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PS3 (Tutorial) GTA Online RTM Garage Editor for CEX!!

Ok guys today I want to tell everyone how I have been modding cars in my garage like you would if you were using BadChoices Play'N'Spray tool, and I am doing it on 4.50 Rogero CEX.

Tools that you are going to need are as follows:
- NetCheat 4.34 (Dnawrkshp) (Google It)

- GTA:O Garage Editor 1.09 (Badger41) (Google It)

- Console Control CCAPI (FMlT Enstone) Installed on your PS3
[UPDATE]CCAPI 2.00 with DLL (RTE on CEX+DEX and more...)

(Note: Make sure you have followed all steps to getting Console Control on your PS3 and understand how to use it in relationship with you PC. Enstone explains all on how to setup to use it in his thread.)

Ok, Now that you have those files downloaded its time to get started.

Step 1 -

Open the NetCheat folder and click the PLUGINS Subfolder.

Step 2 -

Place the GTA:O Garage Editor .dll file inside the PLUGINS subfolder.

Step 2 1/2 -

Open up the NetCheatPS3Updater file inside the root of your NetCheat folder. This should bring you up to the newest 4.34 version if not already.

Step 3 -

Start up GTA Online and connect with Console Control.

Step 4 -

Open NetCheat and click the Options Button.

Step 5 -

Select the CCAPI Radio Button, then Click Okay and Exit

Step 6 -

On NetCheat, Click the Connect Button, Enter IP Address, Click OK. (It should now say, at the bottom, you are Connected) Now Click the Attach Button. (It should now say, at the bottom, you are Attached)

Step 7 -

Click the Plugin Tab and you will see the GTA:O Garage Editor 1.09 in the list of Plugins... Double Click that and it'll open the Garage Editor in a new window.

Step 8 -

Now that you are on the Garage Editor Tool, you see where it says BLES, BLUS, and CUSTOM? Go ahead and Click the CUSTOM Radio Button and it'll open a new TextBox that labled "Custom Pointer". Inside that TextBox you will see 0x. You will need to add eight Zeros to those. so now you will see, 0x00000000. Now that you have the Custome Pointer set to 0x00000000, go ahead and click your regions Radio Button (BLUS or BLES) and go to Step 9.

Step 9 -

For this step you are going to make sure you are in your garage on GTA Online. Once that is achieved, click the Refresh Button on the GTA Garage Editor Tool. You will now see all your cars in the box above the Refresh Button. It is now time to MOD!

Step 10 -

Next to all your cars that are listed in the window, you will see the TextBox for "Type". That is where all the names of Cars and all their Offsets. Select a car from the Refresh Window, Then start selecting cars from the "Type" Menu. You will see your car changing before your eyes.

That's it Guys! Mess around with it and see what you can come up with. You'll notice that some cars will not show up when you select them and that is due to R* taking them completely out of GTA Online. There is a way to get Banned Vehicles in Online but as of now there is now way to Save them.

Last edited by a moderator:
Theres a new tool on next gen update elite i cant get it as its not free it spawns banned vehicles like space docker in garage and you can drive them
Here but can U upload it to mediafire so I can get it or at least let me download off ur account im http://www.*************.com/forums...editor-bles-blus.html#post5669294 interested in it
Theres a new tool on next gen update elite i cant get it as its not free it spawns banned vehicles like space docker in garage and you can drive them
sorry to say but on the tool i tried it does not work on 1.10 and does not have banned vehicles tustin did a different kind of mod it is said on the forum send me a message for proof
You forgot to put me in the credits for being the one who actually wrote this tutorial and posted it in NGU..... Smdh....
Thank you sooo much mate I've been looking for something like this
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