Maybe some new staff and some content in premium, ill be honest i like supporting this site with all i got but if there is no content whats the point of it?
- Ideas still being processed
- when you become premium ads should be disabled.
- Introduce a new thing, such as add ons that plays music off a simple button on the site ( like Pandora)
- New emojis and remove unused ones
- a new theme
- A site seller that is trusted
- Get away from SB mods, i never really liked that....
- More organized fourms and delete the basic one's that no one uses.
- the add on that changes a members pic once a ban has occurred to them
- A view station to see the past site felonies
such as posting a rat, porn and spamming
- National flag beside the members name
- User Signature and profile pic approval
- Quick contact staff with out trying find out there name
~I know i'm jr.admin on a different site but i still like and support this site for what it is.
The original console crunch will always be with me