and then downgrade ..thx lol
This is a good noob tut It work for my mom ;) Joke nice post man
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