Today Sony rolled out the forced 5.50 update on the PS4. The update brings a few annoyance fixers and also allows users to upload a custom wallpaper from a USB device. The update which is almost 500mb doesn't seem to have that many new features apart from one exclusive to the PS4 Pro being Super Sampling enabling users to render games in a higher resolution and displaying it on the user's monitor at its native resolution however Sony did warn it could lead to some performance drops in certain games.
Other features with the update brings the ability to delete notifications and to hide old useless stuff in the user's library such as game demo's or old betas. There is also now a folder in the Library to show users who have PS Plus their monthly games which in my opinion should have been added way earlier as I'm always having trouble view the PS Store on my PS4 so its definitely a welcome feature.
Being a parent and trying to get your kids off consoles is always a task, so now you can restrict play time on the PS4 via a Phone or Pc making it so they can't stay up all night or go on at certain times in the day. You can also see how long a certain game has been played for to limit them to stop them playing it too much. The feature to add your own wallpaper via USB has now been added, the way its done is by making a folder on the root of your USB called IMAGEs, then placing any images you want into the folder, then go along to Setting/Themes/Custom Themes. Its a cool feature however this was achievable by taking a screenshot on the PS4's browser and then using that image as a background but now its made easier with the ability to use a USB.
The full changelog will be down below, do you think that all these features improve the PS4? Hopefully Sony add the ability to download custom themes but this has already been done on other exploitable Firmware late last year.
Thanks for taking the time to read and have a great day!!
- Extra Parental Restrictions Setting - Time Limits, Managing Games.
- Ability to delete/hide old PlayStation Store Content in Library
- New PS Plus folder in Library
- Enable Super Sampling Mode (PS4 PRO Only)
- Customization Options - Team Logos and Cover Image, Wallpaper, Message Group Image
- Quick Menu (Online Friends) changed to (Friends)
- Quick Menu Music Payback Controls Improved
- Create Events via Team Profile Screen
- Easier to find games compatible with PSVR
- Ability to delete notifications
- Privacy settings of who can view people you follow