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I only have 20 usd shld i become premium?

I don't know if i can buy a cid they seem high so should i become a premium? or can i buy a cid for 20 somewhere?

You can buy a CID without premium
but if you want to sell/exchange you need premium :)
Hahahaha I has porn sites already :P ahhahahah and thanks guys for the fast responses i didnt c them before i commented in shout box :P
Hahahaha I has porn sites already :p ahhahahah and thanks guys for the fast responses i didnt c them before i commented in shout box :p
Ah I can't sell anymore and I had 1 month premium and it if it weren't for a giveaway, I'd bit my ass, because it's not worth it right now. Too less content, no premium cids, just sparkling name and stuff. I suggest to wait a year so that premium will be worth it.
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