Today developer KW (aka Kokotonix) has updated Psn Patch to version 2.20. Psn Patch allows you to spoof the console Id and disable cfw syscalls extensions in order to make your system more safe to go into Psn. Check out the changelog below.
PSN Patch v2.20 - Changelog
Download: PSNPatch v2.20 (Sendspace)
Source: Ps3news

PSN Patch v2.20 - Changelog
- Spoof IDPS (console ID) and PSID.
- Disable cfw syscalls (emulates official firmware)
- Opional cobra stealth extensions for perfect cfw disabling in COBRA systems.
- Deletes game launch history.
- Install RAPs and EDATs.
- Unlock PSN (c00) game demos.
- Patches installed 4.50+ games to run in 4.46 systems.
- Version spoofing from cobra 4.46 to ANY OTHER version.
- PSNPatch plugin available for cobra systems.
- Includes webMAN installation and XMB configuration.
Download: PSNPatch v2.20 (Sendspace)
Source: Ps3news