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PS3 Darkened Loading screen. WTH?!

LeoneCFW //

Active Member
I'm really agitated that this game loads forever but what makes it weird is that it's a darkened loading screen which usually happens when you first ever boot the game up on a new console which is currently happening. I don't know how to fix it at all since all it does is load with a darkened screen. I ask everyone if this is normal or not right.
Hola amigo , lo siento solo hablo español. A mi me ocurría lo mismo , yo soy Dex , si tienes Rebug desactiva el Cobra y veras como Multiman se te cambia de nombre y ya te deja elegir Activar BD , en Multiman-Ajustes-Activar BD Emulador (Abajo) . Y ya te dejará
I'm really agitated that this game loads forever but what makes it weird is that it's a darkened loading screen which usually happens when you first ever boot the game up on a new console which is currently happening. I don't know how to fix it at all since all it does is load with a darkened screen. I ask everyone if this is normal or not right.
I think it is normal as this happens to me too. I'm not sure though.
Just found out it was needing to install data but it needed the disk copy which i had in the first place.
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