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TetrisEOL v1.00 Game .Pkg The1337Crew Was Here


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Active Member
Download:http://www.mediafire.com/download/5aglf8mab3p6gr8/The1337CrewTetrisEOL+v1.00+Game+.Pkg @Crunch=1337{;
Tetris clone developed using PSL1ght + Hermes Libraries (psoundlib+Tiny3D).
Botones durante el juego:
CROSS: Rotate
CIRCLE: Rotate
SQUARE: Rotate
PAD Left: Move the piece to Left
PAD Right; Move the piece to Right
PAD Down: Move the piece Down
PAD Up: Move the piece Up (enabled for cheat)
SELECT: Menu - turns up/down volume for effects and music, exit from the session and from the game.
START: Pause/continue.
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