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> What is XMBM+ 2K17?
It's a nice menu with shortcuts to various stuff in Game category menu in XMB. In short: it's a simple Cross Media Bar hack.
XMBM+ 2K17 is just yet another unofficial fork of XMB Manager Plus made by whole Team XMBM+ years ago and later modded by Aldostools. What's different in 2017 release? I have corrected, added or updated some descriptions, changed positions of some menus.
All icons (except save data icons) is now read from dev_hdd0 instead of RCO from dev_flash and all of them is "rebugified" to match Rebugification PlayStation 3 theme (but any other skin like i.e Metalification can be easily add in future).
Also I have integrated Custom Firmware Tools, WebMAN/WebMAN Mod settings menu from full versions, Plugin Switcher Manager (with few pre-configurations) and XMB Package Downloader (but in "mini version": no themes, wallpapers and game links, no per app icon).
I have removed all old internet website links and added Childproof Mode option which disabling any potentially harmful options.
> Requirements?
1. Obviously, a PS3 with installed any modern CFW (like i.e Rebug 4.81.1).
2. User must have installed and active WebMAN or WebMAN Mod for some of the options (all for WebMAN menu, Plugin Switcher Manager, XMB Package Downloader and few in other places).
3. Also Custom Firmware Tools must be active (turn it on in Rebug Toolbox on Rebug CFW or add custom xai_plugin to boot_plugins.txt). Without it, almost all options in Custom Firmware Tools will not be working, resulting in console forced restart + mandatory file system checking/repairing.
> How can I uninstall this?
Delete or change name of "dev_hdd0/xmb/" and restore Your backuped XML.
Or just reinstall Your CFW.
Special thanks for:
Team XMBM+ for gigantic work of original XMBM+
DeanK and Aldostools for hard work on WebMAN and WebMAN Mod.
DeViL303 for help with Sony's XMB XML syntax.
Download Link - XMBM+ 2K17 v2
Greedz QMT
It's a nice menu with shortcuts to various stuff in Game category menu in XMB. In short: it's a simple Cross Media Bar hack.
XMBM+ 2K17 is just yet another unofficial fork of XMB Manager Plus made by whole Team XMBM+ years ago and later modded by Aldostools. What's different in 2017 release? I have corrected, added or updated some descriptions, changed positions of some menus.
All icons (except save data icons) is now read from dev_hdd0 instead of RCO from dev_flash and all of them is "rebugified" to match Rebugification PlayStation 3 theme (but any other skin like i.e Metalification can be easily add in future).
Also I have integrated Custom Firmware Tools, WebMAN/WebMAN Mod settings menu from full versions, Plugin Switcher Manager (with few pre-configurations) and XMB Package Downloader (but in "mini version": no themes, wallpapers and game links, no per app icon).
I have removed all old internet website links and added Childproof Mode option which disabling any potentially harmful options.
> Requirements?
1. Obviously, a PS3 with installed any modern CFW (like i.e Rebug 4.81.1).
2. User must have installed and active WebMAN or WebMAN Mod for some of the options (all for WebMAN menu, Plugin Switcher Manager, XMB Package Downloader and few in other places).
3. Also Custom Firmware Tools must be active (turn it on in Rebug Toolbox on Rebug CFW or add custom xai_plugin to boot_plugins.txt). Without it, almost all options in Custom Firmware Tools will not be working, resulting in console forced restart + mandatory file system checking/repairing.
> How can I uninstall this?
Delete or change name of "dev_hdd0/xmb/" and restore Your backuped XML.
Or just reinstall Your CFW.
Special thanks for:
Team XMBM+ for gigantic work of original XMBM+
DeanK and Aldostools for hard work on WebMAN and WebMAN Mod.
DeViL303 for help with Sony's XMB XML syntax.
Download Link - XMBM+ 2K17 v2
Greedz QMT