Zombieland 1.9-1.9.1 [CoD 4 Edition] (OLD/BROKEN)(Console only)
Zombieland 2.1 [Legacy (Pre-Release)]
Downloads are only 100kt
Folder inside with GSC ready to be injected
Quick- Controls
(For new users |Force-Host is Prone + Right DPad| (or simply in the host menu)
-New Button Combinations (Crouch+D-PAD Right ADV-Noclip)
-New Button Combinations (L1+D-PAD Right Buy 100+ Health)
-New Button Combinations (L1+D-PAD Left set FOV)
Supported Machines
Report any bugs. More updates maybe coming later.
13/5/2015 [1.2]
-Tweaked Both rayguns for less lag & fixed slow bullets in the first raygun
-Added Camo-Changer
14/5/2015 [1.3]
-Added MW2 Nuke (With Black & White Effect)
-Added Jericho Missiles
-Added Electric Gun
-Added Mustang & Sally
-Fixed Camo-Changer money issue
-Some More Tweaks
18/5/2015 [1.4]
-Added 2X Speed (Zombies only)
-Added 3RD Person (in Page 2)
-Changed Name And Scroller Color
-1 Person can hold only 1 Future Gun (Done Due To Overflow!)
-Space Between Boxes in map edits (Less Boxes=Less Lag) (You will have to make some doors smaller xD)
-Renamed Alien Guns to Future Guns AYY LMAO
-Bug Fixes
23/5/2015 [1.5 BETA]
-Added PRO-Mode
-Added Jet Pack
-Added Metal Zombie
-Smoke Grenade (Zombies only)
-Made Menu Scroller Faster ^_^
-Added Host Menu With...
-Teleport all players to
-Change Timescale
-All Players Hear Eachother
-XP Lobby++
-Map Restart
-Knock Lobby
-Message Menu With just Do hearth (FMT Style)
-Map Menu (I couldn't fit all maps so yeah:/ 2 maps missing)
-DLC Map Menu (2 maps missing)
-Many Bug Fixes & Tweaks
27/7/2015 [1.5 FULL]
-Made lots of Changes to all Wonder weapon's
-Balanced wonder weapons power
-Balanced everything like prices so zombies nor humans are OP
-Added Porters Mark II RayGun (Edited and ported to zombieland by myself)
-Added Porters X2 RayGun (Edited and ported to zombieland by myself)
-Added Nova Gas (Edited and ported to zombieland by myself)
-Added Electric Cherry (Edited and ported to zombieland by myself)
-Added Clone Trap (ported to zombieland by myself)
-Added Exploding Zombie (Edited and ported to zombieland by myself)
-Added Flying zombie (Edited and ported to zombieland by myself)
-Added Scavenger Perk
-Added Censor Grenade For humans (To trick Zombies)
-Added Trophy System For humans (Very useful against tomahawks)
-Added AllPlayer-Homefront [IMG]https://i.imgur.com/yIlcNgV.png[/IMG]
-Added Attachment's to Start Weapon
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
NEW Players Menu originally By : TheHiddenHour
-Give Health 500 / 1000
-Give Money 500 / 1000
-Give Weapons Vector / MP7 / Scar + all Perks Except Scavenger (Edited Myself)
-Ban (Added and ported to zombieland by myself)
-Freeze (added and ported to zombieland by myself)
-Teleport To Me (added and ported to zombieland by myself)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Added To Host Menu
-GOD Mode
-UFO Mode
-All Perks (Original by TheHiddenHour)
-Many Supply Drop's (Edited myself) (Original by TheHiddenHour)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Lobby Menu
-Long Kill-Cams
-Anti Join
-End Game
-All Players Hear Eachother
-Do heart moved here
9/8/2015 [1.6]
-Re-Wrote The Script On a New Zombieland [IMG]https://i.imgur.com/zk5qEMl.png[/IMG]
-Cleaned The Script
-Added ZVX 1337 (Edited by myself) (original By SneakerStreet)
-Balanced Things a little bit
-Added Zombie King
-Added Fat Zombie
-Added Super Sayan 2 (2x Speed For Humans)
-New Supply Drop Scripts With Attachments
-Everyone Gets Notified When A Special Zombie Is Summoned
-Lots Of Tweaks & Bug Fixes
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Lobby menu
-Removed Ranked Match (Caused Bugs)
-Added a New Death Barrier On/Off Script
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
New All Players Menu (By Me)
-Give All Players 500 $
-Give All Players 1000 $
-Give All Players 500 Health
-Give All Players 1000 Health
-Give All Players All Perks
-Give All Players Max Ammo
-Give All Players Random Camo
-Teleport All Players (moved Here)
6/9/2015 [1.7]
-Updated Zombie King
-Updated Fat Zombie
-Fixed Typo's
-Added Fire FX's To Exploding Zombie
-Exploding zombie is no longer a Default_actor Model
-NEW _rank (Thanks to xTurntUpLobbies)
-Maps Included
-Some small changes
21/4/2016 [1.7.5]
-Added and fixed Gambling slot machine
-Added the Overflow Fix for more stability
-MW2 Nuke is back and stable
-Added Rules
-New Maps
-Some bug fixes
-Fixed walls and grids
-Tweaks and maps
-Typos fixed
24.5.2016 [1.8] [1 Year Anniversary]
-Added 55k XP Giving
-Added Guide menu
-Edited Rules menu
-Added the RammeR
-Added the Exterminator
-Added Super M16-X99
-Remade Super Saiyan 2 complitely
-Alot of balancing between humans and zombies
-Added Advanced No clip to the host (D-PAD Right on crouch to trigger)
-Added and Fixed alot of maps (Less Lag)
-Unlocked Gametypes (now you can play at any game mode like Ground War! However, TDM and Kill Confirmed are the only stable ones)
-Made the menu smalle and moved to the corner
-Added sounds to the menu
-Fixed buying stuff more than once
-Fixed and Tweaked Nova Gas
-Brough back the old _rank from 1.6 (Fixed freezing)
-Fixed many Bugs
-Many Tweaks
9.7.2016 [1.9] [New Base]
-Many maps fixed for less lag and bugs
-Moved the options around the menu
-New Base -Thanks to iTahhr & Shark
-Unlimited ammo No Reload added
-Sentries added (Can be destroyed with EMPs only)
-Added ESP Wallhack
-Updated SSJ2
-Updated MW2 Nuke
-Updated many Wonder weapons
-Added Lightning Thunder (Had To Fix may things in it)
-A Completely new Clients menu with many more options than before
-A Completely new Host menu with many more options than before
-Added Useful Anti-AFK (140 secs and auto-kicks the AFK player)
-New Money Multiplying Events in the Lobby Menu
-Banned using Unlimited ammo (No reload) with a wonder weapon exept Exterminator
-Many more new options
-OverflowFIX Removed for now (Will be back later when I fix it)
-Custom Kick messages (Untested)
-Updated and fixed Everything Zombie related (Like combining fat zombie with 2x speed)
-New Hell Hounds (Had to make this one myself)
-Too Many new things. I cant List them all
-Fixed many Bugs
-Many Tweaks
7.11.2016 [1.9.1] [HotFix] [Old Base]
-Fixed huge bug of players not seeing the menu and such problems [by changing the base]
-Old Remastered Base from 1.8 is back
-Ultra Money Events added
-Express Map Changed
-Increased Game time from 16min to 22min
-Fixed Game Fixing (Now it works 100%)
-Added PRO-Mode Shortcut [Aim + Left D-Pad]
10.5.2020 (Released-6.3.2021) [2.1] [Legacy-PreRelease] [Old Base]
-Added New Host options
-updated AntiQuit (Now it removes leave game instead of the whole start menu)
-Added Anti-End Game (Game now always Launches with Anti-End Game on)
-Added Equipment Bullets
-Added Special Bullets
-Added new Message Options
-Stability Fixes
-Added NEW OverflowFIX (no more problems with Client side menu)
-Bug Fixes
-Price Changes
-Menu Layout Changes
-Updated Some MapEdits
-Updated Anti-AFK
(Thanks for still using this classic Mod [IMG]https://www.*************.com/images/smilies/dancing.gif[/IMG]
----Small Changes----
-Money gaining & Prices are changed
-Zombiefication time is 25s instead of 10s
-Game time is 22m instead of 10m
-Buying health changed from +50 to +100
-when zombies damage doors they get 50$ instead of 5$
-Menu color is Purp/Pink
Zombieland 1.9-1.9.1 [CoD 4 Edition] (OLD/BROKEN)(Console only)
Zombieland 2.1 [Legacy (Pre-Release)]
Downloads are only 100kt
Folder inside with GSC ready to be injected
Quick- Controls
(For new users |Force-Host is Prone + Right DPad| (or simply in the host menu)
-New Button Combinations (Crouch+D-PAD Right ADV-Noclip)
-New Button Combinations (L1+D-PAD Right Buy 100+ Health)
-New Button Combinations (L1+D-PAD Left set FOV)
Supported Machines
-Works on PS3 (TMAPI/CCAPI), XBOX (JTAG/RGH/XDK), PC (Steam/Redacted (06/25)) and offline
-XBOX360 + XBOX ONE (Only as a client |host must be on xbox360|)
Report any bugs. More updates maybe coming later.
Sark - Original Zombieland
Skonafid - Zombieland 1.1 - 1.9 + Some map edits
iTahhr - New CoD 4 Styled Base
AsTy: - Raygun, Lighning Thunder + Nuke-scripts
TheHiddenHour - Original Clients Menu & some functions
YouViolateMe - Recreate text
CoolJay - New overflow FIX + Some scripts
jwm614 / dtx12 / YouViolateMe / xTurntUpLobbies - Overflowfix + Nuke Fix
TAZBXIV - Help (Back in 1.1)
koedkilla - Help (Back in 1.1)
SneakerStreet - Original ZVX1337 + some map edits
Coolmankiller - a Simple example
kokole / dtx12 / master131 / craigschrist - GSC
xTiibo Modz - Some map edits
My Ninja Defuse - Cargo edit
0zersub - Some maps
UpH | Jumper - Some maps
speselized5 - Some maps
UpH | Jumper
xTiibo Modz
/© 2014 - 2017 Skonafid.Shark /
Skonafid - Zombieland 1.1 - 1.9 + Some map edits
iTahhr - New CoD 4 Styled Base
AsTy: - Raygun, Lighning Thunder + Nuke-scripts
TheHiddenHour - Original Clients Menu & some functions
YouViolateMe - Recreate text
CoolJay - New overflow FIX + Some scripts
jwm614 / dtx12 / YouViolateMe / xTurntUpLobbies - Overflowfix + Nuke Fix
TAZBXIV - Help (Back in 1.1)
koedkilla - Help (Back in 1.1)
SneakerStreet - Original ZVX1337 + some map edits
Coolmankiller - a Simple example
kokole / dtx12 / master131 / craigschrist - GSC
xTiibo Modz - Some map edits
My Ninja Defuse - Cargo edit
0zersub - Some maps
UpH | Jumper - Some maps
speselized5 - Some maps
UpH | Jumper
xTiibo Modz
/© 2014 - 2017 Skonafid.Shark /
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