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Suggestions For Improving ConsoleCrunch


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Hello everyone,

If you got any suggestions that you want to add to the site, then reply below and we see what we can do.

How many of you want a Cobra ODE? I might give that away ;)
I think of personal thoughts that we should have more posts in the premium area, because it's kinda dead. i also think we should have a restaff, or get some more staffs since there are very often no staffs online or not active/AFK. im not mentioning Names but there are some staffs that ain't ever on. And i am also for the trust seller badge. other then that i can't think of right now but ill post about it if i come up with something. but this site is a great site anyways with some of the best people on and there aren't many improvements to do to this site in the fact of matter, you have done a beautiful work with the site. It's easy to understand how the site works. All content is good sorted and it's a great page over all. :)
I think of personal thoughts that we should have more posts in the premium area, because it's kinda dead. i also think we should have a restaff, or get some more staffs since there are very often no staffs online or not active/AFK. im not mentioning Names but there are some staffs that ain't ever on. And i am also for the trust seller badge. other then that i can't think of right now but ill post about it if i come up with something. but this site is a great site anyways with some of the best people on and there aren't many improvements to do to this site in the fact of matter, you have done a beautiful work with the site. It's easy to understand how the site works. All content is good sorted and it's a great page over all. :)
I totally agree I know who yu are talking about as Iin not active.ithink if we can get more posts in premium it will encourage people to buy premium.
Maybe get some more active staff members.

By staff, i mostly mean shoutbox moderators. The only shoutbox moderator i see online is UnboundGoDz.

And maybe we could get an active youtube channel? Would be cool bro :)
I think of personal thoughts that we should have more posts in the premium area, because it's kinda dead. i also think we should have a restaff, or get some more staffs since there are very often no staffs online or not active/AFK. im not mentioning Names but there are some staffs that ain't ever on. And i am also for the trust seller badge. other then that i can't think of right now but ill post about it if i come up with something. but this site is a great site anyways with some of the best people on and there aren't many improvements to do to this site in the fact of matter, you have done a beautiful work with the site. It's easy to understand how the site works. All content is good sorted and it's a great page over all. :)
But what the main goal we looking for on here is more activity, as of now this site is low on activity, so what he is meaning is what do you guys wanna see new on here that will give more activity :D
Maybe get some more active staff members.

By staff, i mostly mean shoutbox moderators. The only shoutbox moderator i see online is UnboundGoDz.

And maybe we could get an active youtube channel? Would be cool bro :)
I agree on the YouTube thing defo TUT and Tools in preview type thing,
Cough cough more site themes that are ORIGINAL AND HAVENT BEEN SEEN cough cough. donation privileges? Idk. but site themes seem the most needed right now, oh and active staff
But what the main goal we looking for on here is more activity, as of now this site is low on activity, so what he is meaning is what do you guys wanna see new on here that will give more activity :D
well yea not AFK staffs.. with other words more active and ofcourse trustable staffs.
Maybe some new staff and some content in premium, ill be honest i like supporting this site with all i got but if there is no content whats the point of it?
  • Ideas, i think i'm done for now
  • when you become premium ads should be disabled.
  • Introduce a new thing, such as add ons that plays music off a simple button on the site ( like Pandora)
  • New emojis and remove unused ones
  • a new theme
  • A site seller that is trusted
  • Get away from SB mods, i never really liked that....
  • More organized fourms and delete the basic one's that no one uses.
  • the add on that changes a members pic once a ban has occurred to them
  • A view station to see the past site felonies :p such as posting a rat, porn and spamming
  • National flag beside the members name
  • User Signature and profile pic approval
  • Quick contact staff with out trying find out there name
  • a color changer for premium users
  • When people make a thread there should be a button to ask for it to be front paged
  • A rep system
  • A live text chat between members instead of the PM's
  • Merging double post so it's
  • Lower the time to post in the SB to 5 secs
  • Block the porn site names so people cant post them so instead of it saying Pornhub it would put *******
  • The most active members of the month (it would be estimated by the time, post and threads)
  • A blocking members post so it wouldn't show what they say (i think this is already done)
  • better ddoss protection

~I know i'm jr.admin on a different site but i still like and support this site for what it is.
The original console crunch will always be with me :D
Last edited:
Maybe some new staff and some content in premium, ill be honest i like supporting this site with all i got but if there is no content whats the point of it?
  • Ideas still being processed
  • when you become premium ads should be disabled.
  • Introduce a new thing, such as add ons that plays music off a simple button on the site ( like Pandora)
  • New emojis and remove unused ones
  • a new theme
  • A site seller that is trusted
  • Get away from SB mods, i never really liked that....
  • More organized fourms and delete the basic one's that no one uses.
  • the add on that changes a members pic once a ban has occurred to them
  • A view station to see the past site felonies :p such as posting a rat, porn and spamming
  • National flag beside the members name
  • User Signature and profile pic approval
  • Quick contact staff with out trying find out there name

~I know i'm jr.admin on a different site but i still like and support this site for what it is.
The original console crunch will always be with me :D
big credz for such good ideas and so much and organized lol. But yeah really good ideas bro :)
Hello everyone,

If you got any suggestions that you want to add to the site, then reply below and we see what we can do.

How many of you want a Cobra ODE? I might give that away ;)
possible make SB Mods actual forum Mods :p also lets try to get the competitions going again would bring some traffic back ;) i like the Cobra ODE giveaway idea that would make good for a giveaway. remove the emoji's that arent used really and add more funny ones ;) @Crunch
also possibly get a community youtube channel going would be cool. so people that want to be on it can send in video responses like new tools, menu's, tutorials on howto, such things like that. could help spread word of promotions and such!!! @Crunch
possible make SB Mods actual forum Mods :p also lets try to get the competitions going again would bring some traffic back ;) i like the Cobra ODE giveaway idea that would make good for a giveaway. remove the emoji's that arent used really and add more funny ones ;) @Crunch
or OR sb mods stay as sb mods, we keep emojis and add new ones, lets not add competitions back as they were ended for a reason and lets stick with give aways
or OR sb mods stay as sb mods, we keep emojis and add new ones, lets not add competitions back as they were ended for a reason and lets stick with give aways
having two SB Mods kinda defeats the staff position doe. competitions was giveaways :p but people used it for wrong reasons. should be changed to giveaways ;) for verified giveaway members, possible new tag which states who does them... @Crunch
having two SB Mods kinda defeats the staff position doe. competitions was giveaways :p but people used it for wrong reasons. should be changed to giveaways ;) for verified giveaway members, possible new tag which states who does them... @Crunch
The problem with competitions/giveaways there is no one that want to spend their money to just give away
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