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PS4 Syscon Tools v1.5 By Abkarino & EgyCnq


NVS/SNVS only.
Syscon Flash Erase:

Full (<4.3 sec).
Partial (erase any specific block or block range).
Enable Syscon Debug mode:

Allow you to only connect 3 wires to read/write your syscon by enabling OCD flag.
Get Syscon Firmware Dump Info:

Allow you to validate your syscon dump and get its firmware info (version, hash, debug mode status, magic validation).
Note : The process done on the fly so no need to dump the entire syscon and apply the patch then rewrite like some other tools.

What you will need ?

Teensy++ 2.0, Teensy 4.0 or Teensy 4.1.
(100 to 200)~ ohm resistor.
LQFP 64 - 100 Socket Adapter (Optional)
Soldering skills (Mandatory).
Connection Digrams:
Please refer to diagrams directory to check the wiring digram for your hardware.

Usage - Tutorial:
Please refer to PS4 Syscon Tool Tutorial on the following link:

Download : PS4SysconTools
Source: https://github.com/AbkarinoMHM/PS4SysconTools
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