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[RELEASE] Gears of Kombat - Free Homebrew Game for PC, PS3 and Xbox360


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Active Member


Support Me - Me dá uma força!

If you liked this project, please consider making a small donation, so that way I will be able to dedicate more time to perfect this project, and make some other cool projects: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=5HVFVAYQJ4SA4&source=url

Se vocês gostaram desse projeto, por favor contribuam com uma pequena doação, assim eu conseguirei dedicar mais tempo para melhorar esse projeto e criar outros projetos bacanas: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=MRZQNE6DHQP5N&source=url


Download Links:

Gears of Kombat PC Version - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-GcOJHrzQMOi-CDXAgX3OvDDBR7gfHH1

Gears of Kombat PS3 Version - https://drive.google.com/open?id=161QJWuzv30IcU9dlqi930CMqhR0DDJiQ

Gears of Kombat Xbox360 Version - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1EKz5KEQJAw3No-dakoAnYB6lk5iP6K7v


Observations / Observações:

- This is a small homebrew game developed with too much love and dedication entirely in UDKUltimate to serve as a showcase of its power.
- Este é um pequeno jogo homebrew desenvolvido com muito amor e dedicação na UDKUltimate para servir como demonstração do poder dessa engine.

- This shows that's possible to create ANY kind of game in UDKUltimate Engine, which is a complete and enhanced version of Unreal Engine 3.
- Isso mostra que é possível criar QUALQUER tipo de jogo na UDKUltimate Engine, que é uma versão completa e melhorada da Unreal Engine 3.

- To start GearsOfKombat PC just go to Binaries\Win32 and run UDKGame.exe.
- Para rodar GearsOfKombat PC vá até Binaries\Win32 e clique no arquivo UDKGame.exe.

- To run GearsOfKombat PS3 you just need to install the game pkg using a package installer. This game runs on any CFW PS3 and HFW with HEN.
- Para rodar GearsOfKombat PS3 basta instalar o pkg usando o package installer. Este jogo roda em qualquer PS3 CFW e HFW com HEN.

- To run GearsOfKombat Xbox360 you need to copy this game folder to an USB stick and run the XEX file using XEXMenu (only runs on JTAG/RGH).
- Para rodar GearsOfKombat Xbox360 basta copiar esta pasta para um pendrive e executar o arquivo XEX usando XEXMenu (somente JTAG/RGH).

- To avoid menus stretching because of screen size problem, please set your PS3 and Xbox360 to 720p HDMI Widescreen.
- Para evitar problemas com os menus do jogo por causa da resolução da tela, por favor configure o seus console para 720p Widescreen.

- Don't press any key on cutscene except the skip cutscene button otherwise it will break the cutscene.
- Não pressione nenhum botão na custscene além do botão para pular a cutscene, porque senão a animação vai bugar.

- Sometimes the game over screen does not load up, so manually pause and exit game.
- As vezes a tela de Game Over não carrega direito, então você terá que pausar o game, e no menu pause escolher a opção para sair.

- You need to be a BADASS MACHO MAN WITH BALLS OF STEAL to beat this game :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
- Você tem que ser um CABRA MACHO FODÃO DO SACO PRETO para zerar esse jogo :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

- I hope all of you like and enjoy this small but polished game and help me to spread this project on your Facebook, Twitter and Social Media.
- Eu espero que todos vocês gostem e se divirtam com esse pequeno mas caprichado game e me ajudem a espalhar no Face, Twitter, etc.

- Cheers for all and Thanks for playing!
- Valew pessoal e obrigado por jogar meu game!

Nidal Nijm Games © 2019. All rights reserved. Todos os direitos reservados.


Support Me - Give Me a Strength!

If you liked this project, please consider making a small donation, so that way I will be able to dedicate more time to perfect this project, and make some other cool projects: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/ webscr? cmd = _s-xclick & hosted_button_id = 5HVFVAYQJ4SA4 & source = url

If you liked this project, please contribute to small donation so I will be able to devote more time to improving this project and creating other cool projects: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s- xclick & hosted_button_id = MRZQNE6DHQP5N & source = url

# ##############################

Download Links:
----------------- ----------------

Gears of Kombat PC Version - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-GcOJHrzQMOi-CDXAgX3OvDDBR7gfHH1

Gears of Kombat PS3 Version - https://drive.google.com/open?id=161QJWuzv30IcU9dlqi930CMqhR0DDJiQ

Gears of Kombat Xbox360 Version - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1EKz5KEQJAw3No-dakoAnYB6lk5iP6K7v


Observations / Comments:
--- ------------------------------

- This is a small homebrew game developed with too much love and dedication entirely in UDK Ultimate to serve as a showcase of its power.
- This is a small homebrew game developed with great love and dedication at UDK Ultimate to serve as a demonstration of the power of this engine.

- This shows that it is possible to create ANY kind of game in UDK Ultimate Engine, which is a complete and enhanced version of Unreal Engine 3.
- This shows that it is possible to create ANY kind of game in UDK Ultimate Engine, which is a complete and improved version of Unreal Engine 3.

- To start Gears Kombat PC just go to Binaries \ Win32 and run UDKGame.exe.
- To run Gears Kombat PC go to Binaries \ Win32 and click on UDKGame.exe file.

- To run Gears Kombat PS3 you just need to install pkg game using a package installer. This game runs on any CFW PS3 and HFW with HEN.
- To run Gears Kombat PS3 just install pkg using package installer. This game runs on any PS3 CFW and HFW with HEN.

- To run Gears Kombat Xbox 360 you need to copy this game folder to a USB stick and run the XEX file using XEXMenu (only runs on JTAG / RGH).
- To run Gears Kombat Xbox 360 just copy this folder to a USB stick and run the XEX file using XEXMenu (JTAG / RGH only).

- To avoid stretching menus because of screen size problem, please set your PS3 and Xbox 360 to 720p HDMI Widescreen.
- To avoid problems with game menus due to screen resolution, please set your console to 720p Widescreen.

- Don't press any key on cutscene except the skip cutscene button otherwise it will break the cutscene.
- Do not press any button on cutscene other than the button to skip the cutscene, otherwise the animation will bugar.

- Sometimes the game over screen does not load up, so manually pause and exit game.
- Sometimes the game Over screen does not load right, so you will have to pause the game, and in the pause menu choose the option to exit.

- You have to be MALE BLACK BAG **** to clear this game: D: D: D: D: D: D: D

- I hope you all like and enjoy this small but polished game and help me spread this project on your Facebook, Twitter and Social Media.
- I hope you all enjoy and have fun with this small but neat game and help me spread it on Face, Twitter, etc.

- Cheers for all and Thanks for playing!
- Valew guys and thanks for playing my game!

Nidal Nijm Games © 2019. All rights reserved. All rights reserved.


UDK Ultimate Engine, Create, Play and Share on PC, PS3 and Xbox360:
https://sites.google.com/view/udkultimate/ Use English for Future notice
This is my home made 3D Motion Capture Studio.


Hey guys!!! As I had commented earlier, I will be posting here on YouTube some game prototypes I have created, various game ideas, which I am still deciding which of these prototypes to turn into a complete game.

This first prototype here was an idea I had some time ago when I was playing Turok 2 on the Nintendo 64 emulator, in my opinion one of the best games ever developed. I was playing and I wondered, why not do a Brazilian Turok in the Amazon Rainforest? It would be top, very cool no?

So I sat down and started researching ideas, 3D map references, and started assembling here, there, until this cool prototype came out here. This prototype took about 3 months of work to finish.

The idea of this game's script would look something like this:

A criminal organization is illegally exploiting the Amazon rainforest, illegally trafficking timber, medicinal herbs, spoiling the Amazon rainforest, and kidnapping wild animals to conduct genetic experiments by turning innocent animals into mutant monsters to be sold on the black market as weapons of war.

The protagonist of the game (still unnamed) is an Indian, the last descendant of an Amazon Rainforest Warrior Tribe, who decides on his own to protect the forest, the animals, fighting against this criminal organization.

As you can see, the game is still just a prototype, a way for me to put into a game the ideas I had regarding this project. I will not provide download link, because it does not have a gameplay ready, there are many bugs yet, and I have not optimized this prototype for consoles.

Leave your opinions, if you liked this game idea, if it's worth turning it into a full game, and so on.


NOTE: In this prototype I am using some placeholder 3D models , so if I decide to turn this test into a complete game, these 3D models will be replaced for copyrights reasons.
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