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PS3 Showtime Media Center Test Build v4.3.613 is Now Available
Following up on the previous updates, today PlayStation 3 homebrew developer Andreas Oman updated the Showtime PS3 Media Player testing builds to v4.3.613 with the changes outlined below.
Download: showtime-gh-4.3.613-geccc3c8e.pkg / showtime-4.3.613-geccc3c8e.pkg / showtime-4.3.613-geccc3c8e.self
4.3.613 (Testing Build) Changelog:
glw: Fix some nastyness related to how we resolve properties This fixes a long standing issue with image view in the UI, causing just the spinner to appear and no image to be shown
hls: Fix issues when seeking past end of track when doing continous play
osk: Replace € with $
Upgrade: Don't fail patch upgrade attempt if we can't open target file to get current hash
Add Slovak translation
Improve event routing

Following up on the previous updates, today PlayStation 3 homebrew developer Andreas Oman updated the Showtime PS3 Media Player testing builds to v4.3.613 with the changes outlined below.
Download: showtime-gh-4.3.613-geccc3c8e.pkg / showtime-4.3.613-geccc3c8e.pkg / showtime-4.3.613-geccc3c8e.self
4.3.613 (Testing Build) Changelog:
glw: Fix some nastyness related to how we resolve properties This fixes a long standing issue with image view in the UI, causing just the spinner to appear and no image to be shown
hls: Fix issues when seeking past end of track when doing continous play
osk: Replace € with $
Upgrade: Don't fail patch upgrade attempt if we can't open target file to get current hash
Add Slovak translation
Improve event routing