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PS4 Blinking Blue light.

Futuristic Modz

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Active Member
Hi, I have a PS4 and it's stuck in this blue light boot loop it's like a software issue. I don't know how to fix it i feel like i've tried everything. It just stays on a blue light it won't go into safe mode and the controller does not connect via USB when switched on. I've checked my HDMI it's all good! I'm just wondering if anyone has any fixes for me but here are some fixes some people have tried and it worked.

Common troubleshooting:

Step 1. check HDMI cable is making contact with port. (check for broken parts/bent pins)

Step 2. Hold power button till PS4 turns off then Disconnect the power cord from the PS4 for 1 minute then reconnect.
Step 3. Turn on TV and select the correct video output for PS4.
Step 4. Connect the Controller to the PS4 Console via cable
Step 5. Press & Hold the 'PS' button on the controller until the Blue light turns Orange.
Step 6. Then Press & Hold PS button (on the controller) again, until the Consoles light turns White.
Step 7. Wait for PS4 to turn on & display picture on TV [PS4 Factory Reset]
Step 8. Press & Hold Ps button until the console turns off.
step 9. Then press & hold PS button until you hear 2 beeps. [Service/Safe Mode]
Step10. select restore PS4 and it will Reset PS4 to back to new
step11. some had luck taking out hard drive and turning on ps4 but some gamers also just had a loose connection on hard drive.
step 12. do "Hard reset" Unplug ALL Cables from PS4 for 10 minutes then connect all cables and powercord

Hope this helps someone as none of them work for me <3
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