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  1. Rah

    Hi! somebody filled me up with the latest Habib 4.70 CFW please.

    Hi, i'm going to play GTA Online: Heist Update tommorrow on my Habib 4.66 CFW but it required update,so which CFW should i use,i want to update to Habib CFW 4.70 cex make i want to makes sure everything is going fine : ) so which game manager is compatible with Habib CEX 4.70 standard CFW at the...
  2. Rah

    Does CCAPI 2.60 compatible with the latest Habib v4.66 CFW v1.00?

    I am currently using CEX Habib v4.60CFW v1.00 and spoof to 4.66, if i update my CFW to Habib v4.66 CFW,will CCAPI 2.60 still working? Thanks in advanced:)
  3. Rah

    [Release] Habib v4.66 CFW v1.00. PS2 Controller Sync fixed

    Habib has just released the latest 4.66 cobra cfw and the with some amazing changes Read the full changelog below CFW Features of 4.66 HABIB v1.00: 1. MADE OUT OF 4.66 OFW 2. HAVE INSTALL PACKAGE FILES AND APP_HOME 3. HAVE REACTPSN COMPATIBILITY 4. PATCHED LV0 TO DISABLE ECDSA CHECKS 5. PATCHED...
  4. Rah

    Regarding 4.66 Spoofer by Arch and Control API 2.60(CCAPI)

    So a few days ago SONY has released mandatory System Firware Update OFW 4.66 which required user to update to 4.66 Firware if they wish to sign in to PSN. So i was in CEX 4.60 CFW and i want to ask will Control API 2.60(CCAPI) compatible with the 4.66 Spoofer after i apply it? I mean any...
  5. Rah

    Which version of CCAPI that is compatible with CFW 4.60

    Can somebody give me the download link please? Thanks in advance:welcome:
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