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Recent content by Deception

  1. Deception

    MW2/WARZONE 2.0 aimbot (UNDETECTED)

    Hello everyone i have for you a undetected mw2 aimbot menu no tool needed just a injector you can use the one i provide or any injector really nut having a undetected injector helps with bans. 1. Put your DLL you want to inject in the same folder as Injector.exe 2. Name your DLL as...
  2. Deception

    Among us - Mod Menu/gui (easy)

    Hello everyone here at console crunch it has been a long time since i have made a post so just bare with me. There is nothing but viruses or mods that just do not work for among us but today i have the golden key for you. Above is the menu you will get and firstly you will need to download...
  3. Deception

    Instagram @ Rob_4v

    Instagram @ Rob_4v
  4. Deception

    Have not been here since 2017 if anyone still needs me just message me

    Have not been here since 2017 if anyone still needs me just message me
  5. Deception

    PS5 confirmed vulnerable to Kernel exploit

    I am hoping bro a kernel exploit is huge
  6. Deception

    PS5 confirmed vulnerable to Kernel exploit

    Kernal access has been achieved for the ps5 using the bd-j exploit another exploit to add on to the root keys being obtained there is also a rumor that the ps5 can be hacked by a exploit found messing with the ps2 emulater
  7. Deception

    PS5 Decryption keys

    The encryption "root keys" for the PlayStation 5 were acquired, according to an announcement made by the hacking group Fail0verflow on Sunday night. This is a crucial first step in any attempt to unlock the console and enable users to run homebrew software. An snapshot of what seems to be the...
  8. Deception

    Working Console ID #8639

  9. Deception

    Back again people but this time ill be back for a while :D

    Back again people but this time ill be back for a while :D
  10. Deception

    And i just checked super natural it's the same.

    And i just checked super natural it's the same.
  11. Deception

    I did not scam you my dude what lol? I checked the key and it's locked did you share it? Tbh ill...

    I did not scam you my dude what lol? I checked the key and it's locked did you share it? Tbh ill give you a cid in return but i don't scam :/
  12. Deception

    New psn is DoxingBro i will be using this as my main for just a couple weeks maybe a month or so.

    New psn is DoxingBro i will be using this as my main for just a couple weeks maybe a month or so.
  13. Deception

    Ended 1 Month Premium Giveaway

    I would like premium as i think it would look pretty dope with my username and i am always helping people on this forum some look up to me and it would help improve that <3
  14. Deception

    if you would like to add me on psn feel free to im always hosting modded lobby's and ill always...

    if you would like to add me on psn feel free to im always hosting modded lobby's and ill always keep my psn updated add Server_exe
  15. Deception

    N igga*

    N igga*
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