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PSN Patch & Sign 1.01 Released


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Today, developer KW has released PSNPATCH which was inspired by the works of stoker25 (psidpatch) and user (psnope).

The major objective is to spoof the console Id and disable cfw syscalls extensions in order to make your system more "safe" to go into the psn.
(Note that MORE safe doesn't mean IT IS safe !).
Additionally, you can also sign RAPs into RIFs.
Starting from psidpatch simple interface with the functionalities of psnope.
New algorithms specially made for CFW disable and valid user account search.

= Major Functions:

- Spoof IDPS (console ID) [*];
- Spoof PSID [*];
- Disable cfw syscalls (emulates official firmware) [*]
- Deletes game launch history (deletes the records of the last games used);
- Sign Rap into RIF.

[*] these actions are temporary until next system reboot.

= How to use:

Just install and run. A simple interface will guide you trough.


You can execute the app directly after install.
This will allow you to remove cfw syscalls and delete execution history.
Removing syscall will simulate a official firmware version improving protection level against PSN bans.
Note that after doing this, some homebrew programs (like multiman) will refuse to execute.
Just mount the game backup you want BEFORE using PSNPATCH to disable cfw.
After CFW is disabled you can play the mounted game backup but cannot mount another one.
This "cfw disabling" will only be active until next ps3 reboot.

Press TRIANGLE - 3 beeps will inform of the cfw removal success.


If you want to spoof idps and psid, you need to the edit the PSNPATCH.cfg file
(see example).PSNPATCH will scan 2 locations in the following order:
1. /dev_usb000/PSNPATCH.cfg
2. /dev_hdd0/game/PSNP11001/USRDIR/PSNPATCH.cfg"

Press CROSS just to spoof both idps and psid.
Press L1 to do a "ALL IN ONE": Spoof idps and psid, disable cfw syscalls and delete execution history.
3 beeps will inform of the success disabling cfw.


When PSNPATCH starts, it will search for the first valid user account (usually it will be '1', but it can be a different value).
Place the RAPS in the folder configured in PSNPATCH.cfg (usually /dev_usb0/exdata/ in a usb stick placed on the right most ps3 port).
Press SQUARE - a log will be displayed on-screen listing the processed files.


If you don't want the user interface, just execute PSNPATCH and keep pressed L1 or TRIANGLE until 3 beeps or get back to the XMB.


PSNPATCH should be compatible with every 4.XX version.
It is independent of the CFW "flavour" (rebug, rogero, habib, steve, etc).
Tested with 4.21, 4.25, 4.30, 4.41, 4.46 and 4.50.
It should be compatible with future firmware releases, as it uses standard syscalls to process the spoofing method.
It does the cfw disabling by searching and disabling the known "unofficial”syscalls 6,7,8,9,10,35,36. Equal to every 4.X firmware until now.


IF you want to be sure psnpatch works in your system:
- edit pasnpatch.cfg to define new idps and psid. Put it in the root of a usb stick and place it in the rightmost ps3 usb port.
- Run psnpatch keeping L1 pressed until you ear 3 beeps or got back to XMB.
- If the system beeped, it means that the cfw disabling was successful.
- You can re-run psnpatch. It should give you an error complaining about cfw syscalls not found and it will display the current idps and psid values.
- You can also run Multiman, Irismanager or any other syscall-dependent homebrew: they will all complain about an unsupported firmware version ;)


Never execute any homebrew WHILE connected to the PSN !
And the safest way to keep being banned is to be offline !!!

stoker25 for psidpatch.
user for psnope.

Download: PSN Patch & Sign 1.01
Can someone help me with this? I go to Rebug Tool Box>PSN Patch> sign in. still give me an error. uses a currently working ID, but i don't think its changing. How exactly do i use the .cfg for the Console ID?
Can someone help me with this? I go to Rebug Tool Box>PSN Patch> sign in. still give me an error. uses a currently working ID, but i don't think its changing. How exactly do i use the .cfg for the Console ID?
DONT use this bro is not trusted app
DONT use this bro is not trusted app
Have you visited the Rogero (Tortuga Cove) site recently.
  • You don't need 2 Console IDS, It has few options
  • If you are banned just enter a new ID in .cfg and change it you will be Unbanned
  • You want to just disable cfw syscalls you can Without changing your ID it can
  • Both options and more disable cfw syscalls delete history change console id.
It is compatible with all cfw 4++

Can you provide us with proof the app don't work to back up your statement, It would help to point out the errors and make members aware.
Have you visited the Rogero (Tortuga Cove) site recently.
  • You don't need 2 Console IDS, It has few options
  • If you are banned just enter a new ID in .cfg and change it you will be Unbanned
  • You want to just disable cfw syscalls you can Without changing your ID it can
  • Both options and more disable cfw syscalls delete history change console id.
It is compatible with all cfw 4++

Can you provide us with proof the app don't work to back up your statement, It would help to point out the errors and make members aware.
Dont use this guys
I use it many my friends do also recommended by many users, I the Guess you haven't used it, Back up your words give a reason not to use it who says it's trusted and who says no until then stop makeing false staments and show some facts
Rogero says it trusted :p
Mmmm well im goin to tested right now with my private id im goin to mod rtm bo2 but if I get ban u r responsable
Mmmm well im goin to tested right now with my private id im goin to mod rtm bo2 but if I get ban u r responsable
Ofcourse your going to get ban if you mod.
Mmmm well im goin to tested right now with my private id im goin to mod rtm bo2 but if I get ban u r responsable
Are you for real i hope you joking right? You do know there allways chance getting banned while on cfw never mind RTM!
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