Here comes the latest version of PSNpatch by PS3 Developer KW. In version 1.06 the developer has created a new"PSNpatch VSH Plugin for Cobra 7.0 CFW User's". This plugin will auto-boot on startup and provide various button Combo to perform various task witch is said to work very well alongside webMAN. checkout all the details for PSNpatch below along with the ReadMe from the VSH Plugin included.
for 4.XX CFW & COBRA 7.0
[TUTORIAL] for psnpatch --> tortuga-cove
This is a small app made by KW and inspired in the works of stoker25 (psidpatch) and user (psnope).
The major objective is to spoof the console Id and disable cfw syscalls extensions in order to make your system more "safe" to go into the psn.
(Note that MORE safe doesn't mean IT IS safe !).
Additionally, you can also install RAPs and EDATs and unlock psn game demos.
Starting from psidpatch simple interface with the functionalities of psnope.
New algorithms specially made for CFW disable and valid user account search.
There is also an alternative stealth version disguised as BLJS10018 (NBA2K8 japanese version).
The stealth version and BLJS10018 cannot be installed at the same time !
Major Functions:
All functions are firmware version independent (4.XX and Cobra 7.0).
How to use:
Just install and run. A simple interface will guide you trough.
You can execute the app directly after install.
This will allow you to remove cfw syscalls and delete execution history.
Removing syscall will simulate a official firmware version improving protection level against PSN bans.
Note that after doing this, some homebrew programs (like multiman) will refuse to execute.
Just mount the game backup you want BEFORE using PSNPATCH to disable cfw.
After CFW is disabled you can play the mounted game backup but cannot mount another one.
This "cfw disabling" will only be active until next ps3 reboot.
PSNPATCH should be compatible with every 4.XX version.
It is independent of the CFW "flavour" (rebug, rogero, habib, steve, etc).
Tested with 4.21, 4.25, 4.30, 4.41, 4.46, 4.50 and 4.53.
It should be compatible with future firmware releases, as it uses standard syscalls to process the spoofing method.
It does the cfw disabling by searching and disabling the known "unofficial”syscalls 6,7,8,9,10,35,36 - and some "others" for Cobra.
Equal to every 4.X firmware until now.
The remaining functions deals with the ps3 file system and are also compatible with every firmware version.
IF you want to be sure psnpatch works in your system:
If you know how to install a SPRX VSH plug-in in cobra, there is one available with the PSNPATCH distribution.
Forget all about instalations and choose a true stealth option.
It is a great complement for WEBMAN if you want to try a real STEALTH aproach.
No homebrew installation !
WEBMAN mounts games and SPOOFS firmware version to 4.53.
PSNPATCH disables CFW and SPOOFs idps and psid.
See additional plug-in documentation.
Never execute any homebrew WHILE connected to the PSN !
And the safest way to keep being banned is to be offline !!!
* stoker25 for psidpatch.
* user for psnope.
* flatz, fail0verflow, snowydev, JuanNadie, EXE.trim.ALL, and all other for EDAT signing algorithms.
* deank for webman's source code.
* cobra authors for the MOST FANTASTIC firmware add-ons there are.
* all others I've not listed: Without you, it would have been impossible !
PSNpatch condemns piracy !
Use PSNpatch only for legally obtained games and content.
PsnPatch comes with absolutely NO WARRANTY.
Use-it at your own risk.
Previous Versions:
PSNPATCH VSH plugin for COBRA 7 1.06
If you know how to install a SPRX VSH plug-in in cobra, there is one available with the distributions.
forget all about instalations and choose a true stealth option.
* Now psnpatch plugin is resident in memory on boothttp://*************/forums/images/smilies/smile.gif
IT has a shortcuts workable from XMB only:
L3+ R3 + R2 Disable CFW, spoof IDPS and spoof PSID [*], then 3 beeps.
* NOTE 1:
Disabling CFW should take 3 seconds and then 3 beep.
If there are no beeps, the cfw was not disabled !!!![*] To spoof psid and idps the plug-in will search in order for the psnpatch standard configuration files:
See psnpatch documentation.
If these files do not exist, psnpatch will not do the spoofing. Only cfw disabling.
* NOTE 2:
Besides the stealth effect there's some neat features. An example:
Supose you have a DLC bought for a consoleID (IDPS) that was banned.
And you want to play on-line with that DLC.
The normal aproach of spoofing the consoleID before running the game, will make the DLC unplayable.
By using the psnpatch plug-in, you start the game with the banned ConsoleID, until you get to the main menu.
Once there, choose to connect. When the menu to ask for psn connection appears, it will show a standard xmb interface. press L3+R3+R2 and psnpatch does its "mambo jambo".
Now connect to psn with an alternate console id, but running the dlc's from the original one !
* NOTE 3:
Download: PSN Patch v1.06
for 4.XX CFW & COBRA 7.0
- New vsh plug-in to auto boot with cobra 7.0 systems (the "true-STEALTH" experience) (see footnotes);
- Added support for aditional cobra syscalls (these are hard to find, but it is safer to disable them also);
- If cobra is detected the current and spoofed Firmware version are displayed;
- This version brings news for Cobra 7.0 users. Other CFW users DO NOT NEED to update as ALL PREVIOUS PSNPatch VERSIONS are compatible with EVERY 4.XX versions (even 4.53).
[TUTORIAL] for psnpatch --> tortuga-cove
This is a small app made by KW and inspired in the works of stoker25 (psidpatch) and user (psnope).
The major objective is to spoof the console Id and disable cfw syscalls extensions in order to make your system more "safe" to go into the psn.
(Note that MORE safe doesn't mean IT IS safe !).
Additionally, you can also install RAPs and EDATs and unlock psn game demos.
Starting from psidpatch simple interface with the functionalities of psnope.
New algorithms specially made for CFW disable and valid user account search.
There is also an alternative stealth version disguised as BLJS10018 (NBA2K8 japanese version).
The stealth version and BLJS10018 cannot be installed at the same time !
Major Functions:
- Spoof IDPS (console ID)
- ;
- Spoof PSID
- ;
- Disable cfw syscalls (emulates official firmware)
- Deletes game launch history (deletes the records of the last games used);
- Install RAPs and EDATs.
- Unlock PSN (c00) game demos.
- these actions are temporary until next system reboot.
All functions are firmware version independent (4.XX and Cobra 7.0).
How to use:
Just install and run. A simple interface will guide you trough.
You can execute the app directly after install.
This will allow you to remove cfw syscalls and delete execution history.
Removing syscall will simulate a official firmware version improving protection level against PSN bans.
Note that after doing this, some homebrew programs (like multiman) will refuse to execute.
Just mount the game backup you want BEFORE using PSNPATCH to disable cfw.
After CFW is disabled you can play the mounted game backup but cannot mount another one.
This "cfw disabling" will only be active until next ps3 reboot.

PSNPATCH should be compatible with every 4.XX version.
It is independent of the CFW "flavour" (rebug, rogero, habib, steve, etc).
Tested with 4.21, 4.25, 4.30, 4.41, 4.46, 4.50 and 4.53.
It should be compatible with future firmware releases, as it uses standard syscalls to process the spoofing method.
It does the cfw disabling by searching and disabling the known "unofficial”syscalls 6,7,8,9,10,35,36 - and some "others" for Cobra.
Equal to every 4.X firmware until now.
The remaining functions deals with the ps3 file system and are also compatible with every firmware version.
IF you want to be sure psnpatch works in your system:
- edit pasnpatch.cfg to define new idps and psid. Put it in the root of a usb stick and place it in the rightmost ps3 usb port.
- Run psnpatch keeping CROSS pressed until you ear 3 beeps or got back to XMB.
- If the system beeped, it means that the cfw disabling was successful.
- You can re-run psnpatch. It should give you an error complaining about cfw syscalls not found and it will display the current idps and psid values.
- You can also run Multiman, Irismanager or any other syscall-dependent homebrew: they will all complain about an unsupported firmware version
If you know how to install a SPRX VSH plug-in in cobra, there is one available with the PSNPATCH distribution.
Forget all about instalations and choose a true stealth option.
It is a great complement for WEBMAN if you want to try a real STEALTH aproach.
No homebrew installation !
WEBMAN mounts games and SPOOFS firmware version to 4.53.
PSNPATCH disables CFW and SPOOFs idps and psid.
See additional plug-in documentation.
Never execute any homebrew WHILE connected to the PSN !
And the safest way to keep being banned is to be offline !!!
* stoker25 for psidpatch.
* user for psnope.
* flatz, fail0verflow, snowydev, JuanNadie, EXE.trim.ALL, and all other for EDAT signing algorithms.
* deank for webman's source code.
* cobra authors for the MOST FANTASTIC firmware add-ons there are.
* all others I've not listed: Without you, it would have been impossible !
PSNpatch condemns piracy !
Use PSNpatch only for legally obtained games and content.
PsnPatch comes with absolutely NO WARRANTY.
Use-it at your own risk.
- Version 1.06 = PSNpatch 1.06
Previous Versions:
- Version 1.05 =
- Version 1.03 = PSNpatch
- Version 1.01 =
PSNPATCH VSH plugin for COBRA 7 1.06
If you know how to install a SPRX VSH plug-in in cobra, there is one available with the distributions.
forget all about instalations and choose a true stealth option.
- Copy psnpatch.sprx plugin to you internal ps3 hdd (ex: /dev_hdd0/).
- create or edit boot_plugins.txt in the root of the hdd (/dev_hd00/boot_plugins.txt) and add a line for psnpatch. Assuming you placed the sprx also in the root of the disk, add: /dev_hdd0/psnpatch.sprx).See included example.If you have several plugins, add a new line for each plugin.
- Reboot.
* Now psnpatch plugin is resident in memory on boothttp://*************/forums/images/smilies/smile.gif
IT has a shortcuts workable from XMB only:
L3+ R3 + R2 Disable CFW, spoof IDPS and spoof PSID [*], then 3 beeps.
* NOTE 1:
Disabling CFW should take 3 seconds and then 3 beep.
If there are no beeps, the cfw was not disabled !!!![*] To spoof psid and idps the plug-in will search in order for the psnpatch standard configuration files:
See psnpatch documentation.
If these files do not exist, psnpatch will not do the spoofing. Only cfw disabling.
* NOTE 2:
Besides the stealth effect there's some neat features. An example:
Supose you have a DLC bought for a consoleID (IDPS) that was banned.
And you want to play on-line with that DLC.
The normal aproach of spoofing the consoleID before running the game, will make the DLC unplayable.
By using the psnpatch plug-in, you start the game with the banned ConsoleID, until you get to the main menu.
Once there, choose to connect. When the menu to ask for psn connection appears, it will show a standard xmb interface. press L3+R3+R2 and psnpatch does its "mambo jambo".
Now connect to psn with an alternate console id, but running the dlc's from the original one !
* NOTE 3:

Download: PSN Patch v1.06